I am a river of reflections
Awash in moon glow
Flowing through an ocean of song
it feels like I am the flow
there is only the flow
there is no one to flow with the flow
I go to a mirror to comb my hair, and when I see my reflection, there is no... 'thats me!' feeling like before... but I can't say there is someone who is disassociated ... or a someone who is separate or joined...
It feels like a streaming edgeless three d flowing light fabric...
This is not a life of only sublime emptiness but a full on life of being human...
...edges are there when needed but they are always known and felt to be imaginary... I hold some boards for my husband to put together and the heartbreakingly beautiful symphony of light and shadow and his tender hand flowing, makes me cry... I stand in line at the supermarket and am lost as this beauty.... I sit here typing on my laptop and I am lost as this beauty...
I often wonder about Miranda, living alone in silence in a cabin in the wilderness... at first I would have been that guy living in diapers with a drool bowl it seems, but my husband kept my story alive, and singing about this with Michael has been wondrous, for when the singing stops, the singer disappears...
I didn't mind living suspended as nothingness... I was there for a few months... there is no one to mind! lol! I cannot remember how long... but I also remember when the fullness rushed in all at once, that is when the tears began... here I was, much as before, yet I was not... dancing on the edge of a feather between love and nothing at all.... sliding at first back into nothingness often... now it seems like both at once... a wondrous balance...
oneness swallows twoness swallows oneness....
not one nor two nor many nor none...
as you walk along this path
with no end in sight
not knowing what you seek
there may be a collision of never and forever
as space and emptiness slide through each other
erasing all sides
and the middle
the horizon is lost as sea crashes into sky
rips the fabric of your universe
into ribbons of endless mirrors
reflecting nothing
as well as all things
as they explode
and implode
all and everything dissolve....
the very ground upon which you danced
there is falling
and falling
and falling
until the falling is falling
and there is no place to land
and no one falling
Many teachers keep on saying they don’t exist
Seekers love that shit
They want to cease to exist also
But they don’t kill themselves do they?
They want to live and talk about their own non existence!
I heard one say that he would never go back to being a self
Who or what would never go back?
There is no one or thing who has a self or non self
That preference of that speaker is a self
We exist only as imaginary selves
There is no existence as a non self, simply the self is no longer believed by the brain that paints the dream of objectified separation.
Sun streams over the canyon rim
Shadows pour down rocky slopes
Gather underneath the trees
Swirl in deep eddies
Under the covers
Where stillness lies
A dream of day
Falling through night
Swooning through dark
The dream character remains
All a flowing dream scape...
This amazing passion play
Playing itself
No one makes life happen
No god no source no consciousness...
There is no one to attach...
Accept or reject the self
There is no hope or fear
Or need
Of a never arising next
And no one to be hopeful
Or fearful...
No one to have or not have a self...
There is not “just the wind sweeping down the canyon”
Or “simply the crickets singing in the night”
All separation is mentally fabricated...
A story
A hologram of this and that
Like you and me and love
There is no outside or before to this dream of objectified separation...
As outside and inside
Like all this and that
Is made up
This is it, coyote
Whatever it looks or feels like
There is no escape from this magician’s tale
That writes itself
With every word
The thought dream
Arises and self erases
I called it the dam of affliction breaking loose and the avalanche that had buried all the light in hope and fear was washed away
What I found
Was so much less
And so much more
Than I could have ever believed
Or imagined
When there was no one left to look
Or find
The jewel
The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
As the rainbow had disappeared
And the center of the dream had collapsed
All the edges fell through each other
As I fell into endless sky
All was gold
No more sacred and mundane
When there are no things
Not even nothing
All is spectacular
What was blue
What was yellow
What was the curtain that fell on this sunset
Where was the end to this
That breathed itself
Where is the beginning
And end
To this love
That breathes itself
Babies crying
Airplanes landing
Bombs bursting
People dying
People who loved
And lost love
Lost their parents
Their children
Their ideas of love
Crushed between the time plates of armor
Like a freight train
Rolling down the tracks
Wind leaves no kiss
Maybe a falling leaf
Maybe nothing
Only memory
That’s what we are
To the human dream
It is singing
I love you
I love you
I love you
Can you hear the baby crying?
It’s you
It has always been you
You know that
For no reason
Nor non reason
Love flows
Like this
I am neither the wind
Nor the rain
Nor the drops in the ocean
There are no drops
There is no ocean
something that takes your breath away
something that gives you a shock of piercing light, but no understanding, no clarity...
an all encompassing light...
that strikes your heart like lightening....
that is beauty...
that is love
this recognition of delicious unknowing
...this sensuous lostness
with no one to be lost
or found
this delicious unknowing
...this sensuous lostness
with no one to be lost
or found
Can you hear that distant thunder getting closer?
can you smell the lightning on the far away mountains?
One flash and all and everything is illuminated
Burns a hole deep in your heart
Where love lies
Waiting to be born
Waiting to be burnt, seared by its own reflection
your reflection
Loves echo
your echo
it’s story
your story
Magically writes itself with these very words
these very thoughts
this very thought stream singing in your skull
Blazing it’s own trail
You are this deep deep longing
This burning love trying to create a path back to itself
But it cannot return
you cannot return
you have never left
there was never anyone home
To leave
or fill her shadow
No empty shoes to dance along a timeline between birth and death
Can you hear the waves crashing on distant shores
Unseen even by moonlight?
It is your own echo
Your own heart crashing
Upon death’s door
Slowly slowly
Or swiftly
Rivers dissolve mountains
Ice and wind sculpt the earth
surf breaks down the high high cliffs
Where are you stand watching your own sunset blooming
Blush of dawn
blush of evening
illuminate your tender face
But are never caught by your tears
There are no colors without your eyes
This tender delicate wetness
Writes our stories with water in water
There is no between what never happened and what never will
yet this is where we dance
That razors edge of hope and fear between birth and death is not twirled along by a ballerina with an umbrella
There is no wind to push her off
There is no horizon between earth and sky
When time collapses
you do too
A ballet of wind and wind
A symphony of light falling through light
Spinning twisting twirling dancing flowing rushing roaring sparkling pirouette of life in life
Death in death
Even the nameless is named
In this great dance called life
A runaway train with no source or destination
Leaves no echo or footprint
the tracks dissolve in their own wake
That there was no train and no conductor and no passenger might illuminate your tears with wonder
Maybe today
maybe tomorrow
or maybe when you are dying
You are dying, aren’t you?
Dying to live
dying to love
dying to this very moment that sings you
With these very words
love paints its own echo
It has no substance
It cannot be caught there is no hand to hold it
no heart that can hold this love
No place to rest
No one to rest on this slippery shimmering reflection
of reflections of reflections of reflections
You know this deeply
but it may seem
to acknowledge
There is no past
Just memories blooming and fading simultaneously
there is no tomorrow
Just thoughts of other better more or next but you have never found a future you have never found an past
you have never found anything other than just this as it magically appears
Life dances just like this
Can you feel love’s heart beating
This on-again off-again rhythm
It is not actual
it is only a wisp of a dream falling through its own echo
No one can catch it
Bring it to life
or kill it
It breathes and dances only in these words
This thought stream you have tried so hard to get rid of
or quiet
This quiescence is the very heart of all words of all stories
It is your heart beat your echo your love song singing you
just like this
I’ve heard some teachers say that they are awake to what is going on, and that that is rare.
however, everyone is awake to what’s going on as there is no separate observer from perception.
There is an infinite array of sensorial input, and attention rests where it does, seemingly including some of it and seemingly excluding the rest. however it is recognized by everyone that they have actually been aware of things in their side vision, so to speak.
The brain evolved to have attention roam and to constantly scan and look for things that would help the organism survive and reproduce.
Many teachers will tell you to focus your attention, as if there is a you who had attention, on certain things, like the space between breaths or the breath itself or the space between thought or thought it self.
Any feeling that you are trying to do this or that you’re accomplishing it will only perpetuate the painful illusion that there is a separate you who is an observer of breath or thought.
If you feel successful in these endeavors then it will really solidify this illusion of a separate few and separate things called breaths or thoughts.
For this seamlessness of which I saying cannot be focused on!
It seems that after the shift it is recognized that it was always on and yet rarely noticed.
As it is intuited knowing and not conceptual knowing it is not really a belief or understanding. It cannot be taught or learned or pointed out.
You know this edgeless seamless intoxicating wondrous beauty of which I sing, that is why you recognize your heart in these songs.
You recognize this vast spacious emptiness without space or emptiness.
But Beauty, like life cannot be captured as there is no you separate from it.
A glimpse of this seamless slipperiness all encompassing emptiness may terrifies him and feel wondrous to others but mostly likely one feels both, drawn to it and fearing it at the same time.
All attempts to be burned in loves flame will, however, make you cold.
There is nothing I can do nothing I can share all that happens is that I love to sing of it even though it can never be kissed with words.
These songs may ignite that fire in your heart, fan the flames and block all the exits
no one lets go
no one holds on
self is the grasping
creating a palpable tension between an imaginary inside an imaginary outside
there is simply nothing here
vast sublime emptiness
Without emptiness
and nothing there
No here nor there
no past no future
Or now...
no beginning or end
no in between or middle
No form or emptiness
emptiness without emptiness
spaciousness without space
vast seas without water ...beaches without sand
Love without love
...an unfathomable vacancy that nothing can fill
or empty
All clouds dissolved into pure endless sky
sky dissolved into itself
every word lost it’s sound and letters
consonants and vowels could not be held...
hands and hearts and love that were written with these love letters erased themselves...
all imaginary things fall apart as these very lines write them
And yet there is this unspeakable majesty of falling in love with everyone
with everything
but there is no one falling in love
There is only falling in love as love through love
there is no self there is no other there is no love
yet here we are loving each other
What never existed cannot not exist
Realizing that there is no self
that what you are is indeed an imaginary persona
A phantom a hologram a swirling flowing collage of memory and self referential thought
Knowing and feeling always that there are no separate things or moments or events
Does not actually produce a feeling of happiness....
the feeling is is more like joy and sorrow and all combined
it is most a kin to love
But far beyond any ideas of love
Hi Nancy,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your interview on BATGAP. I have a small spiritual interview channel on YouTube, and I would love for you to be a guest! I enjoy interviewing really authentic and expressive "people" such as yourself who obviously have spirituality at the forefront of their lives. you can email me at kylehilding@gmail.com if you are interested.
- thanks