Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October skies

Syllables of love
Through your eyes
Through your lungs
Through your heart
The countless love letters you sent
Pleading for her kiss
Will not form or rip apart her song
It is not made of words
Yet every word sings her

Love rests
And breathes in
Her own reflection
Echoes of her silence
Ripple through the tips of her wings
As she flys into the innermost core of your being
With a mirror

this sweet fire
not hot nor cold
cannot be remembered or forgotten
This song
Without words
Includes all words

Without sound
It is not silent
And is always heard

It is not nothing
Nor everything
Yet all things are included

Not formless nor solid
Not empty nor full
Neither infinite nor finite
Neither here nor there nor in between
Neither arriving nor leaving
Not beginning nor ending
Without space or time or direction
Or motion or stillness

Music so beautiful
These waves of sound
Crush all ideas of music
Love so tremendous
Slaughter all ideas of love
This naked radiance
Burns you
This sweet fire
You longed for
Cannot be lost or found
For it is everywhere and nowhere
This pyre of love
Everything is burnt in it’s beautiful maw
Like a moth to a flame
You run towards it
And fear it
It is your own love
That sings your name in the darkness
You cannot hide in your own shadow
The night has already consumed you 

You cannot see yourself
You are blinded by your own radiance
You cannot hear yourself
Your song is light 
dancing with itself 
Spinning cartwheeling through itself 
Even darkness is light
Love swallows all in its fire 
That consumes you and all ideas of love

her heart unfolding 
petals falling
softly softly 
light glimpses its reflection 
but cannot hold it
there is no source to this love
infinitely self illumined 
this universe of mirrors 
she felt the ripping apart of softness
of hardness 
as her heart bled into the flowing
on the edge of the river
as the banks are crumbling 
on the uppermost branch of a naked tree
one small sparrow

words flow in a loop de loop 
tumbling backwards and forwards
creating dreams of yesterday and tomorrow 
a lone woman walking 
embraced in her horizon
the cloth of memory 
holds the sun in the east
and yet she feels the beautiful agony of sunset 
she is burned on memories pyre
time escapes its boundaries 
and she is born in death
dancing on a timeline 
twirling night into day 
and day into night 
not here nor there
nor anywhere in-between 
basking in rainbows blooming 
and weeping 
tears reflect all colors
as they paint her reflection
breathing sky

Swallowing the stars 
The stars swallow you 
Burning piercing all consuming light exploding imploding the warmth and light of infinite suns 
You are the light and the reflection 
You are love itself seeing itself through all you see and feel and touch and breathe 
And I love you 
And this is not my love 
Nor yours 
But ours 

The very ground on which you stood
The very essence that you thought you were
The building blocks of what you thought you knew
Skin and teeth, blood and bones and stars and galaxies atoms, electrons, quarks, and time and space shatter and disperse and dissolve into themselves
there is not even a before or an after
Or light or dark
And you are made now of this very unknowing
When nothing can be found and nothing is sought
No words can touch this intimate infinity
Or truly describe the slaughter
And the love of losing everything and finding nothing at all

Joy and sorrow are beauty’s eyes

I may say you are love or beauty or everything or nothing at all... 
just this hush of moon 
And the night Lilly blooming

I know that you and me and love are made up... and that we are but a beautiful dream waltzing.... catching a glimpse of our own magnificent radiance through each others eyes...

like a magician's tale, a hologram of light and shadow painting reflections of reflections on a canyon waterfall, we can only hear and see the afterimages of ricocheting wonder...

echoes of echoes swirling down the river
bound for the shoreless sea

You cannot plunge through the skin of words 
Even the letters of your broken heart can be counted 
What aches to pluck the flower and swallow it’s tender petals so they may bloom under your skin 
So that their beauty may burn your blood
And bones
And heart
So that their softness
May kiss you from the inside and out

There is not even nothing under this net of words that paints you and your world 
you cannot go there
Yet a knowing may arise that all words are false 
including the word love 
including the word false

Plucking the roses your hands bleed
counting the rosary your heart bleeds
One by one by one by one the beads come apart the petals fall
painting the wind
With your song of longing 
For love

I am not a hollow reed or an empty bell
I do not exist without your song

No breath or silence was needed
To reveal that there is nothing under this echo
One by one the costumes vanished
Even this nakedness
That I longed for
Sorrow and joy are not clothes
There is no lone figure suspended as moonlight 
Or bliss
Or love 
No shadow dances 
No one speaks these words 
these daggers of love
Sing themselves

and you find you never left, nor returned... that the belief in separation filled these empty shoes, this empty path, this empty cry to the darkening skies... 
and all you heard was the familiar echo of your own love
ricocheting through the canyon...

lovers soar through your heart and leave little nests of love remembered
...the bits of blue fallen on the pine needles... are such gems... the empty shells sparkle in the sun ...just so

when you look in the mirror you remember their eyes laughing... weeping....
and you weep and bask in loves memories

she may seem to sneak in when you least expect it, snuffling your tender neck with her hot breath, leaving a kiss as she leaves... but she is never near or far, this love this silence this gift you long for... 
she has no name yet she is in every name
joy and love and deep deep sorrow
her teeth will consume you
as she devours your name 
blood washing down the river of tears
you reach out to touch her
to kiss her back
to hold her forever 
you fall and fall and fall and fall
and find you are the river
light pouring through you
as you are the rushing waters

How are you long to be eviscerated and
fear to be laid bare
Without even nakedness
To clothe your hollow bones
Yo hide your empty heart
Terrified that there is no one, no heart,
To open
No eyes to open
Under the lids
No light 
Nor darkness 

Ice and fire throb through your arteries and veins
Sorrow and joy and grief and love 
Twisting twining the vines of utter despair and emptiness weave your very essence into a story written with disappearing ink

This great wind that dissolves all knowing
And unknowing 
Feeds this icy fire 
That consumes you 
In its last breath 
You hear it’s raging silence
Spitting your silhouette into sky 
Pirouetting light and dark 
Spinning shadows 
A love dance 
Of sky 
In sky 

The ends of the rainbows were never separate
Nor the colors in between
They bleed into each other
Filling your footsteps with memories
Love bleeds into the dream
Rests her weary head in your lap
Looks up at you, smiling,
And says, ‘let’s dance’

you are less substantial than the sumptuous mirage of cloud reflections
spinning in the mirror 
pouring across your face...

gently gently the wind
softly softly the echo
of silence 
no secret corner of your being
will emerge
or dissolve 
no one will merge with you
or transform you
no god
no secret lover 
no tomorrow will awaken you
just this football on the tv
rain battering the window
the memory of a kiss
such immeasurable majesty!
winged beauty of a single tear
tenderness of your flesh
your hungry belly
tsunami of love
carries it all
love holds all things
in its endless arms
and dissolves them
and you 
into itself

I can see the scars of love in your eyes
Shining with tender piercing brilliance
Weeping for the love of it all 
Love’s pyre claimed everything 
All your plans 
Your past 
Your beautiful rings and raiment 
Your skin and blood 
Even your beautiful nakedness 

Empty hands 
Cannot hold your magnificence 
They brush right through you 
No ashes are left 
To blow away in the wind 
Light is too small a word for this light 
This love that cannot be spoken 
Sings your name 
Paints your cheeks with tears 
Smiling weeping reflecting 
October skies 

Once tasted 
This flame
On your lips 
Your breath 
Your tongue 
Your arteries and veins 
Burns your blood 
Surging with the tides 

Everything is pulled into this conflagration 
Spring sighing in its promise of warmth 
Long summer nights clothed in whispers of moon
Autumn colors are sucked into this bonfire of love 
Winter trees 
Naked limbs reach for sky 
Weaving flowing lace traceries 
Lines and spaces flow into each other 
Sky burns 
Ashes falling 
Down falls up 
Distance surrenders 
Time swallows itself 
Is it the wind or is it you 
That sails through midnight 

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