suns exploding
tulips blooming wilting dying
petals color the path
velvet under my feet
trembling vibrancy falls through itself
leaves this empty breath
dust flies across the desert sands
echoes of dreams that no one heard
wind soars through its own song
words paint the colors of day
they sing this love
this lover's dance
of you and me and we
a ballet of light and shadow
all around me
through me
as me
an imaginary center
twirling in utter delight
at my own amazement
in my own delight
at this wondrous unknowing
in love
as love
through love
How can you not be aware of what’s going on as you and awareness and the symphony of perception are the same?
You may feel you are making progress on a path to enlightenment... you are meditating and feeling calmer and happier... improving your life... your life seems to make sense somehow... and you really believe that all this doing... is because there is a you doing it....
Enlightenment is not about feeling better or becoming a better person. What’s better? To remain fooled by the dream of being a person on a path to an unknown goal...
or to have all ideas of better and worse, all ideas of reaching a goal, and ideas of a path and a ground be ripped away?
Enlightenment is a total evisceration of all ideas of this and that
Of all notions of solidity
Of a safe harbor
And anyone to rest there...
Blood and bones and the marrow of all things is burnt
Even love
It hurts like hell
It’s a war that no one wins
Everything is lost
It’s not about feeling better, or becoming a better person.
No one would choose this.
That’s why seekers prefer the company of teachers who prescribe a path and describe a goal to which one arrives. These gurus keep the seeker feeling safe. They may say things like.... just let thought and emotion flow.... (don’t they always flow naturally?) or.... just accept what appears (trying to accept it is not accepting it, and solidifies the illusion of a you separate from it)
Maybe they tell you to meditate... and promise you states of bliss leading to an everlasting bliss.... or some just say ‘be still’
Anything the seeker does that seems to work even a little will perpetuate the painful illusion of separation, of a someone with free will, and a goal to reach.
Enlightenment doesn’t happen to a you. It has nothing to do with you.
The brain has leaned shared words and concepts, which weave the shared dream of separation. All qualities and characteristics all measurement
Like beauty
Are learned and then projected on to the unknowable physical world which then becomes
This story of what is going on
This thought dream is what you are
A story
Have you ever noticed that after a period of a thought free state, thought returns and says, “oh! I’m not thinking!”, or more accurately, “that was a thought free state!”
There was no knowing of it without thought.
Same as the sensorial display and its inseparable recognition, it is not ‘knowable’ without thought. Shared learned words and concepts seemingly creating separate things moments and events. When there is a thought free state, you and all thingness disappears.
What is thought but memory and ideas of future and other self referential ideas?
What would you be without memory, without thought?
You and the thought stream are the same
Is there really any thing solid and stable inside the swirling thought dream? Or does the swirling seem to create an imaginary center?
And even this explanation is the dream painting itself...
All this thought references other thought other concepts
It still does not create an understanding
Simply more explanation.
Understanding can never occur outside of the thought dream
Understanding is a misunderstanding.
No one knows what’s going on
Knowing there is no one to know it may be realized by the brain that there are no things to put together into some kind of place of rest or understanding.
where is yesterday's rainbow?
asleep on the cool cool meadows
before the yawn of morning stirs the long grasses
and the searing heat of noon pauses all...
painting itself in this dream
of swirling thought and memory
that I am
was it my voice?
or the voices of many
or the voices of none...
...or was it the wind
that caressed the night in blossoms of moon Lillies
unfurling their whiteness in the dark
crying hello
I love you
you're beautiful
the belief in the illusion of separation makes imaginary separation seem logical... if there is thought, there is a thinker, if there are feelings there is a feeler, and if there is action there is an actor... and if there is life well then there must be a conductor of life, and if there are things, there must be a unifying principal, if there are separate events well then there must be some connection, like cause and effect... if there are apparent choices there must be a chooser...
I would say that enlightenment happens despite what apparently happened before it... and I can say that all the practices and methods I seemed to be doing before it were solidifying the illusion of a doer, and that it was the HUGE realization that NONE of it had worked that threw me into the avalanche of affliction which ripped all ideas of solidity of thingness to shreds...
horizon unties itself
the blankets pulled off
your deep deep slumber
you wander to the edge
of sand and sea and sky
what is beyond your home
you can never know
you look back and see
your footprints erased
by this etude of sky
wind dances with wind
it has no mirror
or reflection
but is all reflection
like you
you reach out your hand
describing the vastness
your fingers drenched
with your own tears
sea reaches up
sky reaches down
slowly slowly
softly softly
they kiss
through your lips
your eyes
blue in blue in blue in blue
sky falls through its own echo
sea collides with its own wetness
and you are cast adrift
a wind dancer
on a sea of winds
I am an echo of shine and shadow walking through a mirage of shine and shadow
reflections of reflections swirl under over and through each other...
Empty footfalls dancing beneath ancient and future skies
There is nothing changing or permanent
Even the skylight in my heart
is made up
Where are yesterdays shadows?
Woven into a moon song
falling softly into morning
I yawn and drink my tea
watching the steam curling rising and dissolving
into these very words
if you are looking for a cause, you are the looking.... the reaching the grasping, the longing to capture a piece of sky...cut it out and and toss it back into the sky and announce, look! here is sky!
but sky has no pieces, nor does the physical world. even sky is a made up part of what has no split or division anywhere... the name seems to lasso a part of the symphony of perception and its inseparable recognition... which has no edges no beginning nor end, no time dimension or measurement without the objectifying human brain. there are no things that can be put together into a thing called a whole, and no one big thing that can be divided...
enlightenment is also a named thing, and is as imaginary as non enlightenment or before or after.... all these shared learned words and concepts swirl around as thought, writing the story of you, of memory and thoughts of an imagined future...
yes, through science we can seem to know the physical world, as through thought we can seem to know... as thought creates a knower and things that can be put together or rearranged into a place of wholeness or oneness.... or understanding...
enlightenment is not about understanding
it is not a belief
it does not MAKE SENSE!
and yet this shift in perspective may occur
just like all of life, without any effort or non effort by the apparent persona... all by itself
as long as there is the belief in separation it will feel that if there is thought, there must be a thinker, if there is feeling there must be a feeler, if there is belief, there must be a believer, if there is action, there must be an actor... and if there is 'all this', there must be a creator...
but there is no conductor of life...
if there were a thinker then it would seem that there would be clever or nice or what ever kind of thoughts you might like
same with emotion...
same with action...
and you cannot get rid of the belief in separation
or disbelieve it
as there is no believer
you are that belief
Isn’t it beautiful how all these words seem to create things?
Like atoms and a universe and reality....
Even emptiness and nothing are imaginary things
This is how the dream writes itself.
I would say that through that mass of grey jelly in your skull, which somehow learns shared words and concepts
One of which is brain
Another one is mind
Or thought stream
And somehow believes that these are actual things....
Enlightenment is the realization, a shift in perspective that occurs in the brain when it no longer ‘believes’ in the imaginary separation it creates. The world is then experienced as a seamless edgeless unicity and it’s simultaneously known that the worded world, the objectified dream of separation is the only world it can conventionally know
The only world we exist in
Self is a mental fabrication
As are all other ‘things’
All the science tug quote describe relationships between imaginary things. Yes some thingness refers to the physical world
Like rocks and trees
Other imaginary things are purely imaginary like selves....
What I sing of really cannot be kissed with words as all words all thoughts are razors
It’s like trying to use a pair of scissors to describe a piece of paper
So we can say that the physical world is “real” but that it is unknowable without concepts
And one of the Concepts is a knower....
Just as the seamless flow of the symphony of perception and its inseparable recognition as I describe it seems to create a thing called perception and a thing called awareness
They are the same
And not one thing either
There are no things until named
There is no forest there are no trees there is no falling and there is no sound without an imaginary observer
There is not even nothing until named
Can you tell when a thought begins and ends? Are there separate thoughts?
Can you tell when a feeling begins and ends? Are there separate feelings?
Can you tell when a moment begins and ends? Are there separate moments?
Can you tell when an event begins and ends? Are there separate events?
Or do these separate events only exist in the telling of them?
The reason you cannot find separate thoughts feelings or moments is because there is no you separate from the thought stream.
All imaginary separation arises in the description
The thought stream
The story
That you are
there are no things to be separate and there is not one big thing that can be divided
no thingness is beyond thought
All thoughts are about things
And there are none
tulips blooming wilting dying
petals color the path
velvet under my feet
trembling vibrancy falls through itself
leaves this empty breath
dust flies across the desert sands
echoes of dreams that no one heard
wind soars through its own song
words paint the colors of day
they sing this love
this lover's dance
of you and me and we
a ballet of light and shadow
all around me
through me
as me
an imaginary center
twirling in utter delight
at my own amazement
in my own delight
at this wondrous unknowing
in love
as love
through love
How can you not be aware of what’s going on as you and awareness and the symphony of perception are the same?
You may feel you are making progress on a path to enlightenment... you are meditating and feeling calmer and happier... improving your life... your life seems to make sense somehow... and you really believe that all this doing... is because there is a you doing it....
Enlightenment is not about feeling better or becoming a better person. What’s better? To remain fooled by the dream of being a person on a path to an unknown goal...
or to have all ideas of better and worse, all ideas of reaching a goal, and ideas of a path and a ground be ripped away?
Enlightenment is a total evisceration of all ideas of this and that
Of all notions of solidity
Of a safe harbor
And anyone to rest there...
Blood and bones and the marrow of all things is burnt
Even love
It hurts like hell
It’s a war that no one wins
Everything is lost
It’s not about feeling better, or becoming a better person.
No one would choose this.
That’s why seekers prefer the company of teachers who prescribe a path and describe a goal to which one arrives. These gurus keep the seeker feeling safe. They may say things like.... just let thought and emotion flow.... (don’t they always flow naturally?) or.... just accept what appears (trying to accept it is not accepting it, and solidifies the illusion of a you separate from it)
Maybe they tell you to meditate... and promise you states of bliss leading to an everlasting bliss.... or some just say ‘be still’
Anything the seeker does that seems to work even a little will perpetuate the painful illusion of separation, of a someone with free will, and a goal to reach.
Enlightenment doesn’t happen to a you. It has nothing to do with you.
The brain has leaned shared words and concepts, which weave the shared dream of separation. All qualities and characteristics all measurement
Like beauty
Are learned and then projected on to the unknowable physical world which then becomes
This story of what is going on
This thought dream is what you are
A story
Have you ever noticed that after a period of a thought free state, thought returns and says, “oh! I’m not thinking!”, or more accurately, “that was a thought free state!”
There was no knowing of it without thought.
Same as the sensorial display and its inseparable recognition, it is not ‘knowable’ without thought. Shared learned words and concepts seemingly creating separate things moments and events. When there is a thought free state, you and all thingness disappears.
What is thought but memory and ideas of future and other self referential ideas?
What would you be without memory, without thought?
You and the thought stream are the same
Is there really any thing solid and stable inside the swirling thought dream? Or does the swirling seem to create an imaginary center?
And even this explanation is the dream painting itself...
All this thought references other thought other concepts
It still does not create an understanding
Simply more explanation.
Understanding can never occur outside of the thought dream
Understanding is a misunderstanding.
No one knows what’s going on
Knowing there is no one to know it may be realized by the brain that there are no things to put together into some kind of place of rest or understanding.
where is yesterday's rainbow?
asleep on the cool cool meadows
before the yawn of morning stirs the long grasses
and the searing heat of noon pauses all...
painting itself in this dream
of swirling thought and memory
that I am
was it my voice?
or the voices of many
or the voices of none...
...or was it the wind
that caressed the night in blossoms of moon Lillies
unfurling their whiteness in the dark
crying hello
I love you
you're beautiful
the belief in the illusion of separation makes imaginary separation seem logical... if there is thought, there is a thinker, if there are feelings there is a feeler, and if there is action there is an actor... and if there is life well then there must be a conductor of life, and if there are things, there must be a unifying principal, if there are separate events well then there must be some connection, like cause and effect... if there are apparent choices there must be a chooser...
I would say that enlightenment happens despite what apparently happened before it... and I can say that all the practices and methods I seemed to be doing before it were solidifying the illusion of a doer, and that it was the HUGE realization that NONE of it had worked that threw me into the avalanche of affliction which ripped all ideas of solidity of thingness to shreds...
horizon unties itself
the blankets pulled off
your deep deep slumber
you wander to the edge
of sand and sea and sky
what is beyond your home
you can never know
you look back and see
your footprints erased
by this etude of sky
wind dances with wind
it has no mirror
or reflection
but is all reflection
like you
you reach out your hand
describing the vastness
your fingers drenched
with your own tears
sea reaches up
sky reaches down
slowly slowly
softly softly
they kiss
through your lips
your eyes
blue in blue in blue in blue
sky falls through its own echo
sea collides with its own wetness
and you are cast adrift
a wind dancer
on a sea of winds
I am an echo of shine and shadow walking through a mirage of shine and shadow
reflections of reflections swirl under over and through each other...
Empty footfalls dancing beneath ancient and future skies
There is nothing changing or permanent
Even the skylight in my heart
is made up
Where are yesterdays shadows?
Woven into a moon song
falling softly into morning
I yawn and drink my tea
watching the steam curling rising and dissolving
into these very words
if you are looking for a cause, you are the looking.... the reaching the grasping, the longing to capture a piece of sky...cut it out and and toss it back into the sky and announce, look! here is sky!
but sky has no pieces, nor does the physical world. even sky is a made up part of what has no split or division anywhere... the name seems to lasso a part of the symphony of perception and its inseparable recognition... which has no edges no beginning nor end, no time dimension or measurement without the objectifying human brain. there are no things that can be put together into a thing called a whole, and no one big thing that can be divided...
enlightenment is also a named thing, and is as imaginary as non enlightenment or before or after.... all these shared learned words and concepts swirl around as thought, writing the story of you, of memory and thoughts of an imagined future...
yes, through science we can seem to know the physical world, as through thought we can seem to know... as thought creates a knower and things that can be put together or rearranged into a place of wholeness or oneness.... or understanding...
enlightenment is not about understanding
it is not a belief
it does not MAKE SENSE!
and yet this shift in perspective may occur
just like all of life, without any effort or non effort by the apparent persona... all by itself
as long as there is the belief in separation it will feel that if there is thought, there must be a thinker, if there is feeling there must be a feeler, if there is belief, there must be a believer, if there is action, there must be an actor... and if there is 'all this', there must be a creator...
but there is no conductor of life...
if there were a thinker then it would seem that there would be clever or nice or what ever kind of thoughts you might like
same with emotion...
same with action...
and you cannot get rid of the belief in separation
or disbelieve it
as there is no believer
you are that belief
Isn’t it beautiful how all these words seem to create things?
Like atoms and a universe and reality....
Even emptiness and nothing are imaginary things
This is how the dream writes itself.
I would say that through that mass of grey jelly in your skull, which somehow learns shared words and concepts
One of which is brain
Another one is mind
Or thought stream
And somehow believes that these are actual things....
Enlightenment is the realization, a shift in perspective that occurs in the brain when it no longer ‘believes’ in the imaginary separation it creates. The world is then experienced as a seamless edgeless unicity and it’s simultaneously known that the worded world, the objectified dream of separation is the only world it can conventionally know
The only world we exist in
Self is a mental fabrication
As are all other ‘things’
All the science tug quote describe relationships between imaginary things. Yes some thingness refers to the physical world
Like rocks and trees
Other imaginary things are purely imaginary like selves....
What I sing of really cannot be kissed with words as all words all thoughts are razors
It’s like trying to use a pair of scissors to describe a piece of paper
So we can say that the physical world is “real” but that it is unknowable without concepts
And one of the Concepts is a knower....
Just as the seamless flow of the symphony of perception and its inseparable recognition as I describe it seems to create a thing called perception and a thing called awareness
They are the same
And not one thing either
There are no things until named
There is no forest there are no trees there is no falling and there is no sound without an imaginary observer
There is not even nothing until named
Can you tell when a thought begins and ends? Are there separate thoughts?
Can you tell when a feeling begins and ends? Are there separate feelings?
Can you tell when a moment begins and ends? Are there separate moments?
Can you tell when an event begins and ends? Are there separate events?
Or do these separate events only exist in the telling of them?
The reason you cannot find separate thoughts feelings or moments is because there is no you separate from the thought stream.
All imaginary separation arises in the description
The thought stream
The story
That you are
there are no things to be separate and there is not one big thing that can be divided
no thingness is beyond thought
All thoughts are about things
And there are none
I am a wind song
singing with itself
all tears are my own wetness
in love with their own sparkling
there is no source to this echo
that falls through a photograph
of wind
what unwinds the story?
where do these words go?
they are not mine
nothing is
there is no one to have a story
or escape it
no one outside of this spinning thought dream
to grasp it or let it go
emptiness a beautiful fairy tale
to try to fill in the blanks
behind your eyes