golden threads of sunset
weave your reflection into the river
nothing behind you
nothing before you
you dance
on the bones of mirrors
and fallen skies
there are no edges in this flowing tapestry of wonder
you are this liquid ballet
of sun shadows pouring honey
into the glowing
whirling and whirling
trying to find the brilliance
you are
chanting syllables
counting beads
counting tears
trying to separate wet from light
dancing on these shimmering waters
looking for the essence of love
there is only reflected light
this piercing love
is everywhere
and nowhere
it enters you
from the inside and out
penetrates your pores
your skin your teeth your false smile
your blindness
gnaws your bones
sucks out the marrow
rips your heart out
consumes it bit by bit
its teeth are so beautiful
in the pale moon light
its breath the breath of hunger
your ache for love
is you
consumes you
darkness bleeds light
wings softly stir
iridescence takes flight
through a thin place in the clouds
moonlight poured into the garden
you caught a glimpse
a sideways glance
of love
as you ran out the back door
she crept in
like a thief
she stole your shadow
and your house
and your belief in love
she left nothing
not even an empty dress
not even a whisper
just a memory of this kiss
kissing itself
through your lips
This stillness is within the wind
And is the flowing wind itself
This stillness is inside your heart
And is your heart song flowing
This stillness cannot be missed
As it is the missing of it
Why do you think you feel so good when a teacher prescribes a method?
Tells you that you can awaken
As he did?
what can you hold
whose hands are these
grasping the scent
of fallen leaves
to let go of these hands
to find this love
this love remembered
that cannot be touched
thrusting her hands
into mirrored sky
her reflection crumbled
and slid into sea
her hands on the keyboard
her face in the glass
as the train pulled out
...dissolving tracks
she could no longer read
the music she played
an echo of silence
that cannot stay
nothing remains
no melody
no song of love
waits for thee
yet there is this love
touching all things
as it dissolves them
sea into sea
Autumn blossoms in the canyon
Lingers on the mountain
Sky above
Sky below
walking through the shimmering
dissolved in my reflection
Suspended as wonder
I am the wind and golden leaves falling
Waltzing in September Sun
looking for the love that is always here
dressed as a beggar
or your closest lover
or that dress in the window you imagine yourself dancing in
it is not something to adorn your nakedness
there is no one wearing this love
nor your nakedness
you cannot surrender to it
you are it
love and lover
dance and dancer
ocean and wetness
tears and saltiness
wind and the tree tops dancing
where does the mountain end and the valley begin
where are you when you are not
this aliveness you seek
is the very seeking of it
this silence you ache to hear
cannot be forgotten
or remembered
it is always singing
this love song you long for
is singing you
and this beautiful longing
for love
the harder you try to touch it
to hold it
will create the feeling that there is actually something to grasp
and someone who is grasping
yet this is love reaching for itself
nothing is separate from it
there are no things
not even love
trying to fold and unfold moonlight
there are no cupboards in sky
to hold it
or in your heart
to hide it
no one wears this garment of tears
rainbow reflections
of light and dark
dancing into and through each other
darkness does not hide the light
how could you know darkness
without light
this knowing of light and dark
sound and silence
equally and effortlessly arises
the dark is not separate
from its recognition
light is not separate
from the knowing of it
sound is not separate
from silence
you are not separate
from your tears
waiting for silence
there is only the sound of your waiting
whilst morning sings
carpet of light rolls down the canyon
finches begin their song in the plum tree
gathering at the feeder
drinking and dipping in the garden ponds
hang upside down on the sunflowers
mountain winds rush down to fill the gap
of hot air rising off the desert floor
the dance of life swooning through life
effortlessly sings
relentless suns
pull the shoot from the seed
paint their flowering
bask in their own glow
wilts their tenderness
as the wind plays
I love you
I love you not
with their softness
now drying
on the autumn ground
their colors paint the path of moon
across the sleeping face of winter
trees clothed in storm clouds
lit by relentless suns
spiraling through yourself
aching for release
from deaths flower
it perfumes your breath
leaves its kiss on your lips
life blooms and wilts simultaneously
there are bars on these windows
but they are transparent
this painted glass
melts in relentless suns
far flung harmonies filled the shattering sky
dust motes caught the fractured light
pierced my eyes
pierced my ears
pierced my heart
the very ground crumbled
silence stretched her arms into sky
gathering suns and moons and infinite space
and held them in her mouth
she swallowed the earth
savoring the syllables
she sang from everywhere
and nowhere
she had no words
yet every word sang her name
the music of colored stones in the river
the hush before dawn
cannot be held
broken mirrors hold no images
when they have lost their sides
yet these streaming reflections are beautiful
these echoes of love light
I see in your eyes
a looking glass of wonder
fills you and drinks you
I see your kiss on the rim
bathing rainbows themselves
with your tremendous beauty
you are a precious gem
I fall into your glow
you can never know this
but it can be known
the razor of thought that carves you
cannot see what has no edges
what the thought stream labels truth
is an idea
like time
like you
there is nothing to lose
or find
or remember
or foget
simply thought flowing
painting a dream of a you on a timeline
between birth and death
balancing is so hard isn't it?
what would happen if you fell off?
before you learned your name
was there anyone to learn it?
is there a before?
can you find it?
on the edge of the deep dark forest
trees dance with their shadows
shadows waltz with their shadows
it is the edge of moonlight
in this meadow
of winds
and long grasses
a long drink
of shimmering stream
a last long look
at your reflection
and you are ready
to enter the unknown
but in this unknowing
where will you be?
who is in love with the autumn moon?
weave your reflection into the river
nothing behind you
nothing before you
you dance
on the bones of mirrors
and fallen skies
there are no edges in this flowing tapestry of wonder
you are this liquid ballet
of sun shadows pouring honey
into the glowing
whirling and whirling
trying to find the brilliance
you are
chanting syllables
counting beads
counting tears
trying to separate wet from light
dancing on these shimmering waters
looking for the essence of love
there is only reflected light
this piercing love
is everywhere
and nowhere
it enters you
from the inside and out
penetrates your pores
your skin your teeth your false smile
your blindness
gnaws your bones
sucks out the marrow
rips your heart out
consumes it bit by bit
its teeth are so beautiful
in the pale moon light
its breath the breath of hunger
your ache for love
is you
consumes you
darkness bleeds light
wings softly stir
iridescence takes flight
through a thin place in the clouds
moonlight poured into the garden
you caught a glimpse
a sideways glance
of love
as you ran out the back door
she crept in
like a thief
she stole your shadow
and your house
and your belief in love
she left nothing
not even an empty dress
not even a whisper
just a memory of this kiss
kissing itself
through your lips
This stillness is within the wind
And is the flowing wind itself
This stillness is inside your heart
And is your heart song flowing
This stillness cannot be missed
As it is the missing of it
Why do you think you feel so good when a teacher prescribes a method?
Tells you that you can awaken
As he did?
what can you hold
whose hands are these
grasping the scent
of fallen leaves
to let go of these hands
to find this love
this love remembered
that cannot be touched
thrusting her hands
into mirrored sky
her reflection crumbled
and slid into sea
her hands on the keyboard
her face in the glass
as the train pulled out
...dissolving tracks
she could no longer read
the music she played
an echo of silence
that cannot stay
nothing remains
no melody
no song of love
waits for thee
yet there is this love
touching all things
as it dissolves them
sea into sea
Autumn blossoms in the canyon
Lingers on the mountain
Sky above
Sky below
walking through the shimmering
dissolved in my reflection
Suspended as wonder
I am the wind and golden leaves falling
Waltzing in September Sun
looking for the love that is always here
dressed as a beggar
or your closest lover
or that dress in the window you imagine yourself dancing in
it is not something to adorn your nakedness
there is no one wearing this love
nor your nakedness
you cannot surrender to it
you are it
love and lover
dance and dancer
ocean and wetness
tears and saltiness
wind and the tree tops dancing
where does the mountain end and the valley begin
where are you when you are not
this aliveness you seek
is the very seeking of it
this silence you ache to hear
cannot be forgotten
or remembered
it is always singing
this love song you long for
is singing you
and this beautiful longing
for love
the harder you try to touch it
to hold it
will create the feeling that there is actually something to grasp
and someone who is grasping
yet this is love reaching for itself
nothing is separate from it
there are no things
not even love
trying to fold and unfold moonlight
there are no cupboards in sky
to hold it
or in your heart
to hide it
no one wears this garment of tears
rainbow reflections
of light and dark
dancing into and through each other
darkness does not hide the light
how could you know darkness
without light
this knowing of light and dark
sound and silence
equally and effortlessly arises
the dark is not separate
from its recognition
light is not separate
from the knowing of it
sound is not separate
from silence
you are not separate
from your tears
waiting for silence
there is only the sound of your waiting
whilst morning sings
carpet of light rolls down the canyon
finches begin their song in the plum tree
gathering at the feeder
drinking and dipping in the garden ponds
hang upside down on the sunflowers
mountain winds rush down to fill the gap
of hot air rising off the desert floor
the dance of life swooning through life
effortlessly sings
relentless suns
pull the shoot from the seed
paint their flowering
bask in their own glow
wilts their tenderness
as the wind plays
I love you
I love you not
with their softness
now drying
on the autumn ground
their colors paint the path of moon
across the sleeping face of winter
trees clothed in storm clouds
lit by relentless suns
spiraling through yourself
aching for release
from deaths flower
it perfumes your breath
leaves its kiss on your lips
life blooms and wilts simultaneously
there are bars on these windows
but they are transparent
this painted glass
melts in relentless suns
far flung harmonies filled the shattering sky
dust motes caught the fractured light
pierced my eyes
pierced my ears
pierced my heart
the very ground crumbled
silence stretched her arms into sky
gathering suns and moons and infinite space
and held them in her mouth
she swallowed the earth
savoring the syllables
she sang from everywhere
and nowhere
she had no words
yet every word sang her name
the music of colored stones in the river
the hush before dawn
cannot be held
broken mirrors hold no images
when they have lost their sides
yet these streaming reflections are beautiful
these echoes of love light
I see in your eyes
a looking glass of wonder
fills you and drinks you
I see your kiss on the rim
bathing rainbows themselves
with your tremendous beauty
you are a precious gem
I fall into your glow
you can never know this
but it can be known
the razor of thought that carves you
cannot see what has no edges
what the thought stream labels truth
is an idea
like time
like you
there is nothing to lose
or find
or remember
or foget
simply thought flowing
painting a dream of a you on a timeline
between birth and death
balancing is so hard isn't it?
what would happen if you fell off?
before you learned your name
was there anyone to learn it?
is there a before?
can you find it?
on the edge of the deep dark forest
trees dance with their shadows
shadows waltz with their shadows
it is the edge of moonlight
in this meadow
of winds
and long grasses
a long drink
of shimmering stream
a last long look
at your reflection
and you are ready
to enter the unknown
but in this unknowing
where will you be?
who is in love with the autumn moon?
When alone
I weep at the beauty
In tears
I weep at the beauty
In love
I weep at the beauty
slowly slowly
wind begins her dance down the canyon
breathing out
breathing in
no one breathes this love
or falls in love
love falls in love with itself
wind swoons through wind
light pours through light
the empty sigh
of morning
Through your beautiful beautiful eyes
Love falls in love with itself
I cannot find anything
There is a sublime emptiness
Yet there is flowing description
Like this
That seems to create things
And personas...
I cannot find anything
Simply an edgeless spaciousness
yet through a sideways glance
I see your beauty
It blinds me
I hear your song
And swoon
Through the looking glass
Of reflections
Where we dance
golden wings of summer
shift and soar in autumn winds
fire dances
in the storm
rainbows unfurl
what is made of sky
what is not
is sky made of sky?
what about the sun
dancing on the waves
in love with its own reflection
what lies between the lips and the kiss
is it love?
can you drink this light
that pours into your shadow
and erases even love?
letters lose their context...
you can no longer stand
you have no feet
you have no hands
you have no face
no mouth
no eyes
you can no longer read
missives of love
that enchanted you
they were burned
on love's pyre
that consumed even itself
the day love dies
will forever burn in your empty breast
this day is that day
there was rain last night
in the full moon
I can hear the finches
hanging from the bent sunflowers