Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Even Plastic Flowers Fade

Sea of warmth 
Liquid silence 
Is the wind free 
Or bound by its own movement
Shimmering brilliant immediacy 
Neither moving nor permanent 
Is not contained 
It’s recognition is not a goal or attainment 
It’s always on yet 
Simply uncatchable as there is nothing separate from it 

Neither you nor me 
Nor that cloud blossoming over the canyon edge 
Needs to fill the sky with blue 
Or paint the wetness in water 
Words sing an imaginary cage 
Around a day and a night 
Around this tree and the Robinsong 
Around a piece of time 
An hour a second... 

Stitching all these words together 
Will not sew all end everything 
Into a seamless whole 
This unicity has no edges 
That have been joined 
There never was a piece of sky for you to live in 
No eternity 
No now 
Not even nothing separate from you 

This emptiness you feel
Is the fullness dancing
In your heart you know 
There are no things to grasp 
And no one to catch the wind 

I appear to exist as an imaginary character in a world of imaginary separate things.
All perception and the inseparable recognition of it seems to occur in this thing called mind, as in the night time dream there is also light and color when my eyes are closed. 
Yet I assume the physical world exists.
This body as real as rocks and trees 
This self as real as next 
The feeling of being a separate someone living in a world of separate things disappears when the belief in separation falls away.

I seem to appear as a center of awareing inseparable from the uninterrupted symphony of perception.  I can only know what life is like from this point of view 
Yet it can be known and felt that there are no actual separate reference points whatsoever.
No feeling of separation from thought feeling sensation perception, from life. 

Yet this is as real as it gets 
Somehow it feels realer than real 
This nakedness that no one wears, life full on. 

This ravishing beauty of unknowing, of impermanence, of knowing this is it no matter what it looks or feels like brings utter ease.  Knowing there is no outside to what’s going on, no one who can step outside of life and manipulate or accept or reject or surrender to it.  Nothing can be added 
(Where would it come from?)
Nothing taken away
(Where would it go?) 
This is it, coyote 
This precious aliveness that is obvious through whatever seems to appear.

Cold spring rain 
Last plum blossoms 
Sail down the street 
I warm my hands and belly 
Steam from my tea 
Curls and disappears 
Night reflects itself 
Dawn blooms 
Diamonds on the window 

Air swims through air...
Space falls through space 
Light swoons through light 
Tears drown in their own wetness 
Life swallows me 
As I drink deeply 
Wind paints itself 
With wind 

The beauty pulls you in and you find it is you

Moonlight echoes softy 
Beneath the waves 
Rippling sands 

Under the autumn leaves 
Love wept 
Waiting for a spring that never came

It never left 
Your beautiful song 
You never had to arrive 

This dance has no end nor beginning without time 
Time left it’s calling card on the dunes 
And ran away with the tides 
That no one found or lost 
In the dark 
By the sea 

I have no heartbeat without you, my love
Here take my hand...

There are no words 
Yet I sing 
Every word a razor 
That cannot catch what has no edges 
Twisting sometimes into a vine that can break apart ideas of solidity 
Like wind and water cleave the hardest rocks 
mountains crumble into the sea 
Pavement cracks and you fall through 
The ground that no one stood on 
Love blooms and falls 
Even plastic flowers fade...

Trying to catch the beauty 
To wrap around and hide sorrow and despair 
Your fingers turn to knives 
Stabbing your own heart 
There is no distance between you and here 
Between here and there 
Between you and your beautiful sadness and desire 

These iridescent butterfly wings 
Were never pinned 
To this all encompassing light 
This edgeless spaciousness  
This joy of knowing this aliveness 
Does not look or feel a certain way 
Nor do you

Always beautiful 
Whatever you think you are 

I find myself in your diamond eyes 
We exist only in this dance 
The imaginary spaces between us 
Twirling down the Grand Canyon of love 

Two diaphanous wings flowing through each other seen only when their ripples coincide

Light dances and falls through a momentary shadow 
Erasing the filagree where she had woven her memories of love 
It was the echo of her footfalls that seemed to be heading somewhere that collided with the end of tomorrow
Knowing now that it had always been this way 
This beauty that flowed in around and through her was simply not noticed

And where our hearts meet they flow into and through each other...
Rippling softly in this soft undulating love dance of this and that 
Echoing down the canyon walls 
Shimmering in the river
Wake-less rainbows reflect the faces of every one we have ever loved 

Pieces of sky painted with splashes of tears
Every petaled glance reveals 
A mirror of what I cannot find
And no longer care to capture.

It is indeed like love 
Illumined from within 
From without 
There are no sides when I look into your eyes 
Your beautiful edgeless heart

Clouds dissolve and form and seem to catch the wind 
Bareback we ride into the storm 
Dancing freely 
The scent of thunder 
Fills us 
Erases us as we 
Falling into and through the whoosh

Nothing makes sense 
And I love it 
In a way that makes perfect sense

Still wind 
Kisses my heart 
I find no one kissed 
No one kissing 
And no one looking...
This Sonorous lushness of seamlesss ease
This land, empty of even shadows
Is not the source of such brilliance 
They are they separate 
Neither are they one 

Love wrote it’s song in my heart the day I realized it was not mine 
To find or lose
Or set loose upon the world 

My pockets are empty 
Of even emptiness 
They cannot be filled 
They were ripped inside out long ago 
I am the tears of the many and the few
How wondrous to feel so deeply! 
My face is etched with rivulets for our flowing wetness

Sky and sea ricocheting 
Refracting infinite shades of blue 
She longed for the wet of wetness 
The taste of taste 
The love in love

She was a dream of love until she spied a reflection of herself through a sideways glance in the storefront glass 
Crashing through infinite shards of emptiness  
She was left with only her reflection 
Nothing on either side of the mirror 
Her eyes only shone in reflected light

The magic she longed for... 
was the longing

You come to me with your methods and practices you believe will lead to a peaceful mind.  
I say the quiescence of which I sing has nothing to do with if there are thoughts or not.
I do not see you as the instigator of thought feeling belief or action.
I feel your longing for this silence, this hush, that you believe your practice will give you.
You are this longing 
And the hush 
You cannot find it 
Or create it anew.  

All these teachers and teachings imply that they have something you do not.
That somehow you are flawed.
I do not see you as broken.
They imply that there is a destination and perpetuate the painful belief in other better more and next.
All there is is this edgeless sweeping momentary, you know that... 

I see you as unspeakably beautiful no matter what you seem to believe or think. 
And I weep that you cannot see this 
No one can see their own beauty.

Come closer that we may bask in the beauty of each other’s reflections... this imaginary space in-between us, the only place we exist.

My world is not mine...
I cannot find any things to own
And no owner 
Nothing solid or fixed
I can only find my feet when I’m dancing with another 
Gazing into their beautiful beautiful eyes I catch a glimpse of my own beauty 
There is a wondrous ache 
Joy sorrow love longing 
Flowing along inseparable from the edgeless symphony of perception.  

There is nothing caught in this flowing 
The net is simply words and concepts

This rich lush tapestry of perception weaving and unweaving itself, attention flows and rests, flows and rests.  Only a tiny pinhole is ever noticed.  Most is not noticed, especially the obvious non-fixed, impermanent, edgeless-ness of it. 

Sometimes you hear your blood rushing through your ears.  Sometimes you notice the yellow finches on the feeder, sometimes the steam from your tea, or the warmth sliding into your tummy. Sometimes the sound of the clock, ticking.  Sometimes there is thought of yesterday or that time you last saw your mother.  Sometimes there is thought of the coming day, or planning a trip to the mountains when the snow melts. Mostly you walk without noticing where your feet are placed.  You may eat or drink without actually noticing. This all encompassing fluidity of perception is never separate from the aware-ing of it. 

Thought seems to capture a part of this flowing, every word seems to throw a lasso around a bit of this edgeless symphony.  Yet ‘seems’ is the key word.  

Everyone knows deep down that this ever present symphony of perception and its inseparable recognition is all we can know.  This ever blooming ever wilting, self creating self releasing momentary is obviously fluid and cannot be captured or indeed ‘known’ in the conventional sense.  The ‘known’ world or the worded world is a conceptual virtual world of this and that. All description paints it, even these words you are reading now.  

Yet is any ‘thing’ ever caught, or do words seem to create ‘things’? 

It’s terrifying to consider that there really are no things, as you are one of these imaginary things.  Yet if the essential emptiness of things and self is actually realized, and the blank isn’t filled in with more concepts like true self or pure consciousness or timeless awareness, life is experienced as a seamless flow with no feeling of separation.  

The conceptual world continues much as before, the stories continue to write themselves, yet it is never again believed.  Yet knowing you and I and love are made up, is not the end of love.

Trying to let go of 
Or accept your story 
Becomes your story
It’s story 
You are story 
All the way down 
Even down is a story

Even story is story 

It’s simply amazing how shared learned words paint the story 
All by itself 
Just like this, the dream of objectified separation seems to appear! 

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