Saturday, September 1, 2018

Rainbows on the tip of my tongue

We exist 
Only in this kiss 
Yet we can never touch

Love cannot dance in 
The absence of other 
This Sensuous love ballet 
Of one of two of many 
Of none 
Shadows meet 
And fall into 
Each other’s light 

and still you look for truth
a place to rest
it is obvious life never holds still
nor can you capture it

you know this magic 
cannot be held
as you are not separate from it

there are no edges to life
no separate moments
or events
or things
this seamlessness cannot be spoken of
it has no name nor non name
it is not emptiness
nor fullness
nor anything in between

what is this birth
what is this death
that is in every breath

where is this song
when it is sung
and leaves a hollow ring

you disappear
into these words
that have no substance

and still you look 
for truth and meaning
and you are the looking for what 
you will never find

We simply cannot see ourselves 
As we exist only as each other’s reflections

eternity falls into vastness 
rips out my breath 
I see his hat on the empty chair
echoes of sunlight pour through the open window
and the summer breeze 
through the loose ends of my hair

and when have you not been the night blooming 
gazing upon itself with awe
what is the sound of the mountains as they glow in the absence of moon
who stands here naked 
howling 'I love you' to his own reflection?

in the hurry-up of rain
long languid brush strokes of dawn

night makes love with her echo
canyon breathes like the push and suck of tides 
scent of mountain pines rushing towards the desert
greet the sage dance of dust and rain

silence dances through her reflection 
moon shadows fade into black  
this hush before dawn never leaves
warp and weft of memory paint the sunrise
slide through the frame of color
and sound
and touch  

afterimages leave no fingerprints
moon leaves no trace
footfalls leave no ripples 
in this pathless garden of shadows

trees bow and dance and never catch the wind
breathe morning into sky 
my heart is still yet seems to beat madly 
in love with the flowering of night and day

poems never written
never sung
never heard
nor forgotten
paint the calm before sunset
and the approaching storm 

as the gathering dark sings 
sky dances in the dissolving trees 
rippling in waves of dusk
words wait for my reflection 
to kiss itself 

songs are paper umbrellas
in the rain

you tossed missives of love 
into an edgeless sea
seaweed and garlands of marigolds
sand and moonlight in your hair
your letters filled this looking glass with emptiness 

looking for a place to rest 
the horizon burst into flames 
consuming sky 
and sea
and you

afterimages sweep and gather moon
reflected light 
dissolves in your empty hand
your hands merged into the fabric of sea and sky 
as you waited on a windswept beach
for your own return

whilst we are walking
I long to walk with you

I watch you reading
and long to watch you read 

I am this longing 
to love you
even as we love

though you live
I am this beautiful ache 
of your death

no one wears this nakedness 
or this flowered skirt rippling in the wind
wind is not separate from the flowing grasses 
flowers are not separate from my skirt 
this fabric of light and sound is not woven of things 
nor emptiness 
it weaves itself as flowers bloom and wilt
as morning sun streams through this open window
as wind caresses my softness
and carries away the steam from my tea 
without time or non time 
or direction or non direction 
or movement or non movement 
life flows by itself

When one becomes two and two become one and emptiness dissolves into itself 
Life flows along its natural course without intention

as I tried to drink my own kiss
I saw my reflection
in the shattering sky 
rainbows on the tip of my tongue

tree tops slowly slowly 
waltzing with sky 
wind sings shimmering echoes on the river 
I dance in pools of shadows 
memory paints my silhouette on the sidewalk
bowing and curtsying with the wind 
it flows through me 
I am the wind singing

wind sings through the open window
humming birds swoop and hover in the garden
there is no path to this fleeting all encompassing momentary
it blooms and wilts simultaneously 
it cannot be captured 
no one can allow it or reject or change it
as there is no one separate from this 
there are no edges 

there is no one breathing or feeling or thinking or doing... just life doing itself... looking and feeling like anything at all

I have no message 
or secret notes
folded into little squares 
that you can unravel

space folded into and through itself
and time lost its footprints
memories unravel
when there is no one left to read them

scanning the darkening sky
bathed in orang-y reds of sunset
clouds unfurl your heart
as you weep 
last robin song
last song of summer
withering vines cannot hold their flowers

is it beauty or love or awe 
or the death of tomorrow 
is it emptiness 
or fullness
or the last breath of moon
that rains upon the garden path
and pours reflected light into your eyes 
that I may see the tender delicate beauty
of your tears 
and the wetness of my face

evening hides in the shadows
pours up the mountain into sky
last dove leaves the feeder
carries the sun on her back 

hot desert wind rushes up the canyon
longing for the coolness of mountain rains 
morning will bring the mountains reply 
a call and answer sing song 
night in day
day in night 

hush of darkness never leaves
death sings its silence in every breath 
contained in every word
every song
with light 
life paints shadows on the carpet of moon
colors slide and bleed through this heart
as it falls into the rhythm of night 
this heart
that was never captured 
or held
in loves embrace
as it was never mine to give
or lose 
echoes of time kissed these lips 
long ago
as I fell into the mirror 
that had no sides 
nor middle
pierced by the shards of my own reflection 
dissolving light into shadow
and shadow into light 
one half of a kiss does not exist 

love's embrace was never lost 
or found 
it simply had no sides 
caressed from the inside and out
love is the erasing of imaginary lines

last train leaves
midnight sings 
no one waits 
or lies on the benches 
listening to the wind echo in the empty hall 

I am this dance of light and dark breathing  
of wind and the absence of dawn 
of the night hawk swooning
and moon lilies blooming 
of memories traipsing 
of a lonely girl who lost herself 
and found this sublime aloneness
that no songs can hold 

words twine dark and light
love and love lost 
and this joy that merged with sorrow  

tendrils of emptiness 
flow through my songs
paint moonlight on the ceiling
as I watch my reflection twirl

I have no message 
or secret notes
folded into little squares 
that you can unravel

space folded into and through itself
and time lost its footprints
memories unravel
when there is no one left to read them

scanning the darkening sky
bathed in orang-y reds of sunset
clouds unfurl your heart
as you weep 
last robin song
last song of summer
withering vines cannot hold their flowers 

is it beauty or love or awe 
or the death of tomorrow 
is it emptiness 
or fullness
or the last breath of moon
that rains upon the garden path
and pours reflected light into your eyes 
that I may see the tender delicate beauty
of your tears 
and the wetness of my face

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