Sunday, March 1, 2020

I Am A Song Of Wind Written With Wind In Wind

I Am A Song Of Wind 
Written With Wind 
In Wind

The dream dreams itself 
The story writes itself and calls it a story
This is a love story that no one is writing
or reading
or listening to the clicks of they keys of the computer...
Enlightenment is the dream as well 
Love the most beautiful part of the dream Beauty
Beauty sings itself
With every word
Or non word
Through whose lips...
As lips are a story
As is this kiss...
There are no two to meet and fall in love We can never touch
As we are the imaginary sides of a canyon Echoes that have no source
A call and answer love song
hello goodbye hello....
Crashing through the mirror and finding there is no one on the other side As all sides disappear
Along with the middle

 My story sang of love
and then skirted around that word as I heard false gurus tell people they were love,
(just another handhold)
yet I could find no other word that would suffice
This is the end of love
And the beginning
The end of all ideas and belief about love As love erases itself
Love sings itself...

The thought stream has changed, the story of wind has shifted... there is no worry yet there is thought about an imaginary past and an imaginary future, and a non existent now...
the idea that there are separate things and events and time seems foreign... it is like there is no one to believe thought, no one to take it personally or not...
the endless loop of self judgement and self correction was broken... the constant taking of an imaginary happiness temperature, trying to contrive or keep ‘good’ thoughts and emotions and trying to replace ‘bad’ ones stopped.... all the ‘shoulds’ stopped, there is never any thought about how life or the world or others should be or could be.... all at once the thought stream changed
and as I am this thought dream
I have changed...

I am an afterimage of love's demise the shimmering of starlight without stars

a great wind blew through my brain and erased all knowing and longing to capture the magic
and now it simply sings love songs

Life is perfection is effortless-ness
It is not laziness, it is the knowing and feeling that there is no one doing life and that life is not happening to anyone...
or no one...
Seamlessly without edge or center
Or beginning or end
Without movement or non movement
Life flows without any effort or non effort... amazing!

 As the fairy tale girl was a dream of constant effort... of constantly trying to feel good, to find peace and love...
looking for love was the story of wind...
looking for the awe she remembered...
like fading into sleep and almost hearing a song on the under breath of a passer by....
trying to capture and hold the magic the majesty the wonderment of life and seemingly pushing it away...
the dream of separation is no longer believed... nor the edgeless-ness....
neither complete
nor incomplete echoes of a sideways sun
this awe never ceases.... the knowing feeling of utter perfection.... love swooning in love with itself through our eyes
suspended between the known worded world and this delicious unknowing.... amazed at amazement
In love with love
There is never boredom, I find myself weeping even looking at the ceiling 
This vibrant aliveness...
Unfathomably measureless...
Marvelously unknowable....

Yet with imaginary separation (the dream) there arises an awareness of aliveness.. an awareness of awareness... and this is how love and beauty enter the dream... through our eyes, a prism of color arises... through this marvelous thought stream things seem to appear and interact and swim and dance and suns and moons
and starlight pours through the tall trees... that have never held the sky... sky swallowed me long ago and spit me out...
yet I am ever sky swooning through sky...
although there is never anyone swooning nor a sky to dance...
nor wind to push and pull the clouds...

I am the wind as the wind flows through me... transparent iridescence of space falling through space...
without space...
It seems that I arise in this dance of you and me and we... but we cannot be found... or lost
an echo a mirage ...a magicians’s tale... a reflection of a hologram ... not anywhere nor no where...
not as anything nor as nothing....

love awe sorrow joy have merged love flowing into itself without love
or the lack of love
there is no one to be empty nor full...
other dream time characters seem to speak to me and my mouth appears to answer...
or kiss....
...or sing...

This fairy tale girl has changed dramatically since she fell from the sky... It feels like a constant falling in love with all that seems to appear and all who appear
in this love dance that we are
always the first and last kiss

I am a flowing of many stories
a color picture book with three d images and bits of tears and smiles and songs painted on liquid pages
an ocean of song
dissolving into itself
my heart knows all the words
they are me

pigeons on the pier wrapped in their own softness their warmth caress me wind and sun and waves crashing
falling back into the sea

where does distance reside in the far flung sky?

This is the end of my seventh book of songs of awakening and I have never captured even one bite of this deliciousness... Yet songs flow through me and even as these words appear my story writes itself.

day is lost in her own shadow
sudden gust of plum blossoms

to the song of moon
as oceans
through our minds

what is the scent of the full moon
as she falls through the horizon?

hush of dawn

first light
sweeps down the canyon
pours through the empty garden
no path can be found

almost dawn
words brush my lips

in the shadows
soft breath of rain

birds finally settle
and weeping trees
sun sets

low howl
of moon
for cricket song

in between the silence
laying in the long summer grasses
darkness breathes

arched by wind
one fragile wing
caught in between the sidewalk cracks

desolate sky
breaks its scaffolding of dusk

hands cannot gather the darkness
nor dispel it

a lifetime of reaching for love
was love itself
to a home it never left

cone of yarn
half crocheted into sweater
bathed in lamp light

I am the memory of rainbows
love songs slide through me and write my lines

canyon wren sings her notes of sky 
into sky
she cannot be found

we are words
like stars strewn across the heavens
lassoed into stories of mythical proportions
I am a story book woman
written with starlight
on starlight

the longing to find her
and carry her song with me always
is gone
yet she is is part of me
as are you
I can hear all our names

the names of names
part our lips
as songs escape our hearts

words are their own echo
we are this very love song 
that sings itself

echoes sail on canyon winds
like distant shadows
colors in the dark
wind slides through wind

suspended in the soft slumber of moon
rain hides under the fallen leaves

suspended inside the colors of
no moon
on the edge of sky
streaming into oceans

weaving waving echoes
the arch of heaven collapses into rainbow reflection
there is nothing
inside my face in the mirror
nor outside

no bird sings
yet I can hear her song
there is the branch where she perched
waving in the wind

I am the memory of an echo I never heard
of a place I never went
of a tear I never shed
of a love I never felt
of a song I never sang…

I was an echo looking for a sound that rang true
in a world of echoes
without sound
or silence
or echoes

without truth or falsehood
ocean of love drinks itself
I am this very song that sings me

such undeniable aliveness!
this intoxicating passion play
a scrumptious water color dream
dreams itself

love falls in love
with itself
through this dance this chorus this echo land dream scape
of one
of two
of many
of none

sunset streams through the storm
bloom in our eyes

dawn sleeps
bathed in bareback moon
riding low slung clouds

soft shell light
opalescent shadows
and fade
into their own darkness

a life of effort
sun crochets a leaf
then two
a trunk appears
no one was needed
to hold up the sky

shorebirds sleep
cricket song ricochets into its own echo
silence swallows even the night

I was a flowing book of un-answered love letters
spilling out into the night
burning the candle
and the pen that wrote them

the pages of my life had always seemed too small to hold it 
or keep out the rain
...or keep me from drowning

paper boats dissolve
and paper hats melt
words themselves hold no weight
have no substance
yet seem to create it

my story writes itself
spilling vowels and consonants through my lips
my heart appears to know the words
my limbs sway to a music
that only they can hear

and I am sky
drenched with sky
dissolved yet dancing
in love with the dance that I am
that we are
reflections entwined
in our own
in our own
in our own
in our own

petals in the mud

peering into infinity’s gaze
love's heart magic pierces you 
pries apart the bars of your heart
there is no barrier
between you
and love

all that you feared and all that you longed for
raw and naked
in the still evening wind
soaring through the hush of moon

ocean of love streams through itself
river of thought has no one to surf it
no one to believe it
no place from where it comes
or leads
its very words create things like beginnings
and endings
thought paints thought itself
the dream dreams itself

no one missed the sunset last night
it bathes us

love burns itself
I am an afterimage of love's demise
the shimmering of starlight
without stars

she tried to drink the blue of sky
without sky
swallow the emptiness of space
without space
without emptiness...

she tried to find the love in love
eyes and fingers burning with a wetness
beyond tears
beyond wetness
beyond beyond
beyond even love

the taste of taste
the blueness of blue
cannot be removed or added
nothing can

there is no blue
nor green
nor purply clouds drifting through the sunset
colors are a lover's dream
like all light and shadow and shapes
playing the backbeat on an imaginary timeline
between birth and death
a tightrope
a knife blade of thought
slices your heart into pieces
and your world into infinite things

love washes through you
and leaves no trace
no kiss upon your shoulder
no fingerprint upon the wetness
of wet

this liquidity of life
of love
pours through love
saturates the sky
with blue
through long leafy shadows
cascading on the sidewalk

water color dream sails through itself
soft shell light
clouds soaring
moon on the silvery sea

tissue of the palest blue
melts into sky
layer by layer
as morning sings itself into day

one by one
words paint the flowing
streaming words like flowing
and painting
and number
and words...

dots indicate a pause
an in breath
exhales you
into this world of floating shadows and light
a someone who peers into a vast cloud bank of memory
and is walking toward a point on a distant horizon called death 

this preciousness of life is obvious
you have known it as soon as you were painted into this water color dream
watching your hands grasp the cup
feeling your lips hungrily drinking the water
tasting the wine
intoxicated with life

knowing this treasure you feared its demise
you might have asked
where did it come from
where will it go?
where did I come from
where will I go?

fear drives the seeking for other better more and next
but there is no next
you know that

and there are gurus and priests who will tell you 
you will never die
and you want to believe them...

no belief is ever quite believed
there is no believer
only a crumbling sand castle
and waves
and wind
and more thought tumbling into thought
spinning a tapestry as it unravels
colored with threads that have no name nor number
tattered prayer flags
bleeding sky into sky

this water color painting is a river of thought
you cannot cross
or surf
or step out of
you are it

it has no direction
as direction is a thought
it has no end
as end is a thought
it is not even an it
as it is a thought
thought is a thought

marvelously life sings itself
love dreams itself
and we are the marvel of life
tasting itself
falling in love with itself

low waves wing across the wet sands
purple now in the dusk
sliding through each other
bathing in each other's delight

breath of sea
breath of wind
breath of flowing sand

filagree of shadows
wind and leaves and street lights dancing
space without design or number 
or space
flows through you
and you cannot find your footfalls
among the swirling

consumed by love’s vast emptiness
thought no longer seeks the origin of color
it continues to spin the dream
spiderwebs caught in the long grasses
shimmer in the wet dawn

eastern winds ignite drops of starlight
emblazoned in your eyes
it is sorrow
it is joy
it is fire
it is love
it is all the stories of everyone who has ever loved
and lost love
it is a chorus of you and me and we
infinite tears coalescing in an edgeless ocean
we are the dream of love
a wind song
written with wind

rich scent of forgotten 
sea birds in the mist

ancient songs fell through at midnight
once again by morning
words cannot be caught
even in these lines

sound of golden
dusts the garden
dawn moves through pale rivers
night slumbers
hidden in the shadows

our voices bathe in infinite drops of moon
we are the cascading of a thousand echos
through the heavens
through the clouds
and sunlight
we are rainbows shimmering
reflections streaming
seas floating in liquid skies

we are the songs of vast edgeless oceans
shallow currents surfing
fathomless depths
sea of love slides through itself
and sings

you know her song
it is in your heart always
it sings you to sleep at night
and kisses you awake in the morning
it is undeniable
but cannot be found
or caught
as this song of love is you

you recognize this beauty
you recognize this love
as you are it

it cannot be found
or captured
and put on the mantle
trying to find it
pushes it away
paints an empty hand
and empty heart
longing to be filled

you are the quest for an ever receding horizon
there is no horizon
where the sea slides into sky
and sky plunges into sea
the named places are made up
as is time
as are you and me
and love

this amazing unknowable undeniable aliveness!
what more could you ask for!
what else is there?

long impossibly thin stem
empty now
of her crowning glory

carpet of petals

filagree of space
has no shadow
has no light
has no space
to fall through

my eyes caress all I see
all I see caresses me
a life of not knowing
is a life of wonderment


a waltzing daydream
a dance
a trick of thought
a spinning thought castle
crumbling into itself

tall trees at sunset
light and shadow
through your feet
swirling mnemonic dream scape
of a path
and someone walking

a rhythmic pulse
of night and day
shimmering echoes of words
that have no solidity

your heartbeat
your breath
has no before
or after
can you find your footfalls from last nights dream?

sky leaks into the painting
colors lift off the page
what is the blue in blue?

is blue separate from the seeing of it?
are you the seeing
or the blue

infinitely simply
infinitely complex
a gazillion words can never capture wonder
yet wonder is a word
every word spells love
yet this love has no words

this worded world is the only world we can know
love letters paint light and shadow
and colors

letters unsigned
letters unwritten
letters cast by no one into a sea that has no shore
nor surface
nor bottom
nor water

ocean of love
dissolves all echos
consumes its own reflection

love sings love's demise
and its simultaneous birth

I am a love letter slipping off the page
through its own words

mysterious are all words
uttered or not...
what is it that they grasp
other than our hearts?

calligraphy of unwritten shadows
played my heart song
and plunged me into an abyss of unknowing

handfuls of wetness
poured through my fingers
oceans of tears
washed the edges from my mind
time collapsed
the scaffolding of the world crumbled

floating in a canyon of echoes
I can hear love singing in the drifting sunlight
breathing waterfalls of color into the dream

sky cascades into sky
through me

scent of evening shadows
ghost of a dream paints memory
floating brush strokes of space
between here
and there
painting in the sound of midnight
notes of infinite color
stream through rainbows

delicate shell light of reflections
pours through an echo of moon....
bathes in pools of ancient starlight
reverberating in the placeless place between
and me

I am a filagree of light and shadow
dancing between an echo's dream
and a love song
of unfathomable beauty
that is always heard
yet never sung

golden streams through the window
husband awakes
love at first sight
again and again

soft wind carries the echo of moon
caressed by darkness
no longer longing for light

immeasurably small
and intoxicatingly large
love no longer fits into her shadow

her breath is your breath
and in

where is silence hidden
when there is no one listening?

clothed in tides
the sea appears to greet itself
on the sand
by the cliffs
in secret harbors...
in pools of reflections
where the last drops of sunset bathe

what is a river without its banks?
how will it find the sea?
what is this edgeless-ness
but love?

in the morning my husband sings the owl's song to me
wild eyes of midnight moon

I am a flowing of many stories
a color picture book with three d images and bits of tears and smiles and songs painted on liquid pages
an ocean of song
dissolving into itself
my heart knows all the words
they are me

pigeons on the pier
wrapped in their own softness
their warmth caress me
wind and sun and waves
falling back into the sea

where does distance reside in the far flung sky?

mockingbird sings from the tall swaying palm
I lay inside
listening to the day
listen to itself
no one sleeps inside you
waiting to be born

there are no numbers
not even one
or zero
there are no colors
not even black
or white
or long thin purply clouds at sunset
dragons playing in the

an exhale of all this
leaves no one breathing
no one singing
and no emptiness to fill

tires on the road at midnight
still awake
to the scent of shadows burning
and the bloom of this ever present wonder
swooning into petals of exquisite tenderness
or are they tears

love wears no clothes
nor nakedness

this streaming dream
a necklace of mirrors
crashing into infinite rainbows
falling through shards of a midnight
so dark
you thought you heard your lover calling
but could not remember her voice

echoes across the sea
never did find their source
you were waiting
and waiting
for your own return
your footsteps drowned in sand
your voice in wind

memory sang your name
but all you could vaguely recall was the scent of moon Lillies
your heart
to the dream of un-knowing
and the wonder of it all

trees drank my shadow
like a child learning words
running through the forest
echoes cannot be held by echoes

first the trees filled in the darkness
then the darkness filled itself
drank the day deeply
where nothing was tied to its reflection 

love slips her face into every mirror
no one wears this mask of infinite beauty
tied by ribbons of thought
coalescing into images
into words
into soft rounded vowels
and click-ety consonants
held in the womb of your mouth
between the hardness of your teeth
you feel your heart say the words
you have always longed to hear
welcome home
I've missed you

looking for love
you can only see yourself
yet there is no one to be seen
or look
are there separate stars
or just starlight?
are there separate lovers
or just love?

between thingness and no thingness
love rests
in thingness and every thingness
love rests

for no reason nor non reason
love embraces itself through our eyes our lips our tears  our smiles... 
our shared humanness is what we are
this dream that dreams itself
this water color passion play that paints itself
and erases itself
without time or non time
the river flows
good bye

no inside no outside nor middle eight
the song sings itself
and it sounds like love to me
my eyes caress the world as the world caresses me
my lines never were
yet they dissolved a long time ago
there is no need to remember the words
as the words remember me

magically the wind sings my name
and I am the wind singing
silhouette of sky
melts into its own echo

and it is all marvelous beyond measure
naturally perfect
without perfection nor imperfection
without movement nor non movement
love flows

what is the sound of sky
through sky
how do echoes bloom
when there is no sound
or silence?

a young girl walks by humming under her breath
we are memories
we are the shimmering of starlight
when there are no stars...

streetlights caress the sidewalk
a man leans down to touch his shadow
he cannot capture
his own light

under the wind
there are is no moon tonight
it seems I heard shadows
under her breath
inside your heart
can you hear
the night weeping?

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