Saturday, March 30, 2019

Love has no home... you cannot enter

Life simply does it self
looking and feeling like anything at all
there’s no source or wholeness or emptiness appearing as this
there’s just this
There is no that

twisted branches lace the sky
it is not broken
joy in sorrow
sorrow in joy

love extends infinitely
it cannot be broken

how beautiful these tears
how wondrous this love
this broken heart was never mine
I am it

I wanted to spiral into myself
and out of myself...
Unwind the back beat of time
Suspecting that this was nowhere
I was crushed under the weight
Of my own aloneness
And found it was everyone’s

There was no god or oneness or love
Or anyone to merge with it
No one sitting on the edge of a rainbow

The heart strings of the universe play our love songs
We feel this music deeply
It is us

Peering into the physical world and finding nothing substantial will not necessarily translate into the knowing feeling that there are no things or non things and no one to know that

No one would want this... and I would not ask anyone I know to go through this agony, yet the sublime sheer wonder that is always on was worth every tear...

I live in love as love through love knowing that there is no me nor you nor love

sun sweeps across the cloudy canyon
finches bathe in the last puddle
sailing through reflections of plum blossoms

under the words
there is not even nothing
nothing is a word
like you

autumn wind swept down the canyon
words pierced my heart
heart, a word
like love

longing to find solace
hoping to hold the vowels in my mouth,
to savor the flavor of taste itself...

sparkling canyon stream
a running line of letters
written to no one
pleading for my own return
knowing no one had left
not even a shadow of wind
could toss its head and roar
not one footstep
echoing in the canyon
will lead to tomorrow

the song of the canyon
this imaginary space between echoes
hello I love you

this awake-ness
this aliveness
this awareness of being aware
this obvious wondrousness
that you are
without name or number
lives only in the canyon of love

thought unravels the preceding thought
before is thought
thought is thought
spinning yarns that cannot be found
etch a sketch of sky
in sky

searching the sky for a familiar face
reflections of yesteryear faded into her shadow
vast tides could not contain the sea
nor tall mountains hold the sky....
yet, in the palm of her hand she watched her tears gather
she was simply empty echoes of a song rippling across the vastness

undertow of time sucked out the fear of myself
spinning words across the daydream
my mouth could not hold
we were simply pinpoints in a theatre of dreams
stars exploding and fading in each others light
the black backdrop seemed to hide the light
but nothing was left to erase

no one's hand holds the magic wand
it either taps you on the crown or not
I wept as all the jewels fell into the river
and scrambled down the banks
my heart ripped to shreds
as hope took its last breath
I drowned
and the slits in my heart became gills

Sorrow and joy rushed through me
Pouring me out
Ripping my heart in half
I saw my reflection on the other side of love
And sailed right through it
There were no sides to merge or split apart
No middle ground to hide my face
Life is a constant kiss of sighs
Falling through a song of wind
Hello goodbye hello

infinite wishes
tossed into the fountain
autumn bulbs
breathe the heart of spring
sunset casts its shadow in the heart of the living
bursts into an unquenchable flavor of aliveness
in our mouths
these words
not mine
not yours
can I light your body on fire
to know this preciousness
so you will stop curling up in a ball
fearful of this tsunami of love
waiting for the end
that is always here?

Ocean crashes into itself 
Over and over and over 
Until the very atoms and particles of water dissolve 
Love falls through itself 
Until there is nothing left to grasp 
And no hand or heart to hold it 

blood roars 
distant sound of ocean
child cries 
mother calls
across the sparkling sea
pours the sound of home into your bones

was it a horse I heard 
nuzzling your heart?
longing for more time
trying to pour the day into a glass
watch it sparkle
and drink you

what are you but this longing for life
that lives you
breathes you
pours you into its cup
and watches you sparkle
through your eyes?

What words bring out your nakedness
That you thought you had hidden
In the pocket of that old winter coat
Eaten by mice
Stuffed into the back of a closet
With those old shoes
They have holes in the soles but 
You walked many miles
Danced a thousand suns in them
Kissed the hero
And lost him at dawn
When he cut off his legs and went begging for love
You could not save him
You cannot save yourself 
From love

no one can speak this language
it slides into the cracks of the earth
parches your mouth

dust devils in the desert
waiting for the rain
saturated with a longing 
to weep

I love you sings silently
loud and clear
I hear your heart
all hearts
beautifully broken on the hem of desire
every moment a pin prick
the needle of time cannot mend
and who would want to become a stone
a brick wall
blocking out the sky?

tears dissolve the mortar
and light and love flood you
and wash you away

no one goes anywhere
or no where
its just reflections shimmering
on this lake of flight
memory kisses itself
creating an imaginary island of solidity
but there is no one sailing this boat
no wings or sails to unfurl
and catch the sunset
no wheel spins...
no anchor to fall into the fathomless depths
and find no ground to land on

and you are death clutching your purse
pacing the hallway
glancing in all the doors
everyone looks like you
backlit by the curtained window

"no one dies" they kept telling her
and she wanted to believe them
but she was scared
they were young
and had never loved
and lost love

we spoke often those last two years
we laughed
and wept and wept and wept
I miss her

I am this story of a ballerina walking a tight rope
between birth and death
twirling a beautiful umbrella 
who fell off 
floating on my own breath...
my songs sing me to sleep at night
and kiss me awake in the morning
outside of this story 
of you 
of me
of we
I do not exist
the song extends indefinitely 
it has no end nor beginning
it has no movement
it is not still
yet the dancer will reach the end one day
I am ripples of memory

I looked at my slim shoulders
and the unwound gear of spine
protruding from my back
covered with a thin layer of flesh
and wondered how I would ever fly
without wings
without feathers...

but it is the very inability to fly 
this beautiful broken heart
that creates the soaring
this softness
the wetness of these eyes
can erase the imaginary lines
between me and you
and we soar into each others hearts and see our reflection
and drown in our own loveliness 
a water ballet of sky
in sky

awakening feels like losing your mind... 
and it is terrifying... 
and as you are a product of the mind stream and the thought stream creates the known or fabricated world,
it is like losing all that you know including the idea of a know-er...
it feels like you are dying...
that your world is dying...
that time is dying... 
and for the very few who fall all the way.... 
there is not even nothing left

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Nothing Under The Skin

Canyon roars with waterfalls of echoes
Words weave a tapestry of memory
Ripping into this very sunrise
Where there is no end
Or beginning
To this brilliant transparency
Light streaming through light
Shadows crocheting shadows
Such unknowable vastness
Where there is no direction
Or time
Not even nothing
I appear as a reflection in your eyes
I see poems weeping

my chest my heart my lungs were pierced by love and ripped inside out
that I may breathe

there is nothing there

what drank the night
what drinks the day
my eyes pour beauty
love pours itself
we are the drinking of our own love

I can only describe what it was like before...
What happened, and try to describe what it’s like now after this profound permanent shift in perspective.
I am not trying to convince anyone of anything.  I am not trying to change your beliefs or erase them.  I know that you are not the instigator of your thought belief feeling or action, that we and all thingness are simply beautiful flowing thought dreams...

I am not trying to change you or the world
I know you are unutterably beautiful just as you think you are.

Some words may resonate, some may not...
Some may sound similar to others who have experienced this shift and some may not.
I’m happy to try to clarify what this is like if you have any questions, but only you can know what it’s like for you.

Awakening is not a belief or understanding or philosophy.  There is nothing to get and no one to get it.  No things to understand and no one to understand them... No place to arrive and no one to arrive.

Many of my songs may skip the habitual thought patterns out of the usual groove, and leave the mind hanging with no where to go.  Some love this feeling of sensuous lostness... others don’t.

I feel the pain of seekers deeply as I was once desperately looking for what I knew not end to the pain...
and I see them mouthing the words of teachers that simply perpetuate the painful illusion of separation and well, I sing.

When it’s known and felt that no one nor the world is broken there is no more complaining
There are still preferences and beliefs but there is no one who has them

Love bleeds
Like light pouring into light
Like water flowing through water
Tears into tears
Life flows through you in you as you
Emptying you
Filling you
A bottomless treasure chest

Winter trees clothed in clouds
Pierce the skin of sky
Rain of all desire
Washes you away
River of song
Left a watermark in your heart
That blew away
Blew away
Blew away
With the sunset

Firstly the brain using shared learned words seems to split up the symphony of perception and it’s inseparable recognition into two things... perception and awareness...
And as the belief in separation becomes solidified then it feels like there separate things, and a separate individual, someone who thinks and feels and does action....
And this belief in separation has quite a dissonance with a deep intuited knowing that is sometimes felt, that there truly are no separate things or moments...

For some this is horribly painful and they become seekers and they generally look for ideas like wholeness or oneness or enlightenment that somehow may quench that pain of feeling separate
because feeling separate just feels wrong!!!!

And in all of the searching what the brain is doing is trying to put together all of these imaginary separate things into some kind of place of rest or understanding....

And all of this imaginary doing the seeker does simply perpetuates the painful illusion of a separate seeker...

So the profound shift in perspective of which I sing is when the brain somehow no longer believes in this illusion of separation it has created from shared learned words or the thought stream or mind....

When this happens it is unutterably wondrous there’s no more feeling that there are separate things divided by space or separate events divided by time
it no longer feels like there is a thinker, or a feeler or a doer....

It is known that life does it self there is no source there is no something which is permanent and unchanging like a true self or timeless awareness or pure consciousness there are no things to be permanent or changing......

It no longer feels like life is happening to someone or that there is someone doing life
it is all piece
of itself so.....

It is known without a doubt always that no one is the instigator of their thought belief action or feeling....

There is no trying to change anyone or trying to teach this as since enlightenment does not happen to the imaginary character there is nothing the imaginary character can do or not do to make this happen....

It cannot be taught or learned as it is not a belief in fact it is the end of belief in all belief....
It cannot be transmitted or given away....

In fact although I try to sing of this songs flow through me every day
and yet every word seems to slice up the sky....

Bit by bit or all at once the illusion of separation is no longer believed or felt...
it doesn’t mean you disappear or stop feeling
The dream of illusion is the only world we can know
There is no outside to the dream
No inside...

It’s simply always known that all separation
Is illusion
Yet felt deeply
And somehow realer than real....

And the ripping apart of belief in illusion hurts like hell
As that is what you are

spring morning
naked trees
clothed in clouds
robin song

yellow mug
warms my hands
steam rises

sky is not broken by clouds
or trees
or morning

painted by thought
the universe appears
and morning streams across the sky

love and beauty
enter the world
through our eyes

Love has no house
You need not enter

Wings are not needed for the sky to swallow you 
You have always been part sky...

Feet are not needed for the earth to cover you
You have never left your beautiful home...

Gills are not needed to breathe underwater
These slits open when your heart is slashed by love and love lost... 

Hearts are necessary for life to sing you twirl you pierce you with your own love 
To feel so deeply the crushing of earth and sea into sky 

Softness is required to feel the wind upon your cheeks 
Tears are needed to cast reflections of love’s echo upon the world 

origami swans unfolding into sails
shining with sunset
tears unravel endless wetness signing the pages of your life

its like you are skinned alive
and there is nothing under the skin

Sunday, March 10, 2019

The beauty the beauty the beauty

Colors cannot dance without the echo of your voice
The sea has no song of its own
It has no movement without your breath
You are the dancing of your beautiful reflection

No petals can hold your colors
Blooming and fading 
No feathers can keep
Your magnificent iridescence 
No waters can stop
These tears from flowing 
This dream of dreaming 
Reflection of moon shimmers 
On the waters that cannot hold 
Your story 
Painting itself 
With these words
With these tears
With these very thoughts
That you tried so hard to stop

I am the loving of you 
I do not exist outside of your lovelight

morning hangs from threads of moonlight
I rise with sweet ascending notes of a bird I have never seen
her song paints my echo on the canyon walls
words fold light into light
capsizing the night time dream
of tattered moons
deep blues and greens
dissolve into fire of day
searing wonder into my breast
watching my footsteps erase themselves
while my feet seem to dance
hollow parentheses flow into and through rippling space
holding nothing memory flows
river of song washes through me
melodies no one sung
erupt into whirlpools
I slide down the rainbow's edge
my colors bleed into edgeless light

flowing arabesque of wind in wind
lace of sky through shimmering leaves
traceries of forgotten shadows 
bending sweeping breathing
chasing my footfalls down empty streets
I am the dance of shine and shade
I am the song of winds
silence presses my lips together
into this perfect kiss
of wind and light and shadow
soaring through me
as me

love tattooed my name on the water
with my own blood
and tears
my name was forgotten in the beauty
of countless rivers rushing into endless seas
hanging boughs of infinite flowers blossomed
and fell
softly softly 
and kissed their reflection
as I fell through mine

wet into wetness
light into light
beauty into beauty
love into love
was all there ever was

there is nothing here
there is nothing there
there is no here nor there
no place to land
nor anyone falling
not even the wind dancing
nor silence singing
no blossoms or sky 
through me

searching for love
created a gap
between me and it
and the incision hurt like hell
I fell through
fathomless depths 
reflecting endless sky
not even nothing could be found
light and wind and space flow through me
as I am the wind
caressing my softness
I am a light ballet
spiraling through myself 
I am the mirror of love's echo

Stars fell from above
And below
Pierced my eyes
Fell through my heart 
Eviscerating all ideas of love 
I was ship wrecked by the dawn 
Washed away by the song of no tomorrow 
Blossoming tides of super saturated light 
Reflections flowing on endless seas 
Suspended as nothingness in unfathomable depths of unknowing 
Bathed in infinite edgelessness...
Breathing underwater 
I heard my heart song calling
I flew up through light 
Light swooning through me
And reappeared on the surface 
Yet still sea and sky and wind flow through me 
I am the Shimmering dance 
Of wind and light and tears 
A ballet of love 
And nothing at all 

sky painted my reflection with sky
looking for love I fell up
drowning in my empty eyes
river of song shimmered in the canyon
singing my name
all names
nothing more or less than wind
in wind

echoes flow through vast unknowing
reverberations of love's demise 
endless parenthesis extend infinitely 
without movement or direction
space falls through space
and kisses my eyes
softer than a thousand petals
illuminated from within
and without
a light ballet pirouettes
in light
transparent without measure
or time
this is my love song
to you

the sky broke into a million pieces of blue
I watched the sharpness of my broken heart scatter reflections of yesterdays across the vast desert ocean... pictures sinking, like all dreams do, into the sea of forgotten songs... 

paintings of imaginary tomorrows where the dream of love resided shimmered on the waves and sank into cold fathomless depths was my heart bleeding into everywhere
and no where

rivulets of song stream through me 
the roundness of vowels breaths me into a kiss of one of two of many of none
a light ballet weaving itself into showers of shine and shadow pours through me 
I am transparent light dancing with itself
there is not even nothing here until I see my reflection in your eyes
and I weep
and I weep
and I weep
at the beauty
the beauty 
the beauty