Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Singing singing singing

.....and his words flowed like liquid sunshine pouring through an empty prism and melting the coldest of hearts...........
..,,,. and when the sigh of unkowing untrampled the grasses where love lay bleeding......
the sun rose on her nakedness and a wind of perfection kissed her cheek where tears would never dry

The beautiful myth of separation burns you on its pyre of love
Its naked flame reflects the sublime iridescence of your wings
Unfurling moonlight into the dark
Lit from within and without
This brilliance was never lost...
Or found
It simply seemed to be buried under the illusion of what this should look and feel like...

Life always looks and feels
as it looks and feels...
and ice
Deep deep sadness
Nothing is hidden
There is no secret to reveal

Knowing deeply beyond thought and feeling
There is no beyond
Nothing more than this magical illusion
All is imagined
There is no sublime or mundane
All wondrous beyond measure
This illusion of one of two
Of many
Of none
Sings these notes that require imaginary separation in order that there be music
And songs
Love and lovers

You know this seamless beauty and sublime emptiness of which I sing
But you cannot grasp that which is all encompassing
Your hands are unfathomably beautiful as you try to capture the rainbow’s reflection in water
Tears reflect your swirling colors....

there are no things nor anyone to see outside of mind
There is no outside
As inside and outside
Like all this and that
And you
Are products of the mind stream
There is no ‘beyond mind’
The feeling that there is a beyond mind is the suspicion that all thingness is made up...

There are no things to know or understand nor anyone to know or not know them
This realization of no thing ness does not occur to the person but is a profound shift in perspective in the brain
Anything done or not done by the imaginary persona perpetuates the painful illusion of separation

Light pours from its own reflection
Through me as me
A thousand secret suns

Love flows from its own flame
Through me as me
Countless fires burnt me to ash
And as I blew across empty beaches
I pooled in ancient footsteps
That led to the shoreless ocean
Where I drowned
Not just one slaying
It was unending
The crashing of belief
Of illusion
Of edges between the sea and me
Lost in sky reflection
I dance

Love tore the rosary from my hands
The beads unfolded into their original petals
Softly softly
Winged transparent brilliance
Seared this heart
Fell through these hands
That no one owned
Under these tears
Behind these eyes
There is no one

I looked for myself
Deep within the root of love
I was burnt on love’s pyre
Watched my blood of molten gold
Spill into this enchanted garden
Where I no longer wandered
Searching for the kiss of midnight
And the end of tomorrow

I am a center less jewel spinning
Infinite facets of love radiate
Singing my nameless name
Emptiness flows through emptiness
Space spirals into space
Light and shadow
And colors
Reflecting sky magnificence
My eyes
Your eyes
Fall into and through each other’s wetness
We are this river of song

wind song streams through wind
erases its own words
as this very breath
sweeps away the memory of breathing
as this love
drowns all ideas of love
as fire
burns the air
consumes itself
and you
a blackened shadow
longing for endless sky
and this brilliant transparency
you cannot see
when you look in the mirror
there is no thing looking
no one wears these empty eyes

left on the doorstep of time
my dancing shoes
still waltzing
with the wind
still singing of beauty
always missing
by a thousand petals
this blossoming in my heart

footsteps washed away by wind and surf
the pull and suck of tides
heartbeat of primordial songs
of falling flowers
on the waters
this naked moonlit dance
of reflected light
shimmering between sea and sky

Searching for yourself in the mirror
Trying to capture the face of love
Perpetuated the belief in other...
In a someone to kiss
In a tomorrow when you would be whole
In a wind to blow you away
To sweep through your innermost desires
And erase you
In an other who would save you
In a love that would slay you
Complete you
Burn you deeper than time
Send starlight through you
And dance you into a whirlwind of lostness
You imagined lay somewhere over the rainbow....

But the eyes were empty
You only imagined someone stood behind the mirror
Looking out
Looking in
No mirror could be found
No end to the rainbow
No separate colors
No light and shadow dancing
No sides
No end to this love
No beginning...

Cloud of unknowing revealed edgeless brilliance
The sun and moon switched places
All is reflected light
We are echoes dancing in the surround sound of love’s deep abyss
Reverberations of multifaceted softness

Wind blows through you as you are the wind
Life flows through you as you are life dancing
Drowned in your own embrace
The battlefield was love... and you were it

As beliefs about what you and the world is like
...what you are
What you are not...
You may begin to feel dizzy
You may try to grasp things but your hand and heart will fall through....
Not even nothing
All reference points will be lost...
The compass spins...
And lands

There is no hand to grasp
No one to land
No shore to the sea of dreams

All the tension of the imaginary lines between an inside and an outside is breaking...
Some snap and the shards pierce you deeply...
As if the sky were shattering.... every piece was a reflection of you...
And there is a discovery that it is all smoke and mirrors...
It feels like dying
It feels like time dies
There can be a mourning of your own death...
Then it’s realized that you never existed
There was never anyone to be free
Or bound
It was just a net of words that could never catch the amazing fluidity of this symphony of perception
This edgeless sensorial display...
And its inseparable recognition....
I called it ‘falling through the cage of words’, but then I realized I was the cage of words, it simply became transparent.

The feeling that we are walking a tightrope between birth and death can disappear into a most marvelous sense of placeless ness...
An edgeless sensuous lostness with no one to be lost or found

Chandeliers of starlight fall
Into and through light
and dark
Burn deep holes in all the secret pockets
Where you tried to hide
All that fear
All that hope
All those doubts and questions
All that love...

all light is extinguished
love bleeds into itself
breathing tears into endless seas

You had been waiting for this sword of wisdom to fall
You had no idea how much it would hurt to have all the
Shards of dreams and empty promises
Brake open your skin your smile your tears your bones your blood your heart your hands your eyes
The ultimate truth an idea without substance
Meaning an empty concept
Like you
Like me
Like love

Moonlight is empty of moon 
Shadows fall through reflected light 
There are no clothes that will hide 
The brilliance that you long for 
That you seek 
That you are

language seemed to shatter the world into an inside and an outside
infinite shards of sky pierced my heart
a lifetime of looking for a solid shore
to view the sunset I feared
to feel my footsteps were a dance
with meaning
and direction
and I cast my dreams into endless seas
and waited for my return

what breaks the enchantment
who crashes through the looking glass
to find there are no sides
nor middle
no ground on which to stand
no one to lead 
or follow
the dance floor fell away...
all ideas of meaning 
and purpose
and any ground of being
anything permanent
or things to change
even love

the worded world is no longer believed in
yet it is my world
welcome home to a voyager who never left
or returned

mountains sank into sky
sky spilled into sea
rivers of moon soared into my heart
clouds boiled
blood ran through the streets
sunset broke the horizon
colors poured into a china cup
I drank deeply
and shadow
fell into the abyss
what devoured time?
what sank the ship of dreams? 
without number
bathed in evening glow
without fear
I sing

The feeling that there is something missing
The feeling of incompleteness 
Of there being something more 
Or other 
Or better to grasp
The knowing feeling that the word yellow falls a million miles short of Infinite shades of yellow...
Is based on the knowing feeling that the net of words does not capture the slippery flow of life... 

The belief in solidity is never quite believed, and is accompanied, like all belief in imaginary things, with hope and fear
Sometimes terror! 
For if there are no things no reference points whatsoever what does that say about the imaginary holder of things?

Words seem to capture a bite of the streaming sensorial symphony of perception and its inseparable recognition, don’t they?
Yet every shared learned word that appears to create a thing, like “tree” also seems to create a barrier between a you and it.
An imaginary line between inside and outside 
All that is you 
And all that is not you...

And this thing 
That you long for is just another idea that is not you 
Like happiness 

Intuited unicity is always on 
Merely not recognized when the brain believes its own fleeting description 
It is not a belief or understanding or philosophy 
It cannot and need not be made anew 
And you 
Simply another part of the dream of objectified separation 
Cannot do or not do anything or nothing to make the brain see through its own charade.

my heart was a broken stone
shattered by moonlight
shattered by love
shattered by a million years of loneliness
washed with sunlight 
and clouds
and vast unending seas
tumbled by earthquakes
torn by desire
pierced with shards of itself
reflections scattered my world
lost was nothing
and everything

reckless sea of unknowing
ripped every sail
blew apart the wind itself
sank every ship
of dreams
all harbors vanished
no one was sailing
the rudder an empty dream
leaving no wake or footprint
orbs soar across the vault of sky
kiss their reflection in the fiery sea
blood of stillness
ache of silence
singing singing singing

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Your unfathomable splendor

you may find you no longer know where you wanted to go
or where you came from
or where you are...
no longer spinning with ideas
you skip out of the grooves of assumed knowing 
a delicious unknowing may embrace you
and you may forget why you wanted to count the stars
as the light flows through you
as you
you will forget why you wanted to hold the wind
as the wind flows through you
as you
you will not remember why you wanted to hold love
as love flows though you
as you

seared by sorrow
and joy
tears fell into their shadows
the river swallowed my footprints
wind erased my breath

there was nothing hiding
no secret to unravel
no mystery to unlock
it was all written with disappearing ink
this flowing manuscript of love
this music that sings me

pouring roaring rushing soaring
this magnificent undeniable aliveness
I find myself adrift on unseen currents
through the arteries and veins of love
the heartbeat of existence

jewels spin
without a center
radiance has no source
infinite facets mirror shards of light
reflections of reflections waltz 
endless sky echoes the song of vast uncharted seas
sliding into seas

I am the songster and the song
stunned with this unfathomable beauty

silence falls through silence
the hush swallows the hush
songs spill through me
cascading over me
like ever falling petals 
of midnight moon
anointing me with words
of wonder
I am nameless
and every name

lace of sky
woven with stars
and long waving trees
where is the footprint of infinity
who can hold this love
who would want to

seared by infinite suns
naked even of light
bathed in utter beauty
where no words can punctuate the dark
I sing

the journey ends when all paths collide
time dies when never and forever crash through each other
not even a mystery is left to unfold
no present to open
no secret to uncover
your face blossoms
with a wondrous unknowing
of no goal to reach
no place to rest
no one to land

the petals of your reflection
peel off as the walls dissolve
all is joy is love is awe
seamless brilliant liquidity
silent stillness sings
reverberates through all and everything
you can feel this, it seems just beyond your grasp...
and it is... you can never touch it or hold it
the reaching for it is it
the longing for it is it
you cannot leave or return to place-less-ness
it is hope of gaining this
and fear of not
that define you
I can hear you scratching at imaginary walls
I hear your weeping
and all I can see is unimaginable beauty

there are no prescriptions for awakening
or for life
life does itself
there is no right or wrong way to think
or feel or act or believe 
or live or love or die chooser of these things
and no separate things from which to choose
life is all of a piece and has no edges
can you find an outside to what is going on?
is there really more...

what would you be if the path fell away?
where would you be if your feet dissolved?
what would happen if all that love you fear to feel truly deeply
eviscerated all ideas of permanency
...all feeling of solidity?
and your heart broke so deeply
that it was no longer yours?
who could claim love
who could hold the day
who could chain the seas

mountains slide into valleys
seas fall into skies
when the horizon unties itself
and you fall through the mirror
shards slice the sunset
reflecting your infinite beauty
as you discover there are no sides
nor middle
just a day dream flowing
a love song unfolding
singing your name
just like this

Seekers love teachers who prescribe methods and practices... that they should be a certain way or do certain things... it confirms their belief that they are flawed... and perpetuates the illusion of a individual separate from what’s going on... 

if that were challenged, that they are not broken and that there is no right or wrong way to think feel act believe, live or love or die....
That there is no one separate who can do or not do anything or nothing to get this... it might begin to rip the belief in the illusion that they are.... and what would they be without it?

I crashed through the mirror trying to kiss my reflection 
Every shard reflected the universe as it pierced my heart 
All sides collapsed into themselves 
Not even the middle was left 
Love untied and united what was never apart 
And I was just an imaginary dancer of wind and song 
My breath a foggy footprint in a sea of mists

I found there were no empty mirrors 
Just empty reflections 
Dancing in each other’s love light

Light reflecting light
Tears and tears and tears 
Echoes singing 
bathing in deep deep pools of wonder 
All and everything dissolved into seamless infinite beauty
Liquid love shimmers in its own reflection 

clouds swallow the moon
wind sweeps across the sands
twisted pines reaching 

your heart 
a vacant beach
longing for the marrow of love
you tossed all your dreams aside
but this
one quest
and you have found yourself 
following your own footsteps
hearing your own voice in the wilderness
calling your name

there are no signs up ahead
or behind...
betrayed by even the moon...
the stars have lost their familiar faces
strewn across the vastness
countless suns...

no one warned you
that there would be no prize at the end of the rainbow
that slid through you
erasing all color and light

and love
another shadow
lost in mirrored seas

you were burned in love's fire
drowned by sky
and spit out by the sea
you lie among seaweed and faded marigolds
sand heavy
twisted with ancient driftwood
gazing up
as the clouds slowly reveal
the moon 
once again
tossing endless seas
with vast clear light
you are simply reflections of wind's forgotten face
falling through itself

I am this river of desire 
Drowning in myself 
Currents whirl-pooling dancing 
Sunset’s reflection
Echoes in these songs 
This longing to share 
to sing
This music that cannot be heard 
Yet is always on...
Shimmering waves of wonder
in and through love’s inner kiss
No secret to reveal 
Nothing can be said 
Or shared

All we are is the assumed knowing of what is going on 
When that is no longer believed
Something indescribably delicious 
A wondrous unknowing 
Subsumes the dream

She listened for her name when the wind blew through the garden 
Looked for signs in the dark under piles of autumn leaves
Buried stones revealed in starlight
Bones of earth and sky 
Lush and rich Beyond measure
Words and symbols lost their meaning
As she watched her hands try to filter gold from the sunset
streaming through the leaves and their song 
She could find no distance between the magic she sought and that which was all around her and through her...
Her name was everywhere and nowhere
It was the sound of seeds sprouting in the dark
The sound of rain on the window
The song of wind
...the evening crow 
All words and no words sing this song of beauty 

No longer driven by the need to know, to capture the magic, the fluidity of life... Suspended as vast non spatial edgelessness and simultaneously living and loving as this magnificent passion play... a water color love song singing itself
Singing my name 
singing your name 
Painting all things 

You thought you could hide 
In love’s shadow 
Deep in the dark 
Where shadows weave shadows 
Where light is a lover’s dream 
searching for your footsteps
You spiral slowly towards your reflection 
Longing to taste the sweetness of light 
Longing for that lovers kiss 
To penetrate the deepest untouched places 
Under your breast cannot hide from your own heartbeat 
This taste of earth 
This unending sky...
Swoops down and swallows you 
It is your own love 
That sings these words 
That pierces all that you considered holy 
That rips apart the rosary of time 
Such beauty in the falling petals
Gracefully kissing their reflection in the waters
Revealing your unfathomable splendor 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Love weeps at its own beauty

and all that I had considered good and beautiful exploded into infinite tears and poured through all that I had believed to be repugnant and vile...
never and forever collided as time lost its fingerprints...
all that I had loved and hated about myself and others and the world was subsumed in endless reflections of awe
as I peered into the mirror it crashed through itself
sky fell through sky and there was no one watching

surround sound
heartbeat of existence
reverberates from the inside and out
dissolves all edges
this love symphony sings
I can no longer find my voice
of water flowing in water
wind soaring through wind
neither pushed nor pulled
light illuminates itself
through our liquid eyes

under these swirling mirrored skirts
there is no one dancing
there are no threads to unravel
beneath the warp and woof of time
tapestry unwinds to reveal tattered remnants
wisps of thought
of love's reflection

echo'd glances weave the curtain
that cannot part
but becomes transparent
there is no outside to this passion play
this watercolor dream scape
this exquisite shimmering
that has no source
no things are real
there are no things
no things are false
catch the breeze in your empty hand
hold on tight
you know this fluid love song
that has no words
yet includes all words
feeling deeply this wind ballet
of one of two of many of none
there are no sides to the mirror
or middle
that you crashed through
when time dissolved into infinite beauty
you are this love song
it sings itself
like this

Joy and sorrow merge and love weeps at its own beauty

You may find yourself slipping
Losing your grip
All handholds lost
The very ground of being collapsing
Sliding down the arc of a rainbow
And up the other side
Catapulted into the vast unknown
Crashing through infinite shards of starlight
Shredding every tattered remnant of what you believed you were
And were not...

You find yourself suspended as nothingness
Soaring naked winged iridescence
Transparent brilliance all
And everywhere
A beautiful unknowing has swallowed the universe of things
All solidity vanished
There is no one who reached the end of the rainbow
All is treasure
Beyond belief or understanding
Or imagination

Yet you find yourself
Dancing in the world of things
The passion play continues
With no acting your part
Stripped of even a nakedness
That no one wears
Watercolor dream scape slides down the river
With no next
There is all subsuming ease
Ever new
Wonder abounds

I am this song
that sings me
there is no one wearing these words
or listening to this music
no one falling through the rhythms
and following the punctuation
consonants are my teeth and bones
vowels are my blood
beating my heart
breathing me
I do not hold them in my mouth
they flow through me
as me
fills me
empties me
as I am the wind
I am love, the lover and the beloved

this kiss of life singing itself is all encompassing
it has no movement
no direction or place
nor beginning
nor end
yet exists only as the movement
and the imaginary intervals that create the melody
these imaginary spaces
between kisses
is where we live

how many words
how many worlds
infinite boundless emptiness
blooms and wilts
he kissed his reflection in the mirror
cold glass

Many teachers and speakers of enlightenment say that this is about accepting what’s going on or letting thought and emotion flow.
It’s quite obvious that this would empower the belief and feeling that there is a someone or thing that is separate from what’s going on and a someone or thing that is NOT thought and feeling.
That is exactly what most seekers want!
As they are looking for what they are and imagine and long to discover that they are a permanent unchanging thing 
(Awareness, consciousness, source, true or big self) 
That is not thought and feeling 
That has nothing to do with these unwanted thoughts and feelings 
That will never die...

Seekers throng to these teachers as these teachers never threaten who they are, which is the belief in separation.  They are the assumption of knowing...  of certitude.... of solidity....
If any belief begins to crumble the entire house of cards may fall, but it is not a sliding into an ease of non belief 
It is a ripping and shredding of all that you believe you are and are not, a toppling of all ideas of solidity, and it is not pleasant! It feels like dying... until it’s realized you never existed, that there is nothing under or wearing the persona, that there are no things to put together into some kind of place of rest or understanding... and no one to do so.  That there is no one having belief.  No reference points whatsoever.  

Enlightenment is an empty prize for no one.  

where is the marrow of love?
what is the song love sings?
stripped of flesh and blood and bones
simply empty reflections 
there is no one painting the colors in the stream
no one pointing at the moon
nor moon to point to
you are the light
and the reflection
colors bloom through your eyes

water streams through its own wetness
outside and inside are lost in love's caress
they never were 
iridescence remains
when the bubble pops
love has no center
you will not find it
on the garden path
it is the garden and the path and the looking for it
it is the wind and your heartbeat
and these very words that create the spell
the enchantment
that you are

etched with sky in sky
echos sing your name
plum blossoms falling
petals on the river

deep in the garden
that no one plants
or waters
no one wanders
or rests
or lays neath the swaying blossoms
dusted with moonlight

I was hiding under piles of autumn leaves
digging for sunlight
longing for a picture of wind
to blow me away
to breathe love into my heart
and songs in my lungs

I awoke one morning
pierced with super saturated brilliance
coming from everywhere
and no where
erasing all shadows
and imaginary lines between 
and me
and love

love kissed me back into the garden
she was beating my heart
and breathing my lungs
and singing her song
through these lips
and this kiss
of midnight
and sun

there is no space between the lips and the kiss
the breath and the song
yet this is where I live

Friday, February 1, 2019

Swallowing the Moon

trying to kiss my reflection in the stream
longing for some solidity
all was lost in the shimmering
the mountains behind me
could not be climbed
nor could I dance in the clouds
the lostness consumed me
kissed me from the inside and out
like I had never been kissed before
subsumed all confusion
and non confusion
all knowing
and not knowing
all meaning
and non meaning
all this
all that
even love
and its kiss

a deathless song of reflections
echoes shimmer
lighting a ghostly path to nowhere
illuminating your feet
love reveals your naked longing
and fear
of the end of tomorrow
and the end of hope

the water of life
love drowns in its own beauty
words upon words upon words upon words
wet in wet in wet in wet
skimming the surface of names
rippling shine and shadow
life dances
like this
between life and death
love answers its own echo
and you hear your own voice
singing your name

bonfire of solitude
rips off the tattered remnants of hope and fear
love simply a name for what has no name
or number
under the waterfall of tears
there is no one wearing this naked wonder
these splendiforus clothes
of light and shadow
and colors

there is no heart to be bound or free
cannot you see the sparrow
and feel this tender beauty?
cannot you see the sky
and feel this endless vastness?
are you not these feelings?
that truly cannot be held
like a wild mist dancing
and fading
in the early morning light
love has kissed you deeply
and you are her morning song

She was the longing to not feel separate from the wind dancing in the tree tops
And found she was not separate from them
Yet required imaginary lines to sing of them

Wind has no hands
No strings
No words to capture itself
Only in its flowing
Does it exist

Thought stream has no hands
No outside
Or inside
No distance
To erase
It creates all things
And their absence
Wind folds into itself

Singing of wind
We are it’s story
Singing of love
We are love’s story
Tears and your heart
Are handholds in the wind
That has no place
Or emptiness

Simply this breath
These words
That name themselves
This love
That finds itself
Through your eyes
A story book character
Dances in the wind
And is the wind

Under closed shutters
Thin thread of morning
Circles the cricket song
The heart holds no secrets
It’s only words that fail
Chambered nautilus unravels
It’s iridescence
Reflecting your beauty
Your heart has always been broken
No strings can play your heart-song
Overtones reverberate
Deeply deeply
You can hear your own voice
You are it’s echo
Swallowing the moon

Images fall through images fall through images fall through images
traceries in the dream seem to coalesce and then dissipate
infinite particles create waves
words are lightening
severing the world into things
Into the hand of god painting you
Painting him

shadows slide through shadows
light flows through light
cast away words hover on the brink of loneliness
where ropes are frayed
and clouds are tattered
and ocean spray saturates your sunset
with rainbows and forgotten dreams

I am memories
I hear my sonorous voice
sing of endless seas...
and the end of time
footless I wander on the beaches of this shore-less ocean
this home I never left
where no one returned

seaweed tangled in my hair
nakedly loving this dance
this ballet of light and shadow
breathless I waltz
like these windy seas
tossed into moonbeams
folded into sensuous lost-ness
never a light to find
never any darkness to lose
super saturated with brilliance
wind dances with wind
sweeps my heart across the dance floor
like this
my fingers slide across the keyboard
singing my morning song
as it sings me into the morning

Cast adrift as starlight’s song
Words are fire
Ancient and new
Creating you 
Erasing you 
This puzzle box has no key 
No entrance 
No exit
It unravels as it does 
When it’s realized there are no things to untangle 
No goal to reach
No one striving to capture this magic 
This wondrous unknowable life 
Dances itself 
Tree tops in the wind 
One leaf falls 
Golden evening sun
The river flows