Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Clear Radiant Wonder

and always
clear radiant wonder
lights the dawn
slowly slowly
the canyon appears
paints these eyes
and these tears
that reflect the morning

slowly slowly
wind begins its soft dance
with trees and evening sky
filling and emptying me
pouring through itself
I am the wind
wind is me

fingers of the pecan tree play the darkening blue
arpeggios of a love song
echo this fullness of space
it empties itself
with its last breath
consuming light and darkness
the end of time left her kiss on my lips
when sorrow and joy merged

billowing and sailing
autumn breathes the heart of a summer evening
clouds fall off the side of the mountain
into waves of rippling sky

Do we ever get used to the ones we love leaving us?
A hollow bell with no ringer
Just the wind passing by
Echoes of echoes paint watercolor tears
Reflect my face in the river
And the mountains behind me
As I drown in the sea of dreams

Reflections of love’s memories
This ache of joy of sorrow merged
Into everything and nothing at all
Where are my footsteps?
They erase themselves on the edge of this shoreless ocean
One foot in the dream
The other dissolved in vastness

Acres of moon beams never caught or held
Memories of light fall into and through themselves
Echoes untie all ideas of light
And dark
Hollow bell of the night flower
Sings my name
Wilting in the summer sun

Words may stretch imaginary boundaries
Suck out the breath of the heart
So many times
You become accustomed
To free falling

The walls may dissolve or they might explode
And you will stop looking for love
Stop being terrified to feel all that love
You were scared to let go of....
You fall and fall and fall
Until you realize
There is no place to land
And no one falling

Feeling the roundness of vowels in your mouth
Your heart begins to sing
The stability of consonants begins to flounder
Songs may soar through you
Pierce you with love’s heart magic
Skin you alive
Leave you weeping
Wondering why you tried to avoid the sadness
And these tears
That you are

melancholy stretches its arms into an elegant dance
of shine and shade
of wind bent and flower laden sage
arching into sky

yellow pollen on my jeans
last brush of summer

such un-namable beauty
this ache of our aliveness
the demise of love
tears climb out of my window
flowing and holding still
paint echoes on the looking glass
my reflection in your beautiful beautiful eyes

moonlight on the garden path
still under fallen leaves
day sleeps

wind echoes this silence
breathes the night
heavy on the mountain
white clouds swim

children sleep
dream of day
and running through the fields

I sit in the glow of my laptop
words flowing through me
weeping at the wonder
of night and day

layers of mirrors reveal light and shadow
singing these eyes these lips this aching moon glow
pouring through the window

under the sigh
the hush
beneath the moon
songs fade into this pale morning
finches in the summer breeze

the moon has fallen over the canyon wall
yet its light lingers
slowly soaring up the cliffs
to kiss the morning

this piercing brilliance
of loves embrace
of love lost
never fades
cannot be traced
afterimages strike through your eyelids
in the darkest night
the scent of the moon Lillies

it was only a dream that there were two sides to the mirror
and a middle
in this dream of not knowing
edgeless love sings

in this dream of night and day
there is no tomorrow
no place to hide your heart
or contain this love
it was never yours

reaching for the taste of taste
your hand falls into sky
sky falls into sky

death lives in every breath
morning blooms
as it colors the clouds
and my face
wind tatters our petals
fragments of sky
rippling in the pond

Silence is not within or without 
It saturates sound 
And sings 

what is it that sings me dances me fills me empties me?
it is love it is joy it is sorrow
it is nothing at all
yet it beckons me to dance as I ask you now... 
love song 
smoke signals in the wind 
that are never written or read
echo across the canyon 

this great divide is only as real as we are 
imaginary lines made of rippling reflections 
I reach out and swoon into your beauty 
falling onto the dance floor as it falls away 
your light shines my eyes
paints my tears
colors my rainbow reflection
into this heartbreakingly wondrous dance 
this passion play
where we can find ourselves
and never touch 

....and the wetness of our tears 
this unmistakable beauty of love

this is the end of belief in belief... even the belief in love... 
belief in separation and unicity falls away...
and the feeling tone has no name, not even feeling...
like the perfection of the sound of a bell
when there is no bell
nor anyone to ring it
or wait for it to end...
always dying into its own silence
and blossoming into this very song   

cry of the night hawk pierces the dawn
children run through the dance of chrysanthemum clouds 
clothed in pale light 
they do not look for yesterdays sky

Silence is not within or without 
It saturates sound 
And sings

love isn't everything
nor is it nothing
there are no things

reaching out to touch
there is only your embrace 

what can be held if there are no hands
where could you hold the day 
there is no tomorrow 
morning glory blooms for no one 
evening sings its death in your heart 
there is no place to rest 
no where to go
life and love bloom and wilt 
old man sits on an empty bench 
subsumed with the awe and joy of simply being

this is the end of belief in belief... even the belief in love... 
belief in separation and unicity falls away...
and the feeling tone has no name, not even feeling...
like the perfection of the sound of a bell
when there is no bell
nor anyone to ring it
or wait for it to end...
always dying into its own silence
and blossoming into this very song   

cry of the night hawk pierces the dawn
children run through the dance of chrysanthemum clouds 
clothed in pale light 
they do not look for yesterdays sky

and in the end there is no doubt nor place for it to arise..........
all the secret corners of your being have been undone
there is nothing left to hide nor anywhere to hide it
nor anyone to hide...
there is nothing in the bottom of the cup
not even emptiness
or nothingness
or thinglessness

the suck as the tide goes out
water shimmering in the afternoon sun as it percolates into the sands of the shoreless sea
just an empty sublime vastness
suspended as awe
in the dance of love

This silence has no words yet includes all words

there is no gate to unicity 
no sound or silence lives there
not even nothing dances there
I can hear the morning song of the finches
but they have not gathered at the feeders 
or the ponds
moonlight gathers its empty dress 
pale dawn bathes the garden 
the sound of primordial seas
echoes of nights shadow
bloom and wilt into their own reflections 
nakedness dances with itself 
never caught in the headlights of day 

mountain winds rush down the canyon
stream through the garden 
light pours through me
as I drink deeply 
life consumes me 
etches my face
with smiles and tears 
and this empty dress
of mirrors 

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