Saturday, March 23, 2019

Nothing Under The Skin

Canyon roars with waterfalls of echoes
Words weave a tapestry of memory
Ripping into this very sunrise
Where there is no end
Or beginning
To this brilliant transparency
Light streaming through light
Shadows crocheting shadows
Such unknowable vastness
Where there is no direction
Or time
Not even nothing
I appear as a reflection in your eyes
I see poems weeping

my chest my heart my lungs were pierced by love and ripped inside out
that I may breathe

there is nothing there

what drank the night
what drinks the day
my eyes pour beauty
love pours itself
we are the drinking of our own love

I can only describe what it was like before...
What happened, and try to describe what it’s like now after this profound permanent shift in perspective.
I am not trying to convince anyone of anything.  I am not trying to change your beliefs or erase them.  I know that you are not the instigator of your thought belief feeling or action, that we and all thingness are simply beautiful flowing thought dreams...

I am not trying to change you or the world
I know you are unutterably beautiful just as you think you are.

Some words may resonate, some may not...
Some may sound similar to others who have experienced this shift and some may not.
I’m happy to try to clarify what this is like if you have any questions, but only you can know what it’s like for you.

Awakening is not a belief or understanding or philosophy.  There is nothing to get and no one to get it.  No things to understand and no one to understand them... No place to arrive and no one to arrive.

Many of my songs may skip the habitual thought patterns out of the usual groove, and leave the mind hanging with no where to go.  Some love this feeling of sensuous lostness... others don’t.

I feel the pain of seekers deeply as I was once desperately looking for what I knew not end to the pain...
and I see them mouthing the words of teachers that simply perpetuate the painful illusion of separation and well, I sing.

When it’s known and felt that no one nor the world is broken there is no more complaining
There are still preferences and beliefs but there is no one who has them

Love bleeds
Like light pouring into light
Like water flowing through water
Tears into tears
Life flows through you in you as you
Emptying you
Filling you
A bottomless treasure chest

Winter trees clothed in clouds
Pierce the skin of sky
Rain of all desire
Washes you away
River of song
Left a watermark in your heart
That blew away
Blew away
Blew away
With the sunset

Firstly the brain using shared learned words seems to split up the symphony of perception and it’s inseparable recognition into two things... perception and awareness...
And as the belief in separation becomes solidified then it feels like there separate things, and a separate individual, someone who thinks and feels and does action....
And this belief in separation has quite a dissonance with a deep intuited knowing that is sometimes felt, that there truly are no separate things or moments...

For some this is horribly painful and they become seekers and they generally look for ideas like wholeness or oneness or enlightenment that somehow may quench that pain of feeling separate
because feeling separate just feels wrong!!!!

And in all of the searching what the brain is doing is trying to put together all of these imaginary separate things into some kind of place of rest or understanding....

And all of this imaginary doing the seeker does simply perpetuates the painful illusion of a separate seeker...

So the profound shift in perspective of which I sing is when the brain somehow no longer believes in this illusion of separation it has created from shared learned words or the thought stream or mind....

When this happens it is unutterably wondrous there’s no more feeling that there are separate things divided by space or separate events divided by time
it no longer feels like there is a thinker, or a feeler or a doer....

It is known that life does it self there is no source there is no something which is permanent and unchanging like a true self or timeless awareness or pure consciousness there are no things to be permanent or changing......

It no longer feels like life is happening to someone or that there is someone doing life
it is all piece
of itself so.....

It is known without a doubt always that no one is the instigator of their thought belief action or feeling....

There is no trying to change anyone or trying to teach this as since enlightenment does not happen to the imaginary character there is nothing the imaginary character can do or not do to make this happen....

It cannot be taught or learned as it is not a belief in fact it is the end of belief in all belief....
It cannot be transmitted or given away....

In fact although I try to sing of this songs flow through me every day
and yet every word seems to slice up the sky....

Bit by bit or all at once the illusion of separation is no longer believed or felt...
it doesn’t mean you disappear or stop feeling
The dream of illusion is the only world we can know
There is no outside to the dream
No inside...

It’s simply always known that all separation
Is illusion
Yet felt deeply
And somehow realer than real....

And the ripping apart of belief in illusion hurts like hell
As that is what you are

spring morning
naked trees
clothed in clouds
robin song

yellow mug
warms my hands
steam rises

sky is not broken by clouds
or trees
or morning

painted by thought
the universe appears
and morning streams across the sky

love and beauty
enter the world
through our eyes

Love has no house
You need not enter

Wings are not needed for the sky to swallow you 
You have always been part sky...

Feet are not needed for the earth to cover you
You have never left your beautiful home...

Gills are not needed to breathe underwater
These slits open when your heart is slashed by love and love lost... 

Hearts are necessary for life to sing you twirl you pierce you with your own love 
To feel so deeply the crushing of earth and sea into sky 

Softness is required to feel the wind upon your cheeks 
Tears are needed to cast reflections of love’s echo upon the world 

origami swans unfolding into sails
shining with sunset
tears unravel endless wetness signing the pages of your life

its like you are skinned alive
and there is nothing under the skin

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