Trying to rearrange the sparkles in the sand to form a perfect reflection
Of what, you never knew.
Looking for a song
You never forgot
Or heard
You are the longing to remember
What has never not been.
Nor will ever be.
Shadows float across the moon of desire
Can’t you see your name
Casting shadows that midnight left
On your beautiful face
On your beautiful tears
Weeping for nothing
Weeping for everything.
The death of tomorrow
Of what, you never knew.
Looking for a song
You never forgot
Or heard
You are the longing to remember
What has never not been.
Nor will ever be.
Shadows float across the moon of desire
Can’t you see your name
Casting shadows that midnight left
On your beautiful face
On your beautiful tears
Weeping for nothing
Weeping for everything.
The death of tomorrow
How many ladders did I think I needed to touch the sky
When sky was all around me
I am a story written in time
knowing there is none
Knowing I am a thought dream
Is my story
Knowing you are a flowing thought dream does not stop it. It’s like watching a movie knowing it is one and being in it at the same time. Laughing weeping feeling deeply... yet it never feels like the whole shaboogie is happening to someone or that someone is doing it. We exist only as these mental fabrications. There is no outside to this dream of separation, this virtual reality of this and that. All things are made up. Some imaginary things refer to the physical world like rocks and bodies
Some are purely imaginary like selves and next.
As there is no longer the filter of belief that there is a wrong or right way to feel or think or act or live or love or die, there is an intensity of life that’s incredible.
A raw nakedness that no one wears... we are it...
It’s gonna hurt until it doesn’t
And that’s when the tears start
I walk and fall in love all day
No one is a stranger
I passed a toddler yesterday and he looked up at me and smiled
The utter wonder I recognized
I wept all the way home
How is it that there is no one here and no one there, yet I drown in your shadow and bathe in your light?
How is it that you will never read these words of this storybook that fills and empties me, flows through me and forms me? I am this heart song that pierced my reflection a long time ago, and left only a two step of echoes ricocheting across the canyon. There is weeping at this sublime empty vastness that overflows, a love dream of footfalls at midnight gathering and separating, love and love lost such a beautiful dance.
I see you, heart in your hand, terrified to lose all that love you long to feel, as you read and practice how to be an unchanging rock that is not effected by feeling. How afraid you are to feel the utter sadness of your loved ones death, tears are your enemy, yet this sublime wetness is the very substance of who I am.
How deep the summer shadows that slide across the sidewalk to greet you? It is merely the tree tops laughing in the wind that falls through sunlight to kiss your face. You cannot step outside the day or the feeling of wind on your cheek. You are inseparable from this wondrous ballet that leaves no handprint. It is fluid and has no edges as it seems to melt into itself. This ever blooming ever wilting immediacy cannot be caught and it’s magic held, as you are not separate from it. There is no outside to this all encompassing day time dream where you can take refuge somewhere and manipulate the wind. Is there an inside and outside to a song or a rainbow or a kiss?
You cannot awaken from it as there has never been anyone sleeping. Your ideas of shelter and escape are simply the dream of objectified separation painting more and more lines that seem to define the illusion of a you who longs to flee. There is no outside to the dream as inside and outside are thought created. As you are a flowing mentally fabricated thought dream you can only know this worded world, this virtual conceptual reality, this magicians tale.
Most people stack all known things into a pile and call it ‘oneness’, when there are no things, including oneness.
It’s not that you and I are one, it’s that there is no you nor me.
There is no one nor two nor many nor one.
No this nor that nor both nor neither.
We are flowing conceptual beings and can only know concepts, yet there can be a shift in the brain that creates these bits or bites of the symphony of perception when it somehow disassociates with its own thought dream. This mentally fabricated worded world is the only reality we can know, this virtual objectified reality is the only place we exist.
We are flowing thought dreams, made of memories and thoughts of future...
How wondrous is it to know you are dreamt?
Sky surfs into its own reflection
Fringes of sunset melt in your eyes
Words echo into this dreamscape of memory and time
Words form and break a heart
inside an empty treasure chest
Where you waited
Late one night
You cast your reflection into the sky
But no answer was revealed
Only the wind dancing in the trees
Waving the long summer grasses
Rippling the waters
Sun dancing
So indescribably beautiful
You began to cry
And have never stopped
There was no wind
There was no soft cheek
There were no tears
That never dried
There never was a someone
Or a no one
To cry
Or listen to your tears
Trying to peer underneath the words
He discovered that underneath was a word
Trying to discover what was before thought
He found that before and after are thought
It’s like it’s truer than true when this hits you deeply
More intimate than your heartbeat or breath, deeper than thought or feeling
Deeper than deep... like a song you sang long ago but have never really heard yet it’s always been playing...
capsizing all ideas of truth or meaning or anyone to have them...
And you can’t go back to the belief in separation
As you realize it was never really believed
There was no one to believe it.
There was never anyone under that beautiful rainbow dress of joy and sorrow swirling in the hot afternoon sun who was eviscerated by her own love.
No one wearing the clothes of desire who was ravished by her own desire...
Not even nothing was left in this conflagration
Yet there was not even nothing there to burn in its own pyre...
It’s stunningly beautiful to know you are a flowing thought dream... that you have no actual existence at all
That you seem to appear only as reflections in another’s eyes, knowing that they are imagined as well.
Someone says
You’re beautiful
And there is simply nothing here
Vacant empty spaciousness
Yet in their eyes I see unfathomable beauty
When I say ‘you were never born and you will never die’, some people think I am saying that they are a something separate and eternal. I am not. I am saying that you have no actual existence at all.
Thought seems to create this conceptual worded virtual world where there are dogs and humans and trees and you and me. Some imaginary things refer to the physical world like rocks and trees, and others are purely imaginary like selves and tomorrow.
The physical world exists yet it has no qualities or characteristics or time or dimension or measurement until the human brain using shared learned words seems to lasso a part of the symphony of perception and create thingness.
Bark of a dog, you, inside and outside are all thought created. More and less
Greater and less than
Better and worse
Before and after
All imaginary
Like you
As you are a flowing thought dream, when the body dies the brain dies and thoughts end.
Enlightenment is the end of hope and fear and need of a never arising next. The end of terror of your own death.
The self and all apparent thingness does not disappear after the brain no longer believes in the thought dream it is painting. Knowing you are made up, still you are here. There never was a mountain nor a you to climb it, yet you may go hiking in the forests and reach the summit of a peak, all the while never feeling like there is a you doing anything or nothing.
Life FEELS seamless. It’s not like I reach out my arm and point to the sky
It feels like a three dimensional flowing light fabric. There is a seamless ease a sublime quiescence that permeates the dream of objectified separation, the only world we, as conceptual beings, can know.
It’s beyond comprehension or belief, yet this intuited unicity can become obvious always. It is a huge shift in perspective and there is a palpable psychological and physical sense of release.
Life has always done itself, yet the belief in separation creates the feeling that there is someone doing it, or that life is happening to a someone, and it hurts. There is a huge tension with the feeling that life is fluid and impermanent versus the belief that there is a solid unchanging separate you. Many who seem to see through the illusion of self don new clothes called a true self or awareness or consciousness, as the belief in separation remains.
Anything said about the dream is the dream
Including this
Wandering the desert dream alone she slipped silently between the folds of nothing and collided with her own reflection. There was no path to nowhere as all signs led back into the dream. Finding there was no outside and no inside, there was a beautiful death of hope and fear and need of a never arising next.
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