there never were any pieces of sky....
yet every shard pierced her heart
I walked through puddles and watched my wet footprints on the sidewalk vanish
I watched my childhood vanish
I watched time vanish
who watches the sunset
who is bathed in the clothes of awe
where sorrow and joy have fallen into each other
there is no who or when or why
no one wears this nakedness
no one has this raw unfettered life
all questions have vanished
into an atemporal void
where wind and light and tree tops dancing
are nothing other than the song of myself
wind echoes in my chest
petals fall and dance across the sidewalk
thundering silence of no tomorrow
never and forever collided
there is no time to watch eternity
I stand in the long summer grasses rippling
flowers on my skirt cannot be plucked
scent of evening
fabric of day unravels
spinning softly the garment of time
tears are jewels scattered along a path
that never led to tomorrow
reflections of a dream time
that no one remembers
clothed in sunset
embraced by itself
day does not turn into night
dark does not fade into light
Laughing winds ripple your name in the vastness and find no place where your song is not. A caress a hush a lullaby swings in boughs of sky billowing ever outward kissing you from within. Reaching out to touch the flowing dream your touch dissolves in wonder, for it is always your own eyes that you see smiling laughing weeping, love's beautiful reflection in your intimate infinite embrace. Leaving no trace your footfalls never hid the ground, your face always shimmered sky. Spaciousness so vast no tears can be counted as it dissolves into itself through your kiss.
I reach my hand into the vastness, swirling colors stream from my fingers, infinite hues arise from my breath, symphonies are painted with my eyes. Through the lens of I am all things sing their song in supreme harmony as I bathe my face in the flowing and watch the ripples echo, singing silently through the words, tumbling falling as everything and nothing. All meaning and memory have lost their hold as the holder never was, and yet there is dancing.
A single footstep has nothing to say. Life, vibrant raw unrehearsed painting and erasing itself. This amazing streaming water colored dream world constructed by thought. A streaming dream of infinite variety, the pure light of clarity erases the shadows of apparent duality, yet the dream continues much as before.
wonder winds leave empty leaf prints in the sky. blue without end never touched this never moving always moving supreme brilliance, I silently sing of this great aloneness this sublime aloveness greeting meeting the touchless touch of morning of day of night of evening songs streaming falling roaring, caressing all pervading winds soaring nakedly in and through themselves. This unutterable ease, this unspeakable vastness, softness falling though softness, a sigh falling though a sigh, a hush falling though a hush, light into light...
warm summer night streams through me
footfalls echo in the canyon
darkness suspends fallen roses on the moonlit pond
cricket song fills the pitcher of empty shadows
drinking the night
drunk on my reflection
words cascade into moonlight
swirling through shadows
I dance
bathed in echoes of cricket song
and pools of midnight
first robin
mountains emerge
where is the dark
when the sun slides over the canyon walls?
where is the emptiness
as I peer into the glass?
all I can see is my own reflection
one foot dances with mirrors
the other has not even darkness
spinning spinning spinning...
it seems as if there is a center
but there is not
not even love flows
without direction
life pours through me
as I flow though life
without end or beginning
wind seems to move
tree tops appear to dance
tall mountain pines seem to yearn for endless blue
as my heart did long ago
robin song steeped in mists of memory
hot morning tea
sky spills over canyon walls
pooling in purply shadows
soaring through my reflection
and the echo of empty space
there is no source to this spring
drinking me
surfing liquid sky
Diaphanous edgeless centerless
flowing river of bejeweled light space
without center or source or goal
Extending infinitely in every direction
Without movement or direction
It never feels like there is someone doing or thinking or feeling or choosing
Or that there are separate things from which to choose
There is no belief in other better more or next
This is what it is like for me
Knowing there is no self
No others
No thoughts
No feelings
No things
No words
No letters
No symbols
No sounds
No emptiness
Not even nothing
Yet here we are
Living and loving and dying
The indescribable beauty of life doing itself
Whatever seems to appear
Just like this
yet every shard pierced her heart
I walked through puddles and watched my wet footprints on the sidewalk vanish
I watched my childhood vanish
I watched time vanish
who watches the sunset
who is bathed in the clothes of awe
where sorrow and joy have fallen into each other
there is no who or when or why
no one wears this nakedness
no one has this raw unfettered life
all questions have vanished
into an atemporal void
where wind and light and tree tops dancing
are nothing other than the song of myself
wind echoes in my chest
petals fall and dance across the sidewalk
thundering silence of no tomorrow
never and forever collided
there is no time to watch eternity
I stand in the long summer grasses rippling
flowers on my skirt cannot be plucked
scent of evening
fabric of day unravels
spinning softly the garment of time
tears are jewels scattered along a path
that never led to tomorrow
reflections of a dream time
that no one remembers
clothed in sunset
embraced by itself
day does not turn into night
dark does not fade into light
Laughing winds ripple your name in the vastness and find no place where your song is not. A caress a hush a lullaby swings in boughs of sky billowing ever outward kissing you from within. Reaching out to touch the flowing dream your touch dissolves in wonder, for it is always your own eyes that you see smiling laughing weeping, love's beautiful reflection in your intimate infinite embrace. Leaving no trace your footfalls never hid the ground, your face always shimmered sky. Spaciousness so vast no tears can be counted as it dissolves into itself through your kiss.
I reach my hand into the vastness, swirling colors stream from my fingers, infinite hues arise from my breath, symphonies are painted with my eyes. Through the lens of I am all things sing their song in supreme harmony as I bathe my face in the flowing and watch the ripples echo, singing silently through the words, tumbling falling as everything and nothing. All meaning and memory have lost their hold as the holder never was, and yet there is dancing.
A single footstep has nothing to say. Life, vibrant raw unrehearsed painting and erasing itself. This amazing streaming water colored dream world constructed by thought. A streaming dream of infinite variety, the pure light of clarity erases the shadows of apparent duality, yet the dream continues much as before.
wonder winds leave empty leaf prints in the sky. blue without end never touched this never moving always moving supreme brilliance, I silently sing of this great aloneness this sublime aloveness greeting meeting the touchless touch of morning of day of night of evening songs streaming falling roaring, caressing all pervading winds soaring nakedly in and through themselves. This unutterable ease, this unspeakable vastness, softness falling though softness, a sigh falling though a sigh, a hush falling though a hush, light into light...
warm summer night streams through me
footfalls echo in the canyon
darkness suspends fallen roses on the moonlit pond
cricket song fills the pitcher of empty shadows
drinking the night
drunk on my reflection
words cascade into moonlight
swirling through shadows
I dance
bathed in echoes of cricket song
and pools of midnight
first robin
mountains emerge
where is the dark
when the sun slides over the canyon walls?
where is the emptiness
as I peer into the glass?
all I can see is my own reflection
one foot dances with mirrors
the other has not even darkness
spinning spinning spinning...
it seems as if there is a center
but there is not
not even love flows
without direction
life pours through me
as I flow though life
without end or beginning
wind seems to move
tree tops appear to dance
tall mountain pines seem to yearn for endless blue
as my heart did long ago
robin song steeped in mists of memory
hot morning tea
sky spills over canyon walls
pooling in purply shadows
soaring through my reflection
and the echo of empty space
there is no source to this spring
drinking me
surfing liquid sky
Diaphanous edgeless centerless
flowing river of bejeweled light space
without center or source or goal
Extending infinitely in every direction
Without movement or direction
It never feels like there is someone doing or thinking or feeling or choosing
Or that there are separate things from which to choose
There is no belief in other better more or next
This is what it is like for me
Knowing there is no self
No others
No thoughts
No feelings
No things
No words
No letters
No symbols
No sounds
No emptiness
Not even nothing
Yet here we are
Living and loving and dying
The indescribable beauty of life doing itself
Whatever seems to appear
Just like this
Morning paints itself in this mind stream
Crickets fade to birdsong as someone awakens and yawns
Gently walls and ceiling pirouette into the morning song
A dance floor arises in this ballet of one of many
Of none
Light caresses the room with shadow
A hand appears cradling a cup of tea
Steam lazily rises to kiss its reflection in the window
That was painted shut
Long ago
The images of outside and inside collapsed
Time appeared to die in the catastrophe
Of crashing shadows
Tsunami of winged waving glass
Pierced a broken heart
With love’s magic
No clarity or fog remains
Just empty footfalls echoing
Turning dark into light
Light into dark
And in between the in between
We dance
I am a thought dream no longer believed
Belief was a felt tension seemingly dividing an outside
All that is not me
From an inside
All that is me
And that imaginary division hurt
popping of bubbles is a mild way of describing the demise of the end of belief
More like an evisceration....
Yet the imaginary confined space was never separate from the imaginary free space
Neither bound or boundless there was never anyone to be free or not free
And yet the swirling iridescence remains.... stunningly beautiful
Wordless wonder pools and swirls and slips softly into its own echo sliding through its unutterable undeniable aliveness it vibrates into song
Surging and cresting always the quivering tip of a wave falling between what has never been and what will never be
Made of memories and deep deep feelings and self referential thoughts shimmering without a center
swirling cresting fading writing and erasing themselves......
Arpeggio'd wonder in awe of itself longer owned no longer longing for other as there is none simply an ache for the ache of whatever appears
as it laughs and slides and sings and weeps and twirls in its own delight and amazement
And you are a tone poem a symphonic silence a passion play singing painting and erasing itself
Never touched never caught unbelievably marvelous and superb
Scrumptious tasty flavorful Beyond measure
And what is the taste of taste the touch of touch this vibrant pulsating utterly obvious aliveness that has no name nor non name that you feel so intensely like magic under and beneath the imaginary lines and yet subsuming all and everything
No one knows but you are it and it is you
Naked unadorned unwavering pure stainless untouched awareness aware that it is aware through this dream play this magicians tale this fairy land of this and that and you and me
A call and answer sing song without a singer.... of overtones of echoes pouring soaring in and through everywhere and no where
A shadowless footless dance of all stepless steps bursting seemingly real yet made of imaginary seams
.....coloring explosions imploding impossible unutterable songs of marvel where love and lover and the beloved kiss unceasingly without time or no time
As you are made up a dream an enchantment a spell cast upon the shimmering that skips your name across this rainbow iridescent dreamscape rippling shine and shadow skimming flowing dissolving into the shores of this edgeless see
an imaginary surface tension a temporary window between inside and outside between the physical world and the worded world between a characterless edgeless centerless a-temporal unknown unknowable and the known fabricated world of things
Between love and nothing at all
And he holds up a treasure and says oh my how beautiful
And I am simply a swoon of utter beauty
I am the sun flooding the meadow and delicate petals lantern'd flowing waving adrifting seas of grasses and caressing the earth the sky the sound of winds in the pines from near and far sweeping down the mountain
Oh my this edgeless vast untraceable glowing lit from within from without without lines there is no one to be lost or found
and I am their warmth and love and wonder as well as mine our breath our footfalls our shadows on the rippling .....the tender wetness of our eyes
Skinless splendid measureless unspeakable infinite flowing space filling overflowing emptiness without time nor non time this utter enormity of indescribable liquidity without end or source ....traceless light soaring sweeping through itself filling me emptying me I am the wind and life as they fly through me as me
Without others I simply cannot find a trace of a song to pretend to tether the wind
This is perhaps why we sing
Those of us who have lost their imaginary piece of sky
awe moves my thumb as songs flow through me and write my imaginary lines.... always this silence singing
Utter and complete the vastness expresses itself
Sings itself
Words are like fingers pointing to the moon ....but there are no fingers
And no moon ....
Yet words can race like arrows
And pierce your heart...
aloneness sings
you can hear its roar
its echo resounds
it is your voice howling
ravishing the sun
ripping apart the horizon
eviscerating the depths of darkness
tears flow to the edge of sky
arch over moon
pour though your heart
through the sun and the wind and the tree tops dancing
through the leaves and the bark and the roots of your sunset
through the skin and the blood and the marrow of your being
through the most intimate corners where you thought you could hide
backwards and forwards until time loses direction
inside and outside until space loses volume
falling and falling and falling
until emptiness loses all ideas of empty
and love loses all ideas of love
beyond the depths of song and silence
no one sits
ravished of all ideas of solidity
her fingers slide across the keys
hello goodbye hello
I love you
here is my morning song
these very words paint the wind and the moonlight
and the tree tops dancing
this sidewalk ballet, a flying carpet of shadows
cricket serenade seamlessly flows
merging in a night time concerto
my heart sings
echoes of midnight do not reach for the dawn
yet the first robin song is clear
I do not long for morning as the moon slides over the canyon walls
the dance welcomes itself
through these eyes that have no owner
through this heart
that no one wears
through this dream
that dreams itself
with these words
that split sunlight from the sun
and me from you
and love from the lover
and the beloved
life does not wander or flow
or dance with itself
the wind cannot be tethered
nor does it move
only through this thought dream
is there wind
and a cheek to find it
your heart was never yours
there are no hands to hold it
love has no measurement
it erases imaginary edges
and has no center
it has no outside nor inside
nothing moves it or tethers it
or creates it
it lives and breathes
as everything and nothing
as love and hate
as joy and sorrow
as life and death
this undeniable love
it is not oneness or wholeness
or every-thingness or no-thingness
it has no color yet is all color
it contains nothing
and looks and feels like anything at all
love is an echo-land dreamscape
of one of two of many of none
you can hear its chorus
reflecting the song of your aliveness
I can only see myself in your beautiful mirrored garment
love's nakedness dances
and we emerge in the spinning
after the battle
walking through long waving grasses
wind soars through me
dances in the tree tops
acres of blood poured through us
beautiful symphony of tears
meadow lark sings from the old battered post
that has lost all signs
crumbled ruins of cloud castles
shimmer at my feet
here we meet
old warriors that have lost everything
and nothing
there was never anyone to win
there was never a prize at the end of the rainbow
simply colors dancing
I can feel your heart beating like a caged bird, talons and beak ready to gouge out your own eyes so that you may see through the blood and spattered dreams painted on the cage and window. You’ve tried opening the mirrored glass and only made more fingerprints that seemed to obscure the light and freedom you long for.
What will pierce your heart so deeply that all ideas of inside and outside will be shattered? So that every shard will eviscerate all notions of you and other? So that every piece will reflect an edgeless sublime aloneness dancing without a floor or a door to another shadow land dream?
So that every piece of your heart, which is nothing other than love’s reflection, will be felt to be one and the same, an echo land of love dancing in the canyon without any barrier or window or anyone looking out or looking in? That there were never any separate pieces to join and no bloody hands to try. No one to be free or bound, no one to see or not see, simply a call and answer love song with no one singing or listening or longing to be free.
One clear glimpse of the sheer stark beauty of this vast empty unknowability that is always on may tear down all walls of fear or it may build them, no one can prepare for not even nothing. Or it may begin to remove chinks and light will begin to pour through. I cannot tell you to stay awhile as this has nothing to do with you!
A slow waltz of light with light, of arabesques of space falling through space, whooshing in between the in-between where there is no where and no one to wander, a winged wave soaring without space or time or anyone to surf. There is no entrance or exit, no ticket to the dance and no rehearsal for the symphony, no prize at the rainbow’s end as there is no end nor beginning, nor anyone to arrive there and no one here to dance, yet all there is this dance.
Long morning light slides over castle canyon
Wind blows down from snowy peaks
Tall pines shimmer and sing
Transparency slides though transparency
Movement pours through movement
And is still and yet dances
Songs arch through words and music
They are silent and yet they sing
Wordless words twine and twirl and twist
Sensuous aliveness into things
Mountains and vast morning skies and rainbows on the edge of my glass
When there are none
We are echoes dancing
Empty silhouettes singing
There are no paths nor anyone to follow
Or fill this nakedness
Baseless shimmering iridescence kisses itself through these very lips
Vibrantly alive awareness aware of being aware through these very eyes...
From whence this song of light and shadow
Not even nothing fills this glass
As morning drinks me
Spilling out into poems
That paint me
Waltzing a slow moon dance
Her eyes illumined by thought
Tears and their wetness
There was no where left to hide
Pale first light erased the stars
Clothed in clouds and deep mountain shadows
Tall twisted pines danced with sky
She fell up through her reflection
Embraced by warm desert winds
Running down the meadow
Her nakedness peeled away
Soft as newly blooming wildflowers
Lanterned petals in the wind
Grasses waving gentle seas
Love washed away the tides of joy and sorrow into seamless beauty
wordless wonder whispers
I love you
It is these very words that paint this wind ballet streaming through our mind stream.
Simply words that create the dance
Of light and shadow
You and me and we
And love
Clouds race their shadows down the vacant streets
Full moon explodes inside her empty chest
She dissolves into the windy night
The treasure was the empty music box
Ballerina still dances
To the echo of sad sweet love songs
She is the memory as there is no one left to remember or forget
The primordial song of wind
Where is the moon that swallowed your heart
Where is the hope that animated your sunrise
Where is the fear that collapsed your world?
Where are the ropes that held up the moon?
Where is the scaffolding that held up the sky?
Starkly undeniable aliveness
You know this
You are not separate from it.
Moon and sun sail across the vault of sky
Seamless edgeless transparency of this echo land dream scape
Life singing itself
Just like this she whispers
Bodies seem to move and flow
Across the stage
Yet you are a beautiful story
Love just the same
Life does not move or swing without these words
There is no dance without separate feet
When the footfalls are empty
Wind is a shadow song
there is no one to be free or wander
no one to be bound...
this heart is not mine
nor is love
nor this sublime emptiness
yet this empty heart overflows
fills me and empties me and sings me
grief moves as it does, neither fast nor slow,
time has died here
as well as love
yet there is love in the dream of you and me and we
the only world we can know
the only world we exist in
we are the dream
fallen off the imaginary time line between birth and death,
there was never anyone to fall
or leave home
or return
the horizon untied itself and yet it swings
I am the missing of you even as you live
the giant hole in my heart exploded and imploded
emptiness was always the case
yet there is a fullness
of knowing and feeling no separation and that thingness is imaginary
yet we are here
like an edgeless sea, apparently there are waves, but the water is never separate from the wetness, nor your tears....
the template of words like a net thrown over the streaming perceptual input cannot catch the waters.... yet seekers are mad with thirst and will keep throwing the net not realizing that they are the cage of words.... and it is only words which seem to separate heat from fire,,,, and the color blue from the sapphire...
and a you from your beautiful tears
Weeping waves of joy of sorrow of awe
......they merged....
Tears and their wetness
Gem of our aliveness
Washed in mirrored beauty....
The tears never stop
They are the worlds sorrow and joy flowing through me painting my water color dream dance in the flowing that has no edges or beginning or end yet seems to move and dance and swing
It has no movement without these imaginary skies weeping
never and forever collided in timeless wonder and wept at the beauty of the death of time
As tears dry on my cheeks I remember
Oh yes
My fingertips have swirled through this wetness
My tongue has tasted this saltiness of endless oceans
Of shore less seas
Where I was washed onto the beach under the naked gaze of moons and suns and your beautiful beautiful eyes
Here we dance
As this beautiful sorrow
As this sublime joy
As this splendid aloneness
That we are
That we share
There was never anyone under the costume
This swirling skirt of mirrors is all there is
There’s no one left to take the dream personally
Thought continues but there is no one reading the pages
Life continues
It’s like watching a movie and being in it at the same time
Wonder abounds
This is not union or interconnection
It’s not about finding a thing called oneness or wholeness.
What is going on has no separation
All division is imaginary
Thought is like a razor seeming to divide what has no edges or center or split or place or time or why
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