Deep rain
Deep earth
Deep night
Anointed with sparrow song
Sky grows
Pushes itself from earth
But never leaves the horizon’s kiss
In the year before the shift
Deep deep sorrow fell into
Overarching joy
And joy fell into sorrow
All merged into this seamless ache of beauty
That seems to sing me
Hell fell into heaven
Heaven into hell
Sea into sky
Sky into sea
Me into you
You into me
We are imaginary membranes
Separating light from light
Space from space
Love from
last filagree of cloud
dissolves in moonlight's gaze
looking out
looking in
where is the sunshine in last night's dream?
budding rosebush heavy with rain
slowly dripping
into the greening
she holds a chorus of moonbeams in her shadow
as night drowns in the thinnest of dawns
in this window of reflections
I soar
suspended between inside and outside
a dream of drifting colors
sliding through rainbows
this vibrant bursting aliveness
has no source
other than itself
vault of stars
buried in clouds
time lost her empty hands
finding nothing to measure them
without sound
or silence
light sleeps
under the bones of night
first robin paints the morning dreamscape
bleeds into a darkness without edges
or lines
echoes fill the vastness of unknowing
spilling memory into her costume
the day begins
loving indifference....
there is caring yet no weight on an outcome... for example, I care about my dad, but there is no worry... no feeling that he should be healthy.... or live a long life.... or should be happy... but there is caring....
loving indifference ....
I am a fluid portrait
a gallery of all I have met on this lonely road
stories unique and familiar
petals on a river
glow in shimmering sunset
tales of sorrow
and joy
swirling galaxies echoing
in the chambers of my heart
a slipstream of ancient tides
pour tales of love
and love lost
into a flowing tapestry of song
precious threads of memory
sing a travelers tale
her feet are the feet of all who ever wandered the desert dream
looking for love...
or what they knew not
....something to glue life together
a key to unlock the door
crumble the wall
they feel separates them from life
trying to tear down the barrier of fear
and longing
and I sing
and I sing
and I sing
and weep
you are the imaginary membrane
a delicate shimmering transparency
between love
and nothing at all
life tastes itself through your sensitive lips
sees itself through the wetness of your eyes
your tears
are love's signature
as life
falls through life
leaving no trail to follow
the ground has already collapsed
memory paints the dance floor
and the dancers
there is no way out of this delicious
broken hearted beauty
that we are
no way to know this love
as we are it
in the echo of winter moon
cherry blossoms falling
chorus of finch song pierces the darkness
chorus of memory paints the morning
the garden is adorned in shimmering gossamer
we are endlessly faceted center-less jewels
a flowing web of shimmering reflections
tides of summers
and future
tug your heart strings
open the floodgates of unknowing
pour you into a tsunami of ocean song
you are a scintillating voice
unique and beautiful
our stories twist and twine and carpet the day dream
spiraling galaxies explode and implode
and fall into each other
in this love song that sings itself
there are no others
yet here we are
falling in love
wisteria flood my garden wall
love pours through this edgeless heart
the treasure of moonlight is never lost
nor found
memory's kiss paints this unspeakable love
not lost
nor found
in the garden of dreams
we sleep
and awaken
the scent of starlight
in our eyes
bones of night
break the earth
into a bower
song of endless sea
sinks your edgeless heart
sails dissolve
into wind
into wind
we are poems written with sky
songs have no weight
nor substance
love is not a sailing ship
soaring from me to you
we are a ship of dreams
on an endless ocean
we are love
in an edgeless sea of love
Deep earth
Deep night
Anointed with sparrow song
Sky grows
Pushes itself from earth
But never leaves the horizon’s kiss
In the year before the shift
Deep deep sorrow fell into
Overarching joy
And joy fell into sorrow
All merged into this seamless ache of beauty
That seems to sing me
Hell fell into heaven
Heaven into hell
Sea into sky
Sky into sea
Me into you
You into me
We are imaginary membranes
Separating light from light
Space from space
Love from
last filagree of cloud
dissolves in moonlight's gaze
looking out
looking in
where is the sunshine in last night's dream?
budding rosebush heavy with rain
slowly dripping
into the greening
she holds a chorus of moonbeams in her shadow
as night drowns in the thinnest of dawns
in this window of reflections
I soar
suspended between inside and outside
a dream of drifting colors
sliding through rainbows
this vibrant bursting aliveness
has no source
other than itself
vault of stars
buried in clouds
time lost her empty hands
finding nothing to measure them
without sound
or silence
light sleeps
under the bones of night
first robin paints the morning dreamscape
bleeds into a darkness without edges
or lines
echoes fill the vastness of unknowing
spilling memory into her costume
the day begins
loving indifference....
there is caring yet no weight on an outcome... for example, I care about my dad, but there is no worry... no feeling that he should be healthy.... or live a long life.... or should be happy... but there is caring....
loving indifference ....
I am a fluid portrait
a gallery of all I have met on this lonely road
stories unique and familiar
petals on a river
glow in shimmering sunset
tales of sorrow
and joy
swirling galaxies echoing
in the chambers of my heart
a slipstream of ancient tides
pour tales of love
and love lost
into a flowing tapestry of song
precious threads of memory
sing a travelers tale
her feet are the feet of all who ever wandered the desert dream
looking for love...
or what they knew not
....something to glue life together
a key to unlock the door
crumble the wall
they feel separates them from life
trying to tear down the barrier of fear
and longing
and I sing
and I sing
and I sing
and weep
you are the imaginary membrane
a delicate shimmering transparency
between love
and nothing at all
life tastes itself through your sensitive lips
sees itself through the wetness of your eyes
your tears
are love's signature
as life
falls through life
leaving no trail to follow
the ground has already collapsed
memory paints the dance floor
and the dancers
there is no way out of this delicious
broken hearted beauty
that we are
no way to know this love
as we are it
in the echo of winter moon
cherry blossoms falling
chorus of finch song pierces the darkness
chorus of memory paints the morning
the garden is adorned in shimmering gossamer
we are endlessly faceted center-less jewels
a flowing web of shimmering reflections
tides of summers
and future
tug your heart strings
open the floodgates of unknowing
pour you into a tsunami of ocean song
you are a scintillating voice
unique and beautiful
our stories twist and twine and carpet the day dream
spiraling galaxies explode and implode
and fall into each other
in this love song that sings itself
there are no others
yet here we are
falling in love
wisteria flood my garden wall
love pours through this edgeless heart
the treasure of moonlight is never lost
nor found
memory's kiss paints this unspeakable love
not lost
nor found
in the garden of dreams
we sleep
and awaken
the scent of starlight
in our eyes
bones of night
break the earth
into a bower
song of endless sea
sinks your edgeless heart
sails dissolve
into wind
into wind
we are poems written with sky
songs have no weight
nor substance
love is not a sailing ship
soaring from me to you
we are a ship of dreams
on an endless ocean
we are love
in an edgeless sea of love
last cherry blossoms
adorn the wind
I am an empty river
pouring through you
sunset fades on the mountain
under the darkening
a neighbor's cat
dawn sighs
kisses the echo of moon
wind sings
leaf tips begin to quiver
necklace of light
pours through the canopy
memory paints the dreaming
of a young girl
twirling under the willow tree
laughing at the utter
of light
adrift in gleaming shadows
lost in the shimmering beauty
of unknowing
she left and became an empty dress
silently mouthing the words
years and years and
of empty sun showers
waited for her return
she was swallowed by her longing
to return to the dance
she had never left
her fairy tale of wandering
circled around
the spinning seemed to hold a center
that suddenly exploded
into galaxies of wonder
the girl that fell from earth
fell through heaven
and hell
and arrived
and everywhere
you can hear her emerge in the singing
of nothing
of everything
into light
into tears
It is the belief in separation which you don't have, but which seems to create a you separate from what ever seems to appear, including thought and feeling and a never arising next. As you are this belief you cannot change it or get rid of it.... you are an imaginary character in a worded world composed of separate things and events...
As soon as one word, or concept is learned there is a feeling of a thing called 'tree' and all that is not tree, including a you.... and so on with all learned shared words which paint the shared dream of separation. Thought, composed of these words tells the story of a you and thought, of a you and feeling, ...memory is thought flowing painting a dream of a past, and a you somewhere in a non existent future... constant thought is required to create and maintain the self... when thought disappears all things, including a thinker, disappear.
Thought is like a net of razors seemingly separating the perceptual symphony and its inseparable recognition into separate things and events... and this description tells the story, first ....of perception and awareness of it... every word seemingly splitting up what has no actual division and what is not a thing, or a non thing.
sun showers
I am the loss of a night
no one had
and a dawn
that was never seen
...a love that was never told
or heard
across the great divide
between you
and me
I am this great ache to touch you
knowing we can never touch
this longing to sing
...sings me
yesterday's sun
cannot warm you
memory of light
illuminates today
where is tomorrow but in yesterday's sun showers
raining in the pale moon rising
falling into the sea of unknowing
we are the shimmering of boundless oceans
pouring through infinite iterations
of this thought dream
that sings us
dances us...
falling through each others footsteps
sharing the stories
that we are
shallow wind skirts the spring grasses
pouring yellows and greens and
cascades of sunlight through my eyes
wild eyed moon waits
on the other side of dawn
mournful songs of winters past
and winters to come
fill my eyes with tears
and wonder
that love can flood the desert
with sudden blooms of summer
this tender heart
no longer mine
is no longer buried in dreams of forever
paints our tears
with unbound beauty
I am this flowing love song
letters written and cast aside
...found again...
tattered and
into bits of sound
and silence
and crumpled moonlight
scattered into stars
lost again in the vault of sky
I begin and end with every word
that no one speaks
or hears
it was the searching for my name
in every bouquet of this sumptuous love song
that hid the light and
left only shadows
to bloom
first light
no finches at the feeder
I can hear their whistling calls
tangled in the roses
one morning dove
atop the telephone pole by my window
sings the song of my childhood
morning arises as easily as this thought stream
that paints it
what flows through these words
without sound
without silence?
what flows through this dreamscape
without light
without dark?
what is the essence of this primordial song
is there a backbeat
or notes unheard?
is there a teller of the tale of midnight
falling into dawn?
is there a seeker of this unfathomable thing called truth
or god
or love?
what is heard
what is listening?
what is seen
what is seeing?
where are the sides to this mirror
endlessly reflecting the echoes that have no source...
sings a song of unknowing
you are the looking for a looker
tattered prayer flags bleached by the searing sun
wind songs
sing and unravel the rich tapestry of uncountable threads spinning
tales of heartbreak and wonder
there is no one at the center
looking out
looking in
stories write themselves
and we appear to sing them
but we are them
wind soaring through wind
I am this nakedness that no one wears
this broken hearted beauty
the longing to sing of what has no words
nor music
but is all words
all music love
and all love
singing itself
just like this
wind swept shadows fly across the carpet
woven leaves do not tremble
tapestry of roses has no scent...
ocean of love has no words
no song can kiss it
it has no time or direction
nor space nor emptiness
it cannot be measured
or caught
or known
there is nothing separate from it
it is not a thing or an it
as it has no edges nor middle
in this flowing thought dream
there appears to be a lover and a beloved
but there is no love at all
nor is there not love...
shallow moon skims the garden
illuminates a forgotten path
disappearing in the tangled roses
fully leaved and beginning to bloom
pale tender light
shimmering liquid sky
slow wind
gentle on your face
sailing river of memory
informs and out forms every leaf
and shadow
you are the song unsung
yet heard in every song
you have no voice
but are all voices
your fingers gently skim across the page
mouthing the words of every song
words fall through words
and the blanket of reflections dissolves
you are a seamless ricochet of love
last years falling blossoms
weave tonight's carpet of moon
— Nancy Neithercut
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