Life simply does it self
looking and feeling like anything at all
there’s no source or wholeness or emptiness appearing as this
there’s just this
There is no that
twisted branches lace the sky
it is not broken
joy in sorrow
sorrow in joy
love extends infinitely
it cannot be broken
how beautiful these tears
how wondrous this love
this broken heart was never mine
I am it
I wanted to spiral into myself
and out of myself...
Unwind the back beat of time
Suspecting that this was nowhere
I was crushed under the weight
Of my own aloneness
And found it was everyone’s
There was no god or oneness or love
Or anyone to merge with it
No one sitting on the edge of a rainbow
The heart strings of the universe play our love songs
We feel this music deeply
It is us
Peering into the physical world and finding nothing substantial will not necessarily translate into the knowing feeling that there are no things or non things and no one to know that
No one would want this... and I would not ask anyone I know to go through this agony, yet the sublime sheer wonder that is always on was worth every tear...
I live in love as love through love knowing that there is no me nor you nor love
sun sweeps across the cloudy canyon
finches bathe in the last puddle
sailing through reflections of plum blossoms
under the words
there is not even nothing
nothing is a word
like you
autumn wind swept down the canyon
words pierced my heart
heart, a word
like love
longing to find solace
hoping to hold the vowels in my mouth,
to savor the flavor of taste itself...
sparkling canyon stream
a running line of letters
written to no one
pleading for my own return
knowing no one had left
not even a shadow of wind
could toss its head and roar
not one footstep
echoing in the canyon
will lead to tomorrow
the song of the canyon
this imaginary space between echoes
hello I love you
this awake-ness
this aliveness
this awareness of being aware
this obvious wondrousness
that you are
without name or number
lives only in the canyon of love
thought unravels the preceding thought
before is thought
thought is thought
spinning yarns that cannot be found
etch a sketch of sky
in sky
searching the sky for a familiar face
reflections of yesteryear faded into her shadow
vast tides could not contain the sea
nor tall mountains hold the sky....
yet, in the palm of her hand she watched her tears gather
she was simply empty echoes of a song rippling across the vastness
undertow of time sucked out the fear of myself
spinning words across the daydream
my mouth could not hold
we were simply pinpoints in a theatre of dreams
stars exploding and fading in each others light
the black backdrop seemed to hide the light
but nothing was left to erase
no one's hand holds the magic wand
it either taps you on the crown or not
I wept as all the jewels fell into the river
and scrambled down the banks
my heart ripped to shreds
as hope took its last breath
I drowned
and the slits in my heart became gills
Sorrow and joy rushed through me
Pouring me out
Ripping my heart in half
I saw my reflection on the other side of love
And sailed right through it
There were no sides to merge or split apart
No middle ground to hide my face
Life is a constant kiss of sighs
Falling through a song of wind
Hello goodbye hello
looking and feeling like anything at all
there’s no source or wholeness or emptiness appearing as this
there’s just this
There is no that
twisted branches lace the sky
it is not broken
joy in sorrow
sorrow in joy
love extends infinitely
it cannot be broken
how beautiful these tears
how wondrous this love
this broken heart was never mine
I am it
I wanted to spiral into myself
and out of myself...
Unwind the back beat of time
Suspecting that this was nowhere
I was crushed under the weight
Of my own aloneness
And found it was everyone’s
There was no god or oneness or love
Or anyone to merge with it
No one sitting on the edge of a rainbow
The heart strings of the universe play our love songs
We feel this music deeply
It is us
Peering into the physical world and finding nothing substantial will not necessarily translate into the knowing feeling that there are no things or non things and no one to know that
No one would want this... and I would not ask anyone I know to go through this agony, yet the sublime sheer wonder that is always on was worth every tear...
I live in love as love through love knowing that there is no me nor you nor love
sun sweeps across the cloudy canyon
finches bathe in the last puddle
sailing through reflections of plum blossoms
under the words
there is not even nothing
nothing is a word
like you
autumn wind swept down the canyon
words pierced my heart
heart, a word
like love
longing to find solace
hoping to hold the vowels in my mouth,
to savor the flavor of taste itself...
sparkling canyon stream
a running line of letters
written to no one
pleading for my own return
knowing no one had left
not even a shadow of wind
could toss its head and roar
not one footstep
echoing in the canyon
will lead to tomorrow
the song of the canyon
this imaginary space between echoes
hello I love you
this awake-ness
this aliveness
this awareness of being aware
this obvious wondrousness
that you are
without name or number
lives only in the canyon of love
thought unravels the preceding thought
before is thought
thought is thought
spinning yarns that cannot be found
etch a sketch of sky
in sky
searching the sky for a familiar face
reflections of yesteryear faded into her shadow
vast tides could not contain the sea
nor tall mountains hold the sky....
yet, in the palm of her hand she watched her tears gather
she was simply empty echoes of a song rippling across the vastness
undertow of time sucked out the fear of myself
spinning words across the daydream
my mouth could not hold
we were simply pinpoints in a theatre of dreams
stars exploding and fading in each others light
the black backdrop seemed to hide the light
but nothing was left to erase
no one's hand holds the magic wand
it either taps you on the crown or not
I wept as all the jewels fell into the river
and scrambled down the banks
my heart ripped to shreds
as hope took its last breath
I drowned
and the slits in my heart became gills
Sorrow and joy rushed through me
Pouring me out
Ripping my heart in half
I saw my reflection on the other side of love
And sailed right through it
There were no sides to merge or split apart
No middle ground to hide my face
Life is a constant kiss of sighs
Falling through a song of wind
Hello goodbye hello
infinite wishes
tossed into the fountain
autumn bulbs
breathe the heart of spring
sunset casts its shadow in the heart of the living
bursts into an unquenchable flavor of aliveness
in our mouths
these words
not mine
not yours
tossed into the fountain
autumn bulbs
breathe the heart of spring
sunset casts its shadow in the heart of the living
bursts into an unquenchable flavor of aliveness
in our mouths
these words
not mine
not yours
can I light your body on fire
to know this preciousness
so you will stop curling up in a ball
fearful of this tsunami of love
waiting for the end
that is always here?
to know this preciousness
so you will stop curling up in a ball
fearful of this tsunami of love
waiting for the end
that is always here?
Ocean crashes into itself
Over and over and over
Until the very atoms and particles of water dissolve
Love falls through itself
Until there is nothing left to grasp
And no hand or heart to hold it
blood roars
distant sound of ocean
child cries
mother calls
across the sparkling sea
pours the sound of home into your bones
was it a horse I heard
nuzzling your heart?
longing for more time
trying to pour the day into a glass
watch it sparkle
and drink you
what are you but this longing for life
that lives you
breathes you
pours you into its cup
and watches you sparkle
through your eyes?
What words bring out your nakedness
That you thought you had hidden
In the pocket of that old winter coat
Eaten by mice
Stuffed into the back of a closet
With those old shoes
They have holes in the soles but
You walked many miles
Danced a thousand suns in them
Kissed the hero
And lost him at dawn
When he cut off his legs and went begging for love
You could not save him
You cannot save yourself
From love
no one can speak this language
it slides into the cracks of the earth
parches your mouth
dust devils in the desert
waiting for the rain
saturated with a longing
to weep
I love you sings silently
loud and clear
I hear your heart
all hearts
beautifully broken on the hem of desire
every moment a pin prick
the needle of time cannot mend
and who would want to become a stone
a brick wall
blocking out the sky?
tears dissolve the mortar
and light and love flood you
and wash you away
no one goes anywhere
or no where
its just reflections shimmering
on this lake of flight
memory kisses itself
creating an imaginary island of solidity
but there is no one sailing this boat
no wings or sails to unfurl
and catch the sunset
no wheel spins...
no anchor to fall into the fathomless depths
and find no ground to land on
and you are death clutching your purse
pacing the hallway
glancing in all the doors
everyone looks like you
backlit by the curtained window
"no one dies" they kept telling her
and she wanted to believe them
but she was scared
they were young
and had never loved
and lost love
we spoke often those last two years
we laughed
and wept and wept and wept
I miss her
I am this story of a ballerina walking a tight rope
between birth and death
twirling a beautiful umbrella
who fell off
floating on my own breath...
my songs sing me to sleep at night
and kiss me awake in the morning
outside of this story
of you
of me
of we
I do not exist
the song extends indefinitely
it has no end nor beginning
it has no movement
it is not still
yet the dancer will reach the end one day
I am ripples of memory
I looked at my slim shoulders
and the unwound gear of spine
protruding from my back
covered with a thin layer of flesh
and wondered how I would ever fly
without wings
without feathers...
but it is the very inability to fly
this beautiful broken heart
that creates the soaring
this softness
the wetness of these eyes
can erase the imaginary lines
between me and you
and we soar into each others hearts and see our reflection
and drown in our own loveliness
a water ballet of sky
in sky
awakening feels like losing your mind...
and it is terrifying...
and as you are a product of the mind stream and the thought stream creates the known or fabricated world,
it is like losing all that you know including the idea of a know-er...
it feels like you are dying...
that your world is dying...
that time is dying...
and for the very few who fall all the way....
there is not even nothing left