Saturday, May 4, 2019

I Am Nothing But This Love

Everywhere I look 
Scintillating jewels 
Without their rainbow reflections 
I am not
I am nothing without this love
I am nothing but this love

Trying to grasp or understand emptiness solidifies the feeling that there is someone with an empty hand.

We are infinite reflections without a source 
Echoes spinning 
Fleeting images 
Flowing thought dreams 
Without sides or a middle
Dancing without movement or non movement 
without direction or non direction 
There are no colors or rainbows without us
Without an imaginary persona there is no imaginary heart 
Loving all this 
That is not this 
Or that 
Or both 
Or neither 

There is no one to be free or bound 
Or gaze as infinite awe painting the dream scape with colors that cannot be seen
Only felt 
No one to fall into your unutterable beauty 
Or fall endlessly in love with you 

This dream of love that I am
Has no border 
No gate to this garden
Infinitely blooming 
And wilting 
There is door to the house of love 
Love has no home
You need not enter 
You cannot enter 
Or leave 

Love has no words 
Yet is every word
Heard in the depths of not knowing 
Love listens to your heart song 
And hears its own heart breathing 

Love is imaginary oneness 
Swallowing twoness
Swallowing oneness

Morning sleeps
This song paints the blooming colors 
And an ordinary woman 

this word ballet
creates light and shadow
paints the colors of the dream
caresses me from the inside and out
dances these feet, these hands, these fingers that touch
these lips that kiss
this heart that aches
with the indescribable majesty of love
and the knowing that it is beautiful 
twirls the mirror into itself
so that there is a knowing of knowing

sky writes our names with sky
no lines can ever be found
simply after images of thought
echoes of echoes
running through this mind stream
this dream of this and that
breathes me

here I am
as real as you
and tomorrow
love is the song of you and me and we
spinning empty shadows
into this ballet of words

I was trying to find a path through a starlit sea
The distant horizon beckoned 
Promises of safety hovered...
Although I could see no harbor 
I felt it had to be there 

Reflections of reflections poured through me
Acres of starlight seared me
Erasing all ideas of direction 
Up fell through down 
Sea into sky
Sky into sea 
Never and forever collided 
All ideas of a goal crashed 
With all ideas of meaning
And truth 
Sinking with the horizon 
And my heart 

Waves of color washed through my eyes
Ripped away all notions of love 
All ideas of knowing 
Or nothing 
There was no one left to know 
I had never been anything other than an assumption of solidity 

There was no hand to grasp the stars 
Nor any stars to hold 
Light swooned through its own reflection 
And left it’s breath in my mouth 
It’s song pours through these lips
No vowels are held 
As the consonants click down the skyway
Golden hues are golden only with the paintbrush of my eyes...
Love and beauty 
Dance through these words 
Our words 
That paint our world with beauty 
That sing this lovers song 
Just like this 
I whisper 
Life paints our stories
Sky written 
Love kissed 
We are a passion play 
Written with water 
On the sea
Falling into sky

It seems obvious when imaginary separation is believed in that there are separate things, even before they are named.  Like that hard thing on the end of your shoelace, just waiting to be named.  Yet the designation 'thing' is a name. 
Where does the mountain end and the valley begin?
How deep is the line between Utah and Nevada?
What time is it on the sun?
How far is up?

I have heard that Eskimos have fifty more words for precipitation than we do, so their conceptual world is different than ours.  

I am not trying to convince you that there are no things, as this is not a belief or an understanding. As unicity or 'unity consciousness' is already always the case, it cannot and need not be brought about anew.  It is merely recognized or not. When and if it is recognized you will say, 'oh yes!  It has always been like this!'

However, no thing ness and the resulting amazement at thingness is so astounding I love to sing of it knowing full well that all words, all thoughts are razors, seemingly dividing up what has no split or division or edge anywhere... or nowhere...

The conceptualization of the physical world into things is amazing!  Our objectifying brains create recognizable things like trees and rivers when all trees and rivers certainly don't look alike.  Then the brains can imagine all kinds of rearrangement of these things, like building boats out of trees to cross rivers.  

Yet, as thingness is learned, there seems to appear a thing that is not these things, that is in the center of the swirling world of things, called a you. So thingness can be most painful when believed.  As the feeling of separation just doesn't feel right!  When there is an intuition that all separation is made up, there is a dissonance with the belief in separation which, like all belief in things imaginary is accompanied by hope and fear. For some, like it was for me, it is exceedingly painful! We call these people, 'seekers'. 
They are the looking for something called wholeness or oneness or love... They are the grasping and cannot let go... as all grasping seems to create a someone who is grasping and things that can be grasped.  

There are no things nor non things yet everything is included... as the Dzogchen say, 'not this nor that nor both nor neither', and, 'not one nor two nor many nor none'... don't know who said that. 

So it can be poetry or other ambiguous words that may catapult the mind into a feeling of lostness, which some may like and others run away from.  Or perhaps there is a huge catastrophe like a death, that may turn your world upside down. 

It may seem obvious that there were atoms and quarks before they were named... or sunsets and oceans and a colors and time... Yet, it is our brains using shared learned words and concepts that creates this worded conceptual world, and results in our 'known' world, a worded world of this and that and you and me and we. 

Only the human brain creates things purely imaginary and a self who runs after them, like happiness and love and tomorrow, and oneness and wholeness and enlightenment. 

I am not denigrating science, it is a wonderful method of describing the physical world, and explaining how these various things act and react.  As the conceptual world is the only world we exist in, as conceptual beings, this is my world.  I am the dream of objectified separation. There is no outside to this world as inside and outside like all this and that is made up. 
This is it, coyote!

Listening again to our conversation I heard Rick ask, who made the brain? 
for me it is obvious that the physical world does it self 
and the dream of separation paints itself 
and they are not separate

There are not separate things or events that can be glued together into one big thing, nor is there one big thing that can be split apart.

However I might say that the bridge I am walking over was made by such and such a company with many people building it
then there are the welders and the people who made the steel 
people who cut the trees and made them into boards
People who came up with the idea of engines and cars 
and the trucks that transported the trees 
the people who drove the trucks 
the people who emptied the trucks that brought the boards to the park

sun and rain and earth and seed 
The nutrients in the soil created by other plants 
rocks dissolving into minerals
The evolution of life, of plants, of trees...
The forest fire that did not come...

the idea makers who came up with the idea of making this bridge 
all bridges in the past 
and all of these people’s parents 
and all of the conditions that lead to this bridge being made 
and me crossing it 
which are innumerable and endless....

So if it feels like there is a source or a maker of brains 
then who made God? 

I am ashes of lace
Of burning rainbows drowning
Of wind crocheted shadows
Flowing through my tears
My world on a pyre
Of love’s forgotten colors
Pieced back together
Into a tapestry of rhyme

Without number
Or place
Without wings or feathers
I am this soaring daydream
Of light and shadows blossoming
Castles crumble
Where no one lived
Memories paint my hand
On the window of time

shattered reflections fall 
through a sideways mirror
holding nothing 
not even itself 
dawn sleeps

confetti of dreams
slide through a rainbow
colors cannot stick
to water

what is wetness?
what is light?
where does night hide during the day?
what is left when there is no solidity 
nor anything to flow?

when there is nothing to grasp
your empty hands dissolve
your empty heart
all and everything seem to reappear

even love 
a shadow dancing
reminds you of your aliveness
a momentary echo
of light

whose song echoes in my heart
fragments of galaxies spin
pierce me
form me
under this skin
there is not even nakedness
under these words
there is no song
but I can hear it
can't you?

it has no name 
but is all names
it is not even nothing 
yet it is everything
not here nor there
not everywhere 
nor no where
without time
it is not atemporal

what is the rhythm of wind
what are its words
without your skin
your heart
your love?

what is it that paints this beauty?
what is it that loves this love?
what is this longing to share...
to touch to kiss to sing of that which has no words?
I am this desire

when I first entered the emptiness I wanted to run naked like a deer up the canyon and splash through streams and jump over bushes and laugh at clouds.... but the further I went I noticed there was no one to share the beauty with, and further up the canyon there was no song... and no singer
so I returned to the only world I know
the only world I exist in
the dream of you and me and we
and sunflowers blooming 
and wilting
I am the astonishment of this dance of love that we are
in love as love through love
I am these tears flowing
rainbows falling
wind flows through me
and I am the wind dancing

here are words 
closer than the tongue in your mouth
the greatest intimacy
and the greatest beauty 
is the unknowability 
of love

light spills over the canyon 
kisses its face in my window
slides through the glass
illuminates an echo of my reflection
dances through the curling steam from my tea
caresses these hands typing...
I sing the morning
morning sings me

darkness melts
no one wears the dawn
no one is clothed in memory 
no one wears this nakedness
or these spinning mirrored skirts
no one bathes in color
as color slides through her
no one sings
I am this song
these words
the heartbeat
of this and that
swirling light cascading through shadows blooming
everything and nothing
tumbling through each other
the dance floor fell away long ago
there is only this dance
for without you
I am not

weight of fullness
heart of beauty
is the heart of you
the heart of love
is sharing this love that was never mine

I find that some recognize the essential emptiness of self and then fill in this huge void with more concepts like emptiness or nothingness or true self or awareness or consciousness....
searching for something solid and stable and fixed is quite common,
and there are many religions and philosophies around to tell you that you are not the self but you are a soul or awareness or a true big self

Seekers long to hear the words 
“you are not these thoughts, you are not these emotions” 
you are something else ....and they ask a question 
who am I, 
longing to find something that they truly are 
but in reality that great emptiness you feel is true

A glimpse of your own essential emptiness can be quite terrifying and most run for cover

However here it was not only the realization that there was no self but that there were no things no separation at all 
and there was a year of terror preceding that sudden realization

self remains 
It has simply lost all relevance 
The story of this and that continues 
And it seems simultaneously dream like 
And realer than real 
Vibrantly Alive 
Dancing on the edge of a feather between 
And a fairytale of love

there is no knowing or feeling of solidity
No reference points whatsoever
I am this very thought stream
I have no independent existence
I exist only in relationship
Without you l don't exist

I am a mural of solitude painted on the wind
a breath of autumn sliding into summer
tree tops dance though my silhouette 
sun kisses an echo of my reflection
paint of memory 
clothes not even a shadow
runs down the landscape of dreams
pools in silent caverns
where death has never died
traces of ancient melodies
stir the darkness
and sing these lips
this tongue
this song
that sings of our sublime aloneness
and the lush wetness
of our tears

We exist in a mentally fabricated world of time and dimension or place.  A description of the physical world is still not an understanding of it.  The description creates concepts which can be known but the physical world cannot be truly known or understood 
What is a flower what is yellow you can go on about the chemistry and bio chemistry you can go on about our physiology and how we perceive it 
but all it is is layers and layers of description which create such a magnificent world don’t they? It’s mind boggling 
the knowing that it can’t be known as there are no things that can be put together or rearranged into some kind of understanding or place of rest is wondrous 
And knowing that there is no separate someone TO know is more wondrous still.  
This multilayered dream of objectified separation seems to extend infinitely 
But what if words like infinity are used to describe the edgelessness and it seems like a thing? Or mystery 
That’s another concept I hear people use, believing that they are understanding all this 
And that they are a separate person who understands... 
some say 
All is energy 
I ask 
What is energy 
And more description ensues... all painting the dream of separation

Some will say 
nothing can be known 
and I ask
 are there separate things that can be known?
is there someone separate who can know them?

we are stories
written with breath
written with wind
in wind
we are echoes of love songs
with each others stories  

words slide through words
sounds fall though sounds
echoes dance

we are afterimages of hands
infinite parenthesis spiraling outward 
and inward
erase imaginary sides

there is no middle
there is nothing between us
only an imaginary space
where we dance

we are eyes
shimmering light
sliding through light

there is no pure intelligence or god. there is no prior to thought as time is thought created... there is no container... there are no edges... god is another idea that seems to create a thing permeant and unchanging... god is another hand hold. another idea that seems to create an understanding... I see god as a pacifier a substitute to fill in the huge void you sense but cannot grasp, this amazing unknowing that you fear.

lace of tree tops seem to describe the sky
its vastness continues beyond our vision
sky cannot be held
words seem to capture a portion of the perceptual input
perception a word
awareness a word
you are a word
love is a word
nothing can be held
there are no things
not even nothing

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