Monday, January 22, 2018

Teachers of Enlightenment

Many teachers of enlightenment tell you to rest as awareness or simply recognize awareness or clarity or open intelligence.  This creates the idea that there is a thing called awareness, and perpetuates the illusion that there is a you separate and apart from what’s going on who can do or not do anything or nothing to manipulate it.

Other teachers tell you to be in the now, creating the idea that there is a thing called a Now, and substantiates the painful belief that there is a you separate and outside of what’s going on who can somehow join with this elusive idea called now.  Can you find the beginning or end to a moment?  Are there separate moments?  Is there an edge or outside to what’s going on and a you who can step outside of this flow and manipulate or accept or reject or surrender to it?

Some will say to stop trying to change or reject thought and emotion.  This perpetuates the belief that there is a separate someone who thinks and or feels, and someone who does actions.  Can you find the beginning or end to a thought or feeling?  Are there really separate thoughts?  You cannot find separate thoughts as you are not separate from the thought stream some call mind.

You cannot relax or surrender to what’s going on as trying to accept what’s going on is what’s going on.

Some say to let go of your story.  This is impossible as trying to let go of it becomes your story, doesn’t it?

There is no hope, is there?  There is no other better more or next, have you ever found a next or now or then?

All that’s going on, is an uninterrupted indivisible symphony of what we call perception and the simultaneous inseparable recognition of it.  They are not separate and this edgeless flow is not an it.  It has no edge or outside or inside.

The brain uses shared learned words to describe it, painting separate things, calling its own thought stream, ‘mind’, and believes it is a thing.  Mind is not a thing, it is what’s ‘thinging’.  You and all thingness arise in this indivisible thought stream.  You are this flowing description.  You are a mentally fabricated imaginary being.

Some imaginary ‘things’ refer to the physical manifested world which has no qualities or characteristics or time dimension or measurement without this flowing description which seems to create solid and stable ‘things’.

Other imaginary ‘things’ refer to things purely imaginary like self and god and tomorrow.

Many teachers will tell you that you are an unchanging thing like timeless awareness or pure consciousness or a true self or source or the love or emptiness from which all things arise.  There is no thing which is unchanging as there would have to be things to have movement or non movement.  There are no reference points whatsoever.  There is nothing eternal as eternal is a long time and there is no time and no things.

This is it coyote, there is no other better more or next and no one to have it.  All there is is this wondrous scintillating aware aliveness recognizing this awareness because of this conceptual reality that seems to appear through this dream of separation.

All enlightenment really is, is the profound shift in perspective when the brain no longer believes the conceptual reality it creates.  It does not happen with effort or non effort and does not happen to the person.  Yet it gives the imaginary character a life free from the ever present hope and fear and need of a never arising next, and free from the angst of knowing there is no meaning or purpose to life and that she will die.

Anyone who says that this can be taught or learned or given away is profoundly mistaken.  They obviously believe that it is an understanding or belief or a thing that can be attained. It is an empty prize for no one.

This can be intuited and felt, this seamless edgeless ness of which I sing, but it cannot be touched with words.  Therefore it cannot be ‘known’ in the conventional sense.  You know it deeply somewhere, everyone does, this fluid uncaptureable unknowable spacious emptiness yet because of the belief in separation it is rarely noticed.

The feeling that there is something horribly wrong is the dissonance between the belief of separation and the deep down feeling that there is no separation.

As long as you feel separate you will try to not feel separate, and all trying or trying to not try will perpetuate the painful illusion of and feeling of being separate.

there is no thing or non thing which you ‘truly are’, under or having thought.
No body no brain no thought no you.
The belief that there is something beyond thought is the belief in other better more and next.  Beyond mind or thought there is no you.  There is no beyond mind. As beyond is thought.

Self is the assumption of personal volition.

There are no things from which to choose and no one separate from what’s going on who can choose.  It’s only marvelously thought which creates the illusion of separation.  The conceptual virtual reality in which we exist.

We are the dream.  There is no escape or outside to the dream as inside and outside like all this and that are made up.  Nice ideas, like you.

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