Sun slides across sky
Sky slides across sky
Horizon unties itself
Sea falls up
Blue in blue in blue in blue
Ripples flow over and under into and through each other
weaving transparent webs that catch the wind’s reflection
Love’s memories echo from nowhere
From everywhere
Not lost
Not found
Shoes dance on the terrace
Mirrored skirts swirl
Light cannot see its own face
No words can paint this edgeless emptiness
Vast beyond vastness
Empty beyond emptiness
Beyond a word
Like love
Like you
Scintillating spaciousness whirls and kisses you on the mouth
Where was that other half of a kiss I longed for
It was closer than my own lips
My own song
It was never mine
No one gave it
No one received it
It was never about me.
She roamed the empty streets
Lonely jazz clubs
Looking for the perfect note
Some soared through her heart
Others led her to the edge of the sea. In her darkness, tomorrow’s day dream beckoned from the edge of no tomorrow.
She dove into the depths that washed the bones from her hair. She surfed into and drowned in her own reflection. She drifted into her own loneliness and collided into her empty shores.
I sat and watched my shadow burn.
Echoes of nothing sing this chorus.
Waves without a crest or furrow, this wetness streams through me as me and sings.
No moon empty sky.
No dawn will fill the vacancy in your chest. No words will the soothe the vastness of sorrow or erase your longing for freedom.
Carpet of day slides into view. How wondrous the morning glory covered with dew! How beautifully the wind caresses your softness! The love you were seeking created a path that had no end. Trying to erase your sorrow painted it across the sky. Trying to escape the walls built them.
Cricket song recedes as night slips on its day time clothes. You find yourself dancing without fear of darkness or hope of light.
Waterfalls of memory slide into your crumbling footsteps that dance on the edge of time. Echoes boomerang across the cliffs and catapult words and phrases that cannot catch even a wisp of a shadow you spied dancing behind the mirror. You ran and ran as the edges began to collapse yet the imaginary distance could not be crossed. You roared, and no one answered. You wept and found only a beautiful wetness.
Perhaps you are a beautiful reflection, with no solidity at all? All encompassing transparent brilliance has pierced your heart. You bleed into yourself.
The frame dissolves as the edges fall off the painting
Colors bleed into themselves
There is no ghost inside this body
Just a flowing watercolor dream painted by scintillating neurons
Nouns my bones
Verbs my flesh my feeling my dance of wet in wet
Space in space
scattering syllables rippling memories and thoughts of future
A timeline
Braided ropes of air
Hangs suspended in sky
No ladder no bridge no compass no bridegroom no promise no hope will lead to an imaginary destination of being real
picking flowers
ashes bloom in her mouth
the kiss of her own transparency
Velvet space
Thinner than light
This utter vacancy has no outside
Nor inside
no one left
No one followed
No one returned
Sunlight chandeliers fall through the tall dark forest. Illuminating a dead leaf spinning, a path strewn with memories and hope. Birdsong echoes, waltzing with your breath your heart beat as you pause,
Suspended as the hush.
Thought paints a dreamscape of this and that. Colors slide into view. Sound shimmers on the wind. So wondrous how there seems to be someone singing these very words that slide through your thought stream that colors the world that you think of as yours.
Thought twists and twines weaving a bower of clouds where you can rest and feel safe. It may hold you for awhile, but for some the pretense becomes thin, and the cradle falls. You know there is no next, you know that there are no handholds in this slippery slide of life. You know that life is more marvelous than you could ever dream or wish for... what holds you back... what are you waiting for?
Wind carried her to the edge of no tomorrow and collided with the end of dreams. Sails collapsed under the weight of nothing. Rainbow iridescence slid down the canyon walls and gathered in pools of echoes. Under the shadows, not even darkness, inside the inside, not even outside waited for nowhere. No one waited for no one. Ravishingly devastatingly wondrous this utter vacancy that swallowed the wind and roared.
Under her nakedness not even darkness, under this brilliance not even a reflection, beneath her song, not even emptiness. Infolding outfolding waves of sound unraveled tattered canvasses of light, her wingless feathers soared, love ripped wide open, raw naked and alive.
He drove all night looking for his echo and found himself on the threshold between forever and never weeping.
Sun slid through its own reflection.
Behind the kitchen door
A moon Lilly blooms
Laughter at sea
There is nothing behind the looking glass
Nothing under these words
Nothing before or after this very song that sings itself
Echoes of echoes
memories reverberate
reflections of reflections paint thoughts of tomorrow
nothing stays
there is no solidity
There are no things
less than ephemeral beyond all ideas of emptiness the great vacuum sucks out your breath your song your heart in utter wonderment.
Empty stone
Empty sky
Empty heart
Drained of the blood of belief
Empty love
Feels like love eviscerated you
Ravished you
Emptied you
Emptied emptiness
And filled your empty shoes
Emptiness dances
Love dances
In you as you through you
This love song was never about you
Moonlit long shallow waves
sweep the sand
greet themselves
in and out
hello goodbye hello
Disappearing and reappearing
This kiss was never lost
It cannot be found
You hear it
You felt it
You are it
Empty of moonlight
Empty of shadow
Empty of wetness
Simply this edgeless sea of dreams
Caressing itself
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