Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Can you feel your wings beating my heart?

how can I shape my lips my teeth my tongue
this mouth that cannot hold the roundness of vowels
or mimic the staccato of midnight crickets
which seems to embrace the dark
and fold hidden light into its unseen wings
spinning a song of familiar and foreign sounds 
that breath the ease of quiescence
that dance across this page
and resonate in your skull
and spark the fire of this magic of unknowing
this beautiful flame of love that burns itself

how can I sing of the softness of love
that flows through your very finger tips 
your skin
your eyes
your ears
this unformed sensorial display
this bounty of love
this feast of desire
this timpani of life
light and dark and wind and the longing the loving
the ache of unfathomable beauty
life flowing in you through you as you

it has no words yet is these very words
that punctuate that paint this edgeless stream 
into shape and color and sound and movement 
this shifting flowing web of words 
a sigh a whisper the caress of wind 
the scent of its softness

I want to distill a million suns into an elixir of light magic
that you can drink and find yourself intoxicated
with the day and night and the knowing 
that nothing can be known
that you are an imaginary point of light
in this star filled sea
a reflection of endless skies
soaring through endless skies
light and space and nothing at all
tumbling though light and space
and nothing at all

I want to fill every secret pore of your being with wonder
in love with the love of all and everything
knowing that there is no light or reflection
no love 
no beauty
without you 
a dream dancer of ephemeral beauty
without a center or edge
rushing tumbling waters pouring through deep dark canyons
sliding into unending seas
rainbows trembling between sea and sky and disappearing
into their own reflection
echos of moon slide through your eyes
and reveal love's heart magic
that has always pierced your beautiful heart
this love that was never yours
nor mine
as this love cannot be found
nor lost
nor held
nor given away

Words weave this web of mirrors
This enchantment that we are
Shifting transparencies
Slide through one another
Bloom and wilt
With no ground upon which to grow

Not even vast spaciousness
Or an expanse of one
Skin a word used to keep us from flying apart
Who resides in this head
This heart
These cells
These nouns and verbs
This pulsating light ballet

Fly away away away
Sighs the sun who whispers your name.
As she melts into her own light
This sensuous love display
Falls through your fingers
You disappear into words
Into letters
Into points of light
With no meaning or non meaning
Star reflections shimmering on a midnight sea
Up and down have lost their bearing
The compass has lost its magic
Home a word like love
That you cannot return to
As you never have left

Words are smoke signals across the canyon
Whispers in the dark
Messages in a bottle
You cannot read or understand
Trying to unfold their meaning
Pasting signs upon the sky
They do not lead or follow
Nothing signifies nothing
Love letters from the waves
Drown you
Submerge you in their emptiness

You emerge on the banks
Of a shoeless ocean
The faint cry of a seabird
Echoes fly through you
There is no vessel to hold the wind
Only words which seem to capture
And hold a center in the dream
Around which life flows
And beckons you to sing

Words paint color and flavor
Taste the thought dream in your head
Seem to take a snapshot
Of a mirror looking back...

These are not mine, nor are they your words
They etch sky with sky
Twirl us into this daydream
Of reflections on a river...

No one stands on the bank
We are this very flow of thought dreams
Of memories that echo on the sandy bottom
Afterimages swirling into whirlpools
Gathering in deep hollows
Hidden under the banks
Where shadows fall through their own darkness

the river weeps at her own beauty
slides back into herself
Love is a word painted on a mirror
falling through her reflection
Erasing all sides
Leaving not even a middle
Or a sandy shore
Where no one waits for her beauty
Walking along the shore
Sending smoke signals in the dark
They have always said, ‘I love you’
These messages that write themselves
With water on the waters
Within and without merely an illusion
This love dream that paints itself
And washes itself away....

it is the magic of life that has no edge nor form or space 
that has no center or sound or taste or name
that names itself as your lips begin to mimic the sound
of wind dancing through the deep dark forest
of tree tops flowing
leaves sparkling
morning birds singing
and bathing in the fresh air light

the sound of love's heart magic forms your belly
your heart
your lungs
your mouth
and sings your very breath into being

this breath that has no form
that no one breathes
until love sings your name
and beckons you
into this dream time dance
of one of two of many of none

love spinning the flowing web of words
that seem to separate sea from sky
and you from me
so that we may dance
in love as love through love
and gaze into each other's eyes
and see the echo of our reflection 
and say, 'I love you'

my story is everyone's stories
galaxies spinning radiating pulsing 
the heartbeat of this and that
light and dark
an embrace of nothing and everything
fullness and emptiness
fall through each other
not even nothing is left
we are love's memories
tattoos of wind
in wind

flowers slide off the tapestry 
woven with color and shape and sound
all words spin this echo land daydream 
tales of thunder
and deep deep kisses
and laughter rippling across the night time sea 

reflections slide into and through each other
expanding ever outward
and inward
weaving threads of light 
into this love ballet
a flowing fabric of time and shadows
dancing down the empty streets of time
echoing footless steps
the hush of wings
without feathers

carpet of moon flows through you
wind soars through a photograph of wind
resplendent light
above and below
earth and sky kiss in the middle
all and everything 
erased by this tsunami of love
reappearing as a love ballet
pirouetting into itself
can you feel your wings
feathers of light
beating my heart?

the sea of peace has no safe harbor
no one can sail there
as there is no distance to cross

this unfathomable mystery
the glorious un-nameable shore
that beckons you
does not exist

the sirens that pull your daydreams
and steer your dreams at night
will break your wildest dreams of love 
on the rocks of love

the mystery is that nothing can be known
as there are no things to know
nor anyone to know
that all the known world
of suns and moons and clouds
sliding across the vast expanse of sky
are simply ideas of separate things
painted by your brain

that there is a sailing vessel 
and wind
and a rudder
and a wheel
and someone to grasp it

that there is a direction
a goal to reach
and a someone to reach it
is simply a beautiful illusion
beyond which
nothing can be known
there is no beyond
nor before
nor anything to grasp
no ground of being
upon which to stand
nor anyone to stand there

yet here we are
sailing uncharted seas together 
doesn't the wind feel marvelous on your sun soaked skin?
how it plays with your hair just so...
how the sunset blooms so beautifully in your eyes
how I can see my reflection in your tears
and your reflection in mine...

watching the dolphins play in our wake
surfing the late afternoon glow...
we sail the ocean of love together
fire in our eyes
in love as love through love
we are this sea of dreams

seared by secret suns
drowned in unfathomable sorrow
love washed my shadow
in yesterday's winds

she wrung out every tear
until I thought I might die of lack of sorrow
and infused me with an endless supply is love herself that weeps

it was never my heart that ached for love
never my shadow dancing on the canyon walls
just light and shadow waltzing
love has no name
not even mine

when you say 'I love you'
there is simply nothing here
not even empty space
I am not an empty mirror
there is no reflection without you
no love without two

knowing there is not two
nor even one
explodes all ideas of love

as she sweeps every shred of light and shadow 
into her empty breast
you find it is your own love
that swallows you whole
or consumes you piece by piece

it hurts like hell 
but always feels 
just right

when her dinner is done
she starts with the night
and does not stop
until there is no one left to die

I arise in the loving
knowing there is no one to love
to give it
or receive it
or bask in her reflection

we are dancers 
bathed in love's light
her shimmering echo
reverberates across the canyon walls
love has no source
but does not exist
without us

a mirrored glance
swallowed a million suns
fell through itself

what swept me into my own reflection
to see that there was no one on either side?
faded photographs
peeling in the summer sun
ashes on the sidewalk
where I used to run bare-foot through the searing light
and cool cool shadows...
where I danced 
bathed in naked moon
second hand light

there is nothing left
after this grand conflagration
it may be fast
or slow
words erase themselves
over and over
until the page is gone

no one wins this shadow land ballet
I never bought a ticket to this symphony of love
that plays itself
without words
or letters
without movement
or stillness
without music
or silence
or love

I am a swirling magic carpet woven from all stories... light twisting and turning around itself....
A golden mirror of iridescent threads...
Spinning a light dream of love 
There is no center.., or edge 
Or beginning 
...or end 
Yet I dance in timeless verses....
The rhythm of love’s memories echoing through the mind stream sing the story of me... a fairy tale character dancing on the edge of a feather 
Between love and nothing at all 💞

when it is known and felt that there are no things to be changing or permanent... no reference points whatsoever ...there is a sublime emptiness.... 

but the first glimpse of this can be horrifying... most slip into the cover of darkness... of belief and philosophy of what this is... no one chooses to face the void... or run away... but for some the void swallows all and everything.... including them....

I am not here to comfort seekers or give any kind of relief from pain 
Enlightenment is not about feeling better!

Anything said that might wobble the ideas the concepts the beliefs and assumptions that you are will hurt! 
And that’s what awakening feels like! It feels like dying!

As you are these beliefs, if they are challenged or the tool of using ambiguous phrases that leave the mind hanging 
With no where to go... 
to skip the thought stream out of habitual grooves...
puts a chink in the wall of assumed knowing...
let a little bit of unknowing, 
Of light in.....

When basic assumptions of who you think you are 
And not 
Become uncertain....

What is identity?
What are the parameters that define you?
What are you
What are you not?
Let’s seeeeeeeee
I’m kind 
Except when I’m not 
I’m a calm person 
Except when I’m not....
I hate anger
Except when I like it....
I’m not like that 
Or her 
Or him 
Or them....
Or am I?

These thoughts define you 
Without thought you are not 
You ARE the thought stream... 

Inquiry does not cause the shift 
It is uncaused 
Yet if I can encourage the fire that’s already in your heart and block all the exits....
Well you’ll find it is your own flame that burns you 
And I had nothing to do with it.

you are a thin thread of certainty
tip toeing gingerly to the edge of the known world
what's over there?
what cannot be seen?
there has to be something better
something more
something other than this
someone who knows what the hell is going on!!!
some safe place to rest...
a harbor from doubt
a relief from the constant anxiety 
and fear 
of unknowing...
of death...

there has gotta be something to fill in the blanks
the unknowing 
that you fear
the big gaping maw of emptiness
of meaninglessness
that swirling feeling of being capsized 
of being adrift 
no steering 
no rudder
no sails
no wind
no boat
no sea to hold you up
no sky to embrace you
no familiar suns and moons
and stars to lead you to your home...

there is no one to return
to the home that no one left
you are a fairy tale princess
without a castle
clouds forming and dissolving
are more substantial than you
but you can see faces in the clouds
dissolving into sky
there is no sky
nor clouds 
without you

all hand holds are illusion
there is no one falling
all ideas are false
including truth
everything I say 
is a lie
painting the dream of separation
the only world we can know

we emerge in this dance of words
ideas playing in the thought stream
that has no beginning nor end
nor inside nor outside
no prior nor after...
but ends when the body and brain die
as you are this thought dream
you disappear as well
but then you never existed
neither did I 

we are imaginary lovers
dancers in this wind ballet
of wind pirouetting with wind...
sweeping across the wide open deserts
and up into the high mountains
carrying water and rainbows 
to weep among the clouds
surging into streams and rivers pouring into deep dark canyons
longing to merge with the ocean vast
and dive into the fathomless depths of love
where we disappear into each other
laughing and crying
wet in wet in wet in wet
sky in sky
light in light
space in space
everything into everything 
nothing into nothing

 I am not here to make you feel better
This is not about feeling better! This is about having all the beliefs about what you are and what you are not 
What the world is and what it is not 
All ideas of truth meaning and enlightenment being ripped apart 
And as you are those ideas, those beliefs, you are fighting mad,
As your very existence is being challenged.
And if those beliefs 
That wall of assumed knowing begins to fall it can be scary as hell and can feel like you are dying 
But as the light begins to shine through the cracks it also may feel good.... 
most however rush to the darkness of habitual belief 
Or find new philosophies to fill in the big maw of the void of not even nothing... that you fear 
And long for 

Love can look like a butterfly kiss or a lion’s roar 

If you are looking for optimum physical health you may just read a headline that gives you good news about your bad habits that says something like, ‘butter is back’, and go with that.  Or you may delve further and recognize that that study was done by the dairy industry you might discover that many studies are done by the meat and dairy and nut industry and find other scientific research that shows a low-fat plant-based whole food diet is best for optimum health, and for preventing treating and curing many diseases, and you might go with that.

If you are looking for psychological well-being something which is more subjective based on what people say how they feel before and after various things you may look around and find something that feels right and try that. 

If you are looking for something called enlightenment, you will find a teacher or method or practice that confirms the beliefs you already have about enlightenment. 

The most common ones would be that enlightenment happens to the person, that it is something that is achieved by a path or a method, that it is a belief or understanding, or that it is something you can get, or that it is something that can be taught or learned or given away.  

You might want to consider what is enlightenment? where did you get all those ideas about it? why do you want it?
do you imagine that is it escape from your thoughts feelings and actions or beliefs... and escape from your troubles and woes and escape from your beautiful human-ness?
Do you think that it is finding that you are not this little self but in fact you are something far grand.... a big self or pure consciousness or awareness or even... God?
Do you think it is about becoming a perfect person... selfless? 

If so, you will find teachers that confirm this.  there you will be on a path ...forever trying to improve yourself ....forever trying to fix that what you feel is broken ....all of these methods will confirm that you are broken, that there is something wrong with you, and that you must do something or cease from doing other things in order to get this elusive goal of imaginary perfection. 

I know without a doubt that you are beautiful beyond belief just as you think you are.  I know that you are not broken or flawed in any way.  I know you can never see that...
No one can see their own beauty...
And I weep 
I weep when I see you scratching at the walls that define you 
Trying to escape the most beautiful gift in the universe... yourself 💞

I am not enlightened.
No one is enlightened....
No one in the history of mankind has ever become enlightened.
If part of enlightenment is the realization that the self is imaginary, how could an illusion recognize that it is illusion?

Enlightenment is a profound shift in perspective that occurs in the brain, when it is realized that the world of this and that and things, and selves, and time, is its own mental fabrication, that ALL separation is imaginary.
this is not the end of the dream of objectified separation, in fact enlightenment is the dream as well, as it requires imaginary separation to recognize unicity.  It requires imaginary separation for the awareness of of aliveness... the awareness of awareness...

When imaginary separation is no longer believed, there is no longer the FEELING of there being separate things... or events... it is a life free from hope and fear and need of an imaginary next.  It is a life of the awe and joy of simply being... 

When the self is recognized to be illusion, the dream does not end... self does not disappear... It is known that this mentally fabricated worded world is the only world we exist in, that we are the dream, that there is no outside to the dream, as inside and outside, like all this and that is made up.  This is it, Coyote. This is it, what ever it looks and feels like.  

It never feels like life is happening to a someone or that a someone is doing life. It is known that no one including yourself is the instigator of their belief or feeling or thought or action... that we are all a swirling thought collage of belief and preference and memory.... 
I cannot find anything or anyone here... or there
We exist only as reflections in each other's beautiful eyes... 
We are the portals through which love and beauty enter the universe... 

It feels like a constant falling in love
like a continuous union of what was never apart
returning over and over to a home you never left
a recognition that the walls you were trying to escape, the self, is the greatest gift of all. 

That all separation is illusion doesn't mean the physical world does not exist. Some imaginary things refer to the physical world, like bodies and rocks and mountains.  Some imaginary things are purely imaginary like selves and tomorrow. Knowing that you and I and love are made up is not the end of love.... 
it is the beginning... 

it is colors and shapes... flowing... never caught, but seemingly held in the imaginary net of words, like color and shape... and movement...  

It is a wind ballet of wind in wind
sky in sky
light in light
space in space
everything in everything
nothing in nothing....

It is far more wondrous than I could have ever wished for or believed or imagined... yet it has always been on, simply never noticed.... and as this unicity is always the case, it cannot and need not be brought about anew.

No one knows how this profound shift occurs, but it seems to happen despite all the things people try to do to get it... as it cannot be got.  It is an empty prize for no one.
It is not a goal or achievement. All trying to do something or not do anything perpetuates the illusion of a doer, and a goal to reach, like trying to capture the ripples in a pond, all that happens is your hand makes more ripples...    

Yet it may happen that the path collapses, the ground collapses and every idea of a goal to reach and someone to reach it collapse. It is a ripping and shredding of all you have assumed to be true about yourself and the world including all ideas about enlightenment and truth and meaning and non meaning... and It hurts like hell because these are the imaginary lines that define you.

It is the end of belief in belief. It is like dancing on the edge of a feather between love and nothing at all.

In love as love through love
neither full nor empty
life doing itself
utterly spontaneously 
just like this

vast limitless edgeless.... when one tries to imagine this... like infinity.... the mind spins into a beautiful unknowing.... I would do this as a kid... I loved the emptiness....

Words weave this web of mirrors 
This enchantment that we are 
Shifting transparencies
Slide through one another
Bloom and wilt
With no ground upon which to grow

Not even vast spaciousness
Or an expanse of one
Skin a word used to keep us from flying apart
Who resides in this head
This heart
These cells
These nouns and verbs 
This pulsating light ballet

Fly away away away
Sighs the sun who whispers your name.
As she melts into her own light
This sensuous love display
Falls through your fingers
You disappear into words 
Into letters 
Into points of light 
With no meaning or non meaning
Star reflections shimmering on a midnight sea
Up and down have lost their bearing
The compass has lost its magic 
Home a word like love 
That you cannot return to
As you never have left

Words are smoke signals across the canyon
Whispers in the dark
Messages in a bottle
You cannot read or understand
Trying to unfold their meaning 
Pasting signs upon the sky 
They do not lead or follow
Nothing signifies nothing 
Love letters from the waves 
Drown you 
Submerge you in their emptiness

You emerge on the banks 
Of a shoeless ocean
The faint cry of a seabird 
Echoes fly through you 
There is no vessel to hold the wind
Only words which seem to capture 
And hold a center in the dream
Around which life flows
And beckons you to sing

Words paint color and flavor
Taste the thought dream in your head
Seem to take a snapshot
Of a mirror looking back...

These are not mine, nor are they your words
They etch sky with sky
Twirl us into this daydream
Of reflections on a river...

No one stands on the bank
We are this very flow of thought dreams
Of memories that echo on the sandy bottom
Afterimages swirling into whirlpools
Gathering in deep hollows
Hidden under the banks
Where shadows fall through their own darkness

the river weeps at her own beauty
slides back into herself
Love is a word painted on a mirror
falling through her reflection
Erasing all sides
Leaving not even a middle
Or a sandy shore
Where no one waits for her beauty
Walking along the shore
Sending smoke signals in the dark
They have always said, ‘I love you’
These messages that write themselves
With water on the waters
Within and without merely an illusion 
This love dream that paints itself
And washes itself away....

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