Monday, November 30, 2020

Death wears your empty dress

 we are the river longing for the sea

love the movement 
as soon as we emerge as imaginary selves
we feel alone
because we are
we long to touch
and we never can...
we are isolated universes
unique thought dreams 
and can never know what it is like for another

longing is the current that seems to be the movement of life
you will disappear into the ocean soon enough
meanwhile we can somehow see and feel this broken hearted beauty
of all of humanity

when it is realized that we are the dream
it feels simultaneously like being suspended as this edgeless ocean
and the current of love rushing through itself

I could never have imagined that falling deeply in love with everyone was possible... 
love and the world as I knew it had to die first

amazing that it is the love and desire that you are that kisses you from the inside and out, slays you... erases you ...and resurrects you...

roaring primordial seas sing this edgleless symphony of perception
vast measureless timeless spaceless... it cannot be caught
words are lassos of attention
snapshots of this unknown unknowable... 
'I am' seems to ride the tail end of this tsunami of thought

erupting playfully the dream of this and that sings the ocean and waves and thought into being
endless water flowers opening
petals falling
words... fall... leaving an undeniable taste of aliveness

one drop in your tongue
savored into memories
dried petals in the book of time
liquid words slide off the pages
as they unravel
empty threads unwind into an unreadable storyline
seemingly recognized for just a brief moment
before they become illegible again

and there is no space no silence between the words
no interval betweent the notes
no words
no notes
without words

there is no primordial sea or god or source from which we spring
the dream dreams itself
just like this

if the sky falls we will either figure it out or we won't
there is always love
and death is certain

how can we know the preciousness of life
when we are it?
how can we love so deeply
when we are this love?
lightening seems to divide the sky
night divides the days.... 
the dream spell dreams itself
we are a call and answer love song
wind sliding through wind

without imaginary separation we are not
a river needs its banks to flow...
one side seems farther away from the other
I love you' 
the river sings to itself
'welcome home
I've missed you'
it echoes

we are each other's echoes in our hearts
we do not exist without each other
nor does love...

love has no edges
nor do our hearts
we are love's resonance
there is no love outside of this dream of love
there is no outside... 

roaring primordial seas sing this edgeless symphony of perception
vast measureless timeless spaceless... it cannot be caught
words are lassos of attention
snapshots of this unknown unknowable... 
'I am' seems to ride the tail end of this tsunami of thought

erupting playfully the dream of this and that sings the ocean and waves and thought into being
endless water flowers opening
petals falling
words... fall... leaving an undeniable taste of aliveness

one drop in your tongue
savored into memories
dried petals in the book of time
liquid words slide off the pages
as they unravel
empty threads unwind into an unreadable storyline
seemingly recognized for just a brief moment
before they become illegible again

and there is no space no silence between the words
no interval between the notes
no words
no notes
without words

there is no primordial sea or god or source from which we spring
the dream dreams itself
just like this

the last belief to go was that this could be shared... which is the last bit of belief in 'other'.... and yet obviously songs flow... wind soars through wind... and I have seen others who sing of this for money... and well, i used to think it would be great to sell more books... as I need money tooo! lol but i followed that story and realized it would be horrible to be popular, our zooms would be crowded.. i wouldnt have time to talk with everyone who messages me... and my next books will all be e books .... so i dont have to pay someone to help me with the cover... and there is no need even have to break even... and i love that and i love you all .... deeply ... 

your stories are my stories and we are such beautiful stories weaveing and unweaving the dream spell,,, we are the enchantment... of love

words are not real or unreal
real is a word
some words seem to slide beneath the letters and touch you into being
into love
we are love's resonance... 

there is no love nor lover nor beloved without imaginary separation
it seems that some characters have slipped beneath the lines and sqiggles of words, but it is actually somehow the brains recognition that the flowing net of words is painting the known universe, and love and all things are mentally fabricated... 
as there is no outside to this dream that dreams itself, this dream that dreams us.... the dream that we are

but to the dream dancer it feels like love... the feeling of utter spaceless space and the simultaneous 'real - unreal' worded world.
this love requires nothing,,, it feels like it saturates everything... 
there are no things, not even love

this wondrous beautiful dream of aliveness... and somehow there is a knowing of this obvious aliveness... looking and feeling like anything at all....

so is love ...hate and jealousy and anger and sadness?
when all the words are just letters... an unknowing seems to swallow them... 
there is no more grasping ...gasping for breath
as you are the inhaling and exhaling....
the breath of life breathing
the dream of love dreaming
like this like this like this
love sings our names
and we answer

if the sky falls we will either figure it out or we won't
there is always love
and death is certain

morning blooms
last leaves fall
naked trees hold the cold clear sky
grey cat drives the finches into the roses
tangles of stems and dried flowers
they will hang on until spring

thought appears to paint the dream spell
yet it is the painting also
liquid words slide through themselves
there is no canvass of space and time
appearing and disappearing simultaneously
without edges or time
or the lack of edges or time

we are the enchantment of the dream
no one is enchanted

and what can we say about all this
when there is no this
nor that
nor both 
nor neither?

our words paint us
no one holds the paintbrush
there is no hand or heart outside of the painting
it is all encompassing
without any substance
or lack there of

trippling lightly through the dream that dreams me
no longer looking for an edge
or emptiness
is sublime
the hush of morning
never leaves
it subsumes the dream
it is the peace I longed for
the love I ached for
after the belief in the dream released itself I found
love is the longing itself

opalescent mirror of moon
reflections of liquid sky gather mouthfuls of images
into this flowing poem
where all words are made of love letters
bouquets falling apart as they are gathered

a taste of sweetness remembered
fills in the blanks where words cannot go
emptiness itself a word
the dream spins itself
and I am dizzy
intoxicated with the enchantment of unknowing
when or where or why or who.... 

time an echo of a remembered past
when there was a clear path ahead
when there was a feeling that something beautiful was missed
and hidden memories called my name
but the leaves fell and the path could not be found
and I was lost in the forest of dreams
paralyzed with the feeling of being trapped in fear
the line between me and fear dissolved

the utter nakedness of the trees
and this aliveness
pierced me deeply
that there was no where to go became obvious
that there was no one to go... 
that there was no one to go home
no home...
no leaves or trees or forest or sky....

and the world bloomed into infinite petals of loveliness
love kissed me into her mouth
and breathed me into the universe
I am unabashedly in love with you
nakedly in love with loving

no you
no me
nor love
nor petals

feathered light soars across the canyon
erases the ancient logic of endless nights
and endless
unties the knot of endings
and beginnings 

what soared into my heart that morning
was never not here
but the longing for it
seemed to hide this knowing feeling of seamless beauty
soaring like sky through sky without end
windsongs written with wind
in wind
love dissolving in love's endless embrace

words burn themselves as they are spoken
life burns itself as it appears
we seem to exist only in this love song
this breath
this love this longing
this kiss this death is the beauty of who we are

how beautiful the dried roses hanging in the tangling vines
some hidden
some revealed
how lovely the blush in your cheeks
the sound of your voice leaves a kiss in my heart

we are life's intimacy
there is no separation between the wind and its song
no pause in the passion play
where we can step out of our characters
and read the script

what seems to appear is all we can know
the immediate recognition of it inseparable from it
and somehow there are tears
what precious beauty of all of us sharing our stories
these are our love songs to each other
as we appear in the singing

liquid fire of life burns itself
pours in you as you through you
you are this aliveness you feel

midnight on the plain of songs
moon sings light into sky
painted tides bloom and recede
wind pauses on the in-breath
empty beaches wait

night dream pours into morning
thought stretches its arms and holds you
and you hover in-between space and daylight
your mouth your heart, warm and round, seem to hold the words
but love's breath escapes

I am an echo chamber of thought
a fairy tale of wonder seeing her reflection in an edgeless sea
background and foreground merged in an ancient song
I have no lips or eyes without you

tossing words into a sea of song
some ricochet into my ears
and an outline of a dancer emerges
some come back to caress my lips
weeping, I find my eyes
and here I am
loving you
as love burns itself
we burn
love's ashes require wind to sing

how wondrous when meaning and non meaning become unintelligible 

tides of words litter the beaches
painting the sand
and the wind
and the tides
and these
letters strewn like stars across an endless sky
trails that can't be followed
questions that cannot be answered
stars pour into their reflection
through our reflections
we are the shimmering
sliding through the tides

we are the intoxication of starlight
falling in love with its own echo
without our eyes
there are no stars
no ears can hear this love song
echoing in the chambers of our hearts

without the prism of self
words cannot paint this heart
nor this overwhelming love

It is utterly obvious that there is no this nor that nor both nor neither 
But it is not known how this is apparent
They tell me I speak in doublespeak and they don’t understand 
I say this is not about understanding 
They say 
I don’t get it 
And I say 
That’s it!

no one appears alone in this dance 
Yet we are utterly alone

It’s obvious here that there is no time nor timelessness 
That there are no separate moments or events 
calling life a seamless flow... the idea of flowing is made up 
That there are no separate things or events to be permanent or changing 

this is life simultaneously suspended as the hush.... and living fully human fully alive

what I feel cannot be found
when it’s all fluid there is no looker, no looking.... 
no prize at the end of the rainbow
liquid colors bloom in this waterfall of sensuous aliveness
words seem to form my lips my heart....

this empty street
this midnight
this bouquet of word slips through my fingers and onto the page
without a listener
there is simply no singer

your voice is a wave of echoes that flows through my heart
as we sing we dissolve into a love song that has no words
'like this', she said
'just like this'
love burns even itself

everyone knows deep down that there is no past nor future nor now... that life seems to appear and disappear simultaneously... but this is too terrifying to recognize... as what would that say about the apparent solidity of you? 

thought seems to capture bits of this apparent flowing... which isn't even a 'flowing' without thought.... 
self is the assumption of solidity, of a watcher of life... of a thinker of thoughts... of an unchanging feeler of feelings... 
yet no one can be found outside of thought... and this imaginary self requires a seemingly consistent backdrop of time and space.... 
but there is no empty canvas upon which life is painted... no hand holds the paintbrush of thought... there is no thing called a paintbrush without thought... no thing called thought
without thought
so what is this, you may ask?
is there a this?
is there a that?
where is the line between that and this
where is the line between you and these words
your eyes your skin your mind?

there is something we call life is obvious
but is it a thing if it cannot be captured
can you draw a line around it?
can you get outside of it
is there an outside?
is there an inside?

all we can know is this edgeless seamless symphony of perception which seems just as real in the night time dream as in the day time dream... same light same feel same taste same passion...

attention seems to rove and rest... rove and rest...
thought throws lassos into the sky....
never capturing even a bit of sky
its all sky...

all we can know, all we can say is this fleeting description....
doves land on the feeders and the sparrows fly off
coffee maker burbles and gurgles...
all words seemingly create things... and every thing has an imaginary line around it separating these things from each other and separate from you... an assumed observer of these things, these feelings... this life...

but there are no things and no background of time and space upon which life appears without thought, without these very shared learned words

if this is even seen for a second, and this vast unknowing is felt, the brain quickly scrambles to fill in the cracks in the wall of belief... often with religion and philosophy... more ideas to 'explain' this void this emptiness we all feel... as this emptiness is actually the case... any ideas serve as a barrier to not recognize the obvious

yet sometimes the integrity of the house of cards collapses, and somehow the passion play seems no more real or unreal than a movie... life no longer feels like it is happening to a you, and it no longer feels like there is a doer a thinker a feeler...
yet, you are still here somehow just like you always were
a phantom in a magic show
a dancer in the most lush sensuous dreamscape you could never have wished for... 
it feels certain that there is no solidity
nor certainty
and none is wished for
no here nor there nor both nor neither

yes I am here, as real as you and tomorrow and love
and enlightenment...
knowing I am a dreamt character and that love is made up is not the end of the dream, nor the end of love... it is the dream, and seemingly the beginning of this dream of love...
dreaming itself
just like this

it never feels like there is a thinker or feeler 
or director of thought or feeling 
This is intimately immediate 
Without pause... 
suspended as utter emptiness and dancing down the street
Wind blowing through me 
I am the wind dancing

I am a character in a movie but there is no script and the story is unknown
There is no one playing the part
Simultaneously it feels like watching the movie... 
real and unreal and surreal... 
The only reality I can ever know is this dream of separation 
That I am 
That no one is... 

realer than real
Feeling deeply 
These un named un owned emotions... 
Closer than close 
My breath
Your breath
Without any separation
Without feeling like I’m on a timeline between birth and death 
And yet death is certain

true and false... 
meaning and non meaning... 
All this and that is mentally fabricated
Not by the self 
Self is one of the many wonderful things 
Like wonder... 
there are no things to be changing or unchanging 
No place to land 
No one to land 
No place 
No space 
Emptiness without emptiness.., 
The whole shaboogie is a dream.., we assume there is a physical world although we can never actually know it because to deny it would be the ultimate ego trip... 

But that is a story 
Stories are a story 
It’s a conceptual world 

I love that I am these beliefs and preferences... without its banks there is no river
suspended as edgeless ocean... no waves no water no ocean... is nothing to write home about... we dont exist there.. there is no field beyond right and wrong... there is

sea bird brings the dawn
it stretches long and low over the ocean to where darkness
just beyond your grasp
on the other side of the horizon

winged embrace of earth and sky
into this very caress

all and everything coalesce into this symphony of wonder
you can hear it
you know this song by heart
feeling your mouth your lips your heart dance
in this reverberation
this chorus
of many voices
many hearts
one voice
one heart
no voices
no hearts....

where is the emptiness you longed for?
why did you want to disappear?
who would know if you were gone?

....and she wandered by the ocean intoxicated with endless echoes of sky...

and what is space without space?
emptiness without emptiness... ?
where is a where
what is a what
when exactly is
what are these words that paint our world of things of this and that...
where did they come from
where do they go?
aren't coming and going words?
can you find an edge to what seems to appear?
can you grab something and take it out of all this?
where would it go?
can you add something to all of this?
where would it come from?
is there ever anything other than what seems to appear?
utterly naturally and spontaneously life does itself...
there really is no other better more or next...
yet belief in them may occur...
and that belief is happening just as all of life does
of itself so...

Words seem like paltry pointers 
Smoke signals across the canyon at dusk
But we can watch the sunset 
And sing songs about the magnificence of love
And the beauty of not being able to capture it

where is the sky in sky?
where is wind's empty breath?
what is this love that burns itself?
who drowns in the flame of love?

death wears an empty dress
there is nothing inside your nakedness
longing to escape

how fragrant the morning of wild roses
leaves and dried blossoms hanging

Without any warning
Without any effort or non effort 

Ocean of love exploded in my chest 
And I was forever drowned in her seamless embrace 

You can not leave or return to this edgeless Sea
There is no sea
Nor you 
Nor love

morning tapped at the window
she realized tonight had blossomed into today
tomorrow, an ever receding horizon, vanished as she peered into the mirrors she had set out the evening before to capture the moon

left an ungraspable fragrance in her heart
a longing that sings her into this passion play
morning slides over her
through her
no one can be found
outside of love

elusive this life this love when you try to hold it
how wide the banks of a river you can never cross
as you are an imaginary side
echoes flow and cannot hear themselves
'listen' they sing
'to the song of listening'
serpentine day dream wanders the heavens
time is a name
names have no time

trying to capture wind
with wind
hush of evening sings

Sunday, November 15, 2020

We are the dreams that no one dreams


the story is seen to be a story
including the seeing of that
the endless searching backwards and forwards and up and down and looking for a sideways entrance or hidden exit ceases.......
there is no looking for a source or end point or any place to rest .... no knowing no certitude is sought... there is no one left to know... and no things to gather together into an imaginary understanding...
this turvey topsy loop de loop is a most wondrous liquid web of thought that has never caught or created a thing... 

and the unrelenting peace ....the roar of silence...  the fathomless hush... suspended as spaciousness...  
breath dissolves into this kiss of sky 
in sky

I Skyped with my Dad this morning and we were both so happy to see each other and hear each other's voices... and I miss him so
and I love missing him and loving him... 
this tremendous ache of our humanness erases all division....
love is the story of our lives

we are the imaginary I's of the world.

somehow there is a knowing that there is no separation, no reference points, no one big thing to be separated no fullness and no emptiness, and yet I am a reference point.
a prism of liquid memories where thought is translated into a world a universe of assumed knowning.... and all thought all words refer to other words,
thought spins a web of light and dark and

and no I can be found, and no looker can be found and no things whatsoever can be found
or lost
no things to be changing or permanant... no time nor space nor the lack there of...
a dream of drifting shadows playing in the sun...
and yes, its all about me and no me can be found
without a mirror... there are no reflections...
no mirror no looking glass can be found as there are no sides nor middle to this dream of infinite wonder...
it feels like the girl that longed to find love peered deeply into the mirror and fell through...
and every shard filled with her reflection as they eviscerated her and all belief in the dream that she was....
I seem to be a reflection an echo a thought dream
a pirouette of light and shadow and

a seamless three dimensional light and sound show without beginning or end and not having any actual substance....
there is no one watching the show that is not the show
there is an underlying ease a hush that has permeated the dream. it cannot be pinpointed yet it is felt always.... is this the love i longed for? am I this longing? 

it seems like this girl this woman these fingers that tap on the screen are simply singing, 'hello here I am, lets dance‘, for without you I am not... and I love dancing with you although there is no me nor you
and I love loving you although there is no love
for all we can know is what it is like for us
we can never know what the colors look like to another
even our closest lovers...
and there are no colors...

I love you, like the sun and moon soar across the heavens and light and shadow soar through my heart
and love is a word that has been tattered into shiny streamers catching the wind and images of us


down the sidewalk

melting into the river of our lives...

when there is sadness and grief you are it... there is no special awareness to get or have or be....  this is just the obviousness of knowing sadness 
Of the immediacy of this recognition of aliveness whatever it looks or feels like 
And there is already and always this 
And I love you and there is a knowing of this love... a knowing of knowing...

The knowing of knowing is this imaginary separation the dream of duality that we are...
Awareing of awareing.

And without imaginary separation there is none... just naturally spontaneously without any effort or non effort this is always obvious 
Your fingers on the computer or phone and watching the letters appear... there is a feeling of the tips of your fingers tapping the screen and there is simultaneous immediate inseparably a knowing of that.

it seems like it is the belief that there is more or less or other than this is the barrier to this... the belief in another side is the gate...
there is no gate....

life simply does itself and looks and feels like anything at all

after living for years in our car, without a mirror, i stopped looking... after the shift it was weird the first time i looked and there was no feeling like... 'that's me!' ...just this streaming three dimensional light fabric.... swirling colors falling through rainbow water falls... 

and I post tons of selfies... lol. and my husband thinks I am beautiful and wants to take my picture all the time, and I think he is beautiful but he doesn't want me to take his... and we have never had pictures of family on the walls, just our paintings of faces... and big mirrors in crucial places to help increase the light in our dark trailer.... 

and it is wonderful and feels like love to fall in love with every one I see... and I cannot imagine how someone could not be beautiful.... one look in their eyes and there is a recognition of our shared broken hearted beauty... this beautiful longing that we are.... 

and I write this and I am weeping as peoples feeling of not being beautiful is their beauty and really, we can never see ourselves as we do not exist.... we seem to appear only as reflections in each others eyes... this delicate wetness... these tears... simply words sliding from the tips of my fingers onto a screen that have no meaning nor non meaning yet seem to dance love and beauty into the dream that we are

what sound
these wings of love
through the tall tall pines
a mother a lover a friend
an unknown wanderer
searching for a bit of sun
voices barely remembered
lullybye or cradle crashing
young buck with small antlers eating the fallen leaves

and the wind sighs across pools of echoes
and the hush 
never leaves the wind

notes of un-singable beauty
slide off the staves
the music is undeniable
there is no where you cannot feel this aliveness
trying to hold the sounds in your mouth
is the singing of its roundness
and the fullness and the emptiness of wind
the inside of a flute you will never see
the inside of love which has no sides
fractals of unspeakable seamless beautygrow and recede
flow through echoes of words never sung
always heard
wind blows
tears fall
all and everything seem to emerge and disappear into

where is the space the leaves fall through
pages of our lives

where is the breath that carries the song
where is this song
where is the wind
where did the sigh of moonlight go

we are a river of longing
flowing into edgeless ocean
without our banks we are not
and with this movement
and gravity
comes death

an imaginary journey of meandering reflections
echoes of shimmering behind and before us
blood and breath, life pouring through tall dark forests
deep dark canyons
sunlit meadows
cascades of smiles
and tears

what can be said about a story when the telling of the story is the story? 

I am the longing to share this beauty this love this... un-nameable this-ness which has no that-ness... and the words are beautiful in their missing of the pointlessness of the very singing of the absence of meaning and meaninglessness... I want to pour this beauty this love into you but you already know this, you are this beauty this love ...this love that has no words yet is all words...

somehow life seems to sing itself as my fingers slide across the keyboard and leaves fall 
in the garden and the wind
and there is no space in which life happens
no emptiness nor fullness nor anything in between
neither real nor unreal
nor both
nor neither

and out of this indelible blankness come the words 'I love you'

I loved the dove print in the window... but I love clean windows tooooooo
I love the fallen leaves
but I love as swept path tooooooo
I love the spider webs and dust
but I love the shiny wood grain tooooo......
life happens all by itself
sometimes I find myself dusting
sometimes not

walking on top of the cliffs above the beach
bits of broken glass color the path
lovers walking along the beach at sunset and the shore birds... flying...
carrrying the sunset out into the ocean so it would color the sunrise...

and she watered the flowers knowing they would freeze that night...
sometimes rain falls without clouds

and the hush before morning
empty of light
empty of sound
empty of wind
empty of love
this hush never leaves
never came
never left
inseparable from this song
is this undeniable aliveness
the hum the hush saturating the dream

first tires on the road
distant still
or maybe it is the autumn wind
memory fills in the blanks...
and it is all blank

thought paints the colors of night
and the wonderworld of day
words spinning twisting twirling weaving this enchanted web
fluid light
liquid love
pours through itself and feels real
and I am as real as you and tomorrow and love

real, un-real, surreal...
simply overtones that have no source
this is the world where we bathe in wonder
moonlight shimmering is a dance of reflections
like love
welcome to the home you never left
ancient songs fill in the emptiness
that erased itself when love died

can you islolate love
is it in your heart
in your chest
in your body...
can you measure and weigh it
how much space does it require
is there a place behind your heart
what soars what plummets
what drowns
how can words capture what is in between them when in between is a word? is a word
word is a word

and the stars
and the ebb and flow of autumn winds

this is all of us... all of humanity weeping laughing dancing loving.... who am i but this loving this feeling deeply this sharing of our humanness.... 

it is a marvel that we can feel so deeply the heart ache of another... and the imaginary lines seem to dissolve in these tears in this heartache this longing this love we all share, this love that we all are... it is the core of who we are and we can never find it as we are it.... 

i dont have children yet i weep for all children.... i weep when my friends post the dogs and cats that need adopting... i weep when i see the beauty of love and the pain and suffering of all humans.... i recognize our broken hearted beauty in everyone's eyes... i always go for the eyes....

am the longing... it is a generalized ache... when it is not I am not.... sometimes there is just blankness.... but mostly there is both.... and it all floats in wonderment... what is it that I want.... 

I am the longing to love you to touch you to pour through you so we can flow together in love as love through love.... and these paltry words are all i have they sing me they write my lines I am watching them appear now and my fingers slide over the keyboard and the coffee maker burbles and the finches and sparrrows and doves are out in the cold feasting before the grey cat comes along.... and the day begins, colored in by memory... liquid transparancies flowing through each other....

standing on the edge of the horizon
swallowed by acres of moon
layers of memory float through each other...
no focus can be found
bathed in infinite colors
no color can be found

standing on the edge of the horizon 
swallowed by acres of moon
layers of memory float through each other...
no focus can be found
bathed in infinite colors
no color can be found

we are painted hearts soaring through rainbow winds....
breath of love sighs in your empty chest....
wonderland of colors fill in the blanks
and it is all blank....
there is no empty canvas other than the warp and woof of words
weaving emptiness
weaving fullness

no one sings the words
no hand holds the brush

the brush dissolves into its own strokes
paint dissolves into colors without substance
words of love dissolve in love...

and we are this dancing
this pirouette of thought
whirlpool of words in a river of words
a silhouette of wind
in wind

and the passsion play continues... people are born and fall in love... fall out of love... some are wounded in love, some are wounded in war, some recover, some don't, ....some get sick, some recover, some don't, ....we see our friends and lovers get sick and die, we are all dying.... and this is the dance of life of love, this is the only dance in town...

and there are no dancers and I am a mad dancer a mad lover
wounded in love
wounded in war...
seeing everyone as a purly innocent....
we are  
in our broken hearted beauty....

there is a deep peace subsuming the dance...
an unassailable silence pervading the song... 
a hush of unknowing among all this assumed knowing... 
lovers may be fighting and yet
the sun flows on the flowered carpet... 
doves alight on the feeders
and fly away when the grey cat visits....
this three dimensional flowing light show of seamless ease is always obvious... 
this unfathomable aliveness that seems to appear like anything at all........
no source
no maker of this amazing dream of you and me and
and there is love
yes this love that seems like a paltry word to capture this overwhelming feeling of wholeness of unicity of....
well, love

and I seem to fall in love with everyone I meet
everyone i see is unutterably beautiful
and pure
and dying
like me

this is the song of all of us... all of humanity weeping laughing dancing loving....
who am i but this loving this feeling deeply this sharing of our humanness….
it is a marvel that we can feel so deeply the heart ache of another... and the imaginary lines seem to dissolve in these tears in this heartache this longing this love we all share, this love that we all are... it is the core of who we are and we can never find it as we are it….
i don’t have children yet I weep for all children.... I weep when my friends post the dogs and cats that need adopting... I weep when i see the beauty of love and the pain and suffering of all humans.... I recognize our broken hearted beauty in everyone's eyes...
I always go for the eyes….
am longing... it is a generalized ache... when it is not I am not.... sometimes there is just blankness.... but mostly there is both.... and it all floats in wonderment...
what is it that I want?
I am the longing to love you to touch you to pour through you so we can flow together in love as love through love.... and these paltry words are all I have, they sing me they write my lines …I am watching them appear now and my fingers slide over the keyboard and the coffee maker burbles and the finches and sparrows and doves are out in the cold feasting before the grey cat comes along.... and the day begins, colored in by memory... liquid transparencies flowing through each other….
standing on the edge of the horizon
swallowed by acres of moon
layers of memory float through each other...
no focus can be found
bathed in infinite colors
no color can be found

autumn night falls into the garden
naked branches hold the dark
maybe there will be snow tonight

dream arms reaching...trying to escape the dream... dream lovers loving.... trying to hold onto love...
storylines weave time into the dream
liquid words flow through your mouth your breath your mind your heart
circle a piece of sky where you see your face
a silouhette of echoes
mirrors dissolving
into vowels and consonants that no longer cast a spell
or a shadow
or light

they dance their dream time dance and you are the enchantment
the magic
the jewel the prism the heartbeat between the in and the out
hovering between the story of love and the story of not even nothing....
stories flow through stories... 
and its all story all dream a cascade of wonder falling through acres and acres
and acres of tears

morning slides through these poems
I am a call and answer love song
words caress and paint the flowing dunes
and no hill nor grain of sand can be captured
liquid dream scape sings itself
wind sighs
and the desert answers the wind's request

what is this that these words cannot hold
a feeling of sensuous aliveness
an unravelling of the most luminous tapestries
into threads of golden
the threads dissolve
and the shimmering remains

words without a voice
without paper or screen to deliver them
nor eyes nor ears to hear them
nor heart to hold them
I give them all to you

they paint me and in them I dissolve
it is this nakedness I love
that no one wears

in this very kiss
as you are reading my song
it becomes our song
and we dance in timeless wonder
sharing our heart songs
we become each other
this is the intimacy of love

a million suns explode in your heart
leaving nothing but echoes
of sound

ancient prayers unravel
petals flow across the barren ground
gather in the puddles of your footfalls
waiting for the wind

words without breath
songs without sound
what is life
without longing?

only through the aperature of us, the imaginary self, the brain dreams the dream of things

sun melts into his own heat and light
moon slides through her own shadow
brilliance of a diamond shimmers yet has no center
cold clear morning
the stillness never recedes

doves sail into the garden
I can feel their warmth and softness through the window
I see my face in yours
feel my hands as yours
thoughts feelings gestures...
when you weep
I weep
looking out
looking in
I can no longer tell who or where or when or why and no longer care
it feels like a concert a sympony a chorus where no one leads or follows.... a union of all and everything when there are no things
nor non things... nor one big thing....

these movements these thoughts these feelings do not belong to anyone
they are as real as the moonlight shimmering in our dreams

we are the dreams that no one dreams